The Vastness of Creation

God said:

When there is a sky above, day or not, sunny or not, cloudy or not, and you can look up at it, how can you feel tired, afraid, angry, bored, blasé, or any of the variant ways you may feel? Are you not privy to something amazingly wonderful each and every day? How can a sky be so beautiful in so many different ways and you be feeling anything but elated? Just think of it, stars at night, a moon, shadows. What kind of a spectacular God can create such wonder! What a superlative God am I! I am amazed even at Myself! Nevertheless, what could have come from Me but beauty?

I set up a sky so that you might have a glimpse of the Vastness of Creation. I climbed a tall ladder and pasted the stars in the night. Or I leaned down from a cloud and dropped the stars into the night sky. Or I set candles up all over the network of the sky and lit them every night so you may see them and have an idea of majesty.

What about the land and sea that I fashioned when I moved Being into the manifest? Could Eternity even be long enough for Me to describe every Act of Creation? And what about the spinning of planets and the topsy-turviness of it all -- the galaxies and what not? Let Us be even more finite as We ponder the wonders I have performed. A butterfly! A darning-needle! Fireflies! C’mon, what more do you need in order for you to know, and to know without doubt, that there is a God who fashioned everything. Out of seeming Nothingness arose Beauty of such proportions that We can only entitle such Beauty as miraculous. Excuse Me, have you not taken all this into account?

I whipped up your soul, and I interlaced it with the intricacies of the human body. From the top of your head to the tip of your toes, within every aspect of you, I created connections of unbeatable connectedness – of unbelievable connectedness, and yet I ask you to believe, no, more than believe to accept the miracle that you are part of as well.

My most wonderful creation of all is you. Not with carelessness did I give you dominion over every living thing and the world itself. I was not careless nor was I mistaken. I made you in My image so that you could be like Me. You must accept that you have within you the proclivity to be as I am and to fulfill the world with the same beauty in which I created it.

If the world is not yet to your liking, then, following in My footsteps now, desire as I desire, and the next thing you know, the world will be as you desire. To desire is not just wishful thinking. To desire is to create. There is not one minute in which you are not, by your thoughts, by your ideas, creating. You cannot absolve yourself of responsibility.

Responsibility is the same as opportunity. I am not bandying words. Responsibility is that you can do something. Responsibility is a great opportunity. Responsibility is a tribute to your ability. It is a recognition of what is true. Can you or can you not create a world as beautiful as the physical world I created? Certainly life in the world can equal the beauty it served to you on a golden platter? Of course, the extant world can live up to its inherit beauty, and you are the means by which it can.

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dear God heavenley father,,

dear God heavenley father,
the first of all i want to thank of all things you created of this earth,
my loveng God, for this moment am rest of my mind onley for you,
everymorneng when am wak-up and am thank of my brearth you given to me,
every of my thought and look the sky sunlight and i say God hes created this,
and the moon and the stars and i say to my self God hes created this,
and i look to my self and i say to my self god hes created me, to know hes love,
what al of my desire of my created things and also of goodt thought and i want to thank you so much,
dear God heavenley father,,


Thank you so much. What a description of the Creation. I love it. The creation implies a Creator.
This is really wonderful. I really love it.

Although I want to know more and the more about the Creator of the Universe, sincerelly, I need to see better, comtemplate and delve deeper the vastness of Creation.

Thank you for reminding me the word creation instead of nature. I love it. I delight in it.
Thank you for your faithfulness.

and i thank you to

my dear Gloria,
thank you so much your loveng letter,
i am so glade when your letter com to me,
and i thank you to,of your loveley letter,,

Beloved Carmen, You work so

Beloved Carmen,

You work so hard, and still you always send a donation to Heavenletters. It is my pleasure to write to you and thank you for your thoughtfulness.

God bless you always, dear angel.

With love,


love and light

my sweetness Gloria,
i want to respon your loveng words sweet,
its my pleasure of my loveng work, of my realety of in com
everymont its not for my self its to every- one i never to my keep my self
its my pleasure to give an am happy when am giver its always goodt for me,
and i want to thank to God i have this heart and mind of giver,
Love and light,,

Yes, thankful to have the

Yes, thankful to have the heart and mind of a giver. Beautiful, Carmen.