The Waves of the Mighty Ocean

God said:

Let love overpower you the way sleepiness does. Let love come upon you. A state of love. A confluence of love. If you can have all the other things you have, you can have love. You can be in a constant state of love. You have anger. You have restlessness. You have sleepiness and hunger. Have love in the same way. You can always call upon it.

You don't have to wait for a prince or princess to arrive. Let the dawning day and the movement of the sun and the light of the stars be the occasion for the love within you to shine. Why not shine love? Why not shine love everywhere at all times for everyone? Why not be one who loves? Love. With every beat of your heart, love.

Love the next person you see, and the one after. Love the house you live in, and the people who live in it with you. Love all the people who live in the Universe with you. Share your love as if it would never go out of style. Love never has. It never will. Despite all the things you think you are about — this problem and that problem, this event and that event, this conversation or that, or being late to work, getting lost, being too busy, having to clean off the dust of the world — you are love. You love. I love you, and you love in a radius of 360 degrees. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. You are a primer of love. You, beloveds, you are love. I placed love in the world, and I placed it in the form of you. Be the first to know.

Can you imagine living in the world and not knowing that you are love? That would not feel good. All the questions you would ask when there is no question to ask! Once it dawns on you that you are love, then what is it you don't know? You know your career. You know your mission. You know your identity. What else is there to know? What else is there for you to be?

You are one who loves. You are not a wolf in sheep's clothing. You are love. You are not a sheep. You are not a predator. You are not a troublemaker. You are not a carpenter or a butcher. You are not parent or child. Those are trappings. What you really are is love, and that's the whole story. From My love to you, and to Me, My love, you return. Meanwhile, you are My love on Earth. Circle the globe with My love. Emit the rays of My love. No forethought is needed. Just love. Just be love.

When you accept the love that you are and can only be, how free you will feel! How well you will breathe. How you will dance on air! You are love. You are God's love. You were given the world, and you were given to the world for one reason only, and that is to love. There is not one exception. That is what you are on Earth for, that and simply that.

If you have murdered, you mistook who you are. You made a mistake. You misconstrued.

If you have stolen, the same.

If you have lied, the same.

When you know who you are, everything falls into place nicely. All rises to Heaven.

Come now, grace the world with your presence. Be here for the world. Remember that you are love, and nothing else but love, and go ahead and love. This does not mean you are rudderless, beloveds. It means you are the rudder, and so you steer the ship of life, and so you cast love overboard so it can be propelled in the waves of the mighty Ocean.

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4 Heavenletter Haikus for

4 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said share your love
At all times for everyone
For you are God's love

God said let love come
Let love overpower you
Let love steer your life

God said Beloveds
You are My love on the Earth
Be the first to know

God said you are love
And when you know who you are
How free you will feel

Love, Light and Aloha!


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