The Unkindness of Judgment

God said:

In imperfection lies perfection.

I know you want everyone to think the way you do, see the way you do, live the way you do, and yet that would not make you happy either. You would soon enough get tired of everyone’s being just like you. You would ask for variety. You would ask for what you now call imperfection, and you would know that all personalities, no matter how different from yours, can give you joy just the same. You would then be glad that there are such divergent styles of living in the world, and you would welcome them. You would no longer be cross because someone has other ideas than yours and dresses differently and whose love life may be different from yours.

The time will come when you will give up judgments. Judgments make differences intolerable. The differences are only differences. Your thinking of them makes them intolerable.

There is a tendency to attribute your dissatisfaction to others, as though they are responsible for your feeling out of sorts.

When you are feeling strong in happiness, the same speech or actions that bother you one day, simply don’t on a happy day. When you are feeling happy, and you find life wonderful, there is little that can interrupt your happiness. You are simply too happy. You are feeling so good within yourself that just about anything else rolls away like water off your back. You will experience more and more that habits that may be annoying to you now just won’t have the power to disturb you. Soon you will be too integrated to let little things like that dissuade you from happiness.

All happiness is within you. All dissatisfaction is as well. It is important for you to know that the world does not have to change in order for you to be happy. The world is changing every minute as it is. You can change a little too.

Just about everyone thinks he knows better than everyone else. You are not the only one. Live your life, and still learn from others. The main thing to learn, beloveds, is to take hands off others’ lives. This is more than “live and let live.” It is not dismissing others’ lives and ways of living. It is also understanding, sometimes embracing, if not for you, for them.

And whether you embrace another’s life style or not, you do not have to dishonor it.

Customs, beloveds, are only customs. The fact is that judgment has been a great and honored custom. You have even felt proud of your judgments, as if they make you better than someone else. It is for you to know that everyone has his place on the Earth you inhabit and is entitled to live as he does live. No one has to agree with you, dear ones. You don’t have to agree with anyone either.

In terms of judgment, you may well say that there are people who do wrong things, like murder, like cheat, like steal, break all the commandments you’ve learned to be good and true. You do not have to support these mis-actions. You also don’t have to feel high and mighty because you don’t. Those who use stealth and murder and make unkindness and selfishness a way of life learned other commandments than you, beloveds. Something in life taught them this, and they learned just as you learned. It was a choice, and yet you and they were taught, and you and they learned and made choices. Perhaps they weren’t taught and they themselves thought up a way to ensure their unhappiness. Perhaps it was all their idea. In any case, they made their decisions, as you have made yours. They unlearned love. And now you are learning to love, and leave the unkindness of judgment behind.

Read Comments

This is a great Heaven

This is a great Heaven Letter too. So easy to think that so and so is either not as good or better than me. Either way it is judgement and takes the mind on a needless detour. And so easy to think I am not as good or better than so and so. Either way it is a judgement and takes the mind on a needless detour. Just honor all...not that I have to agree with either myself or the other person...but just honor...and respect myself and them as individuals doing the very best...under their unique circumstances...moment by moment...that they can.

And if I live from my own heart...this One heart that is really God's heart...then this One Heart graciously encompasses and loves everyone and everthing... regardless of the the endless, illusory commentaries by the mind. Make a friend out of love...fall in love with that love is all you are...and all you do.

Loving you always, Jimi.

Each Country of the world is like a sacred prayer bead...held lightly and lovingly...

when someone is abusing

when someone is abusing another being, where do you draw the line?

Ohhh Canim God, Canim Lord,

Ohhh Canim God, Canim Lord, Canim Allahim,

I think you are kidding with me. These are mostly the answers to my questions. On the other hand I still do have some fears which freeze my blood. :Criying:

What one should do, when he/she respects to those who are different and when she/he is not respected by those whom she/he respects? ;) :?

What one should do when she/he thinks that everybody is free, everybody should be free and when those free ones do not think so? ;) :?

"Can you accept that

"Can you accept that everyone is a free Being, and that they do not need your approval? Can you accept that, indeed, you don’t have to approve nor disapprove, that you yourself only have to be? Will you accept that there is room in the world for all?

Harmony does not mean everyone is in agreement. It means that differences are not the focus. Differences are not looked for. Unity is. Love surpasses everything. It even surpasses itself."

Let Freedom Ring: Heavenletter # 2325

5 Heavenletter Haikus for

5 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said live your life
Feeling strong in happiness
Yours can give you joy

God said you dear ones
You can change a little too
And learn from others

God said more and more
Feeling good within yourself
All else rolls away

God said it was choice
And they made their decisions
As you have made yours

God said Beloveds
Now you are learning to love
Now in any case

Love, Light and Aloha!

It is indeed a great

It is indeed a great Heavenletter, it could lead mankind to a different way of life. If we could just be "allowers", and be who we are or think we are and allow all others to be what they think they are. Not necessarily it must affect us what others think is right or wrong. Leaving off judgement would be an enormous progress for our lives and for this planet, it would boost love all around and creat harmony and peace.
A wonderful Heavenletter really, many many thanks !!

Love and blessings to all

This is so true............

This is so true............

Dear Mellany, thank you so

Dear Mellany, thank you so much for posting! Be sure to tell us more.

With love and blessings,


No matter how judgmental you

No matter how judgmental you may be, I do not judge you, nor do I discard you. How could I discard an impulse of My heart?

HEAVEN #238 • June 23, 2001
Love Yourself More

So beautiful, thank dearest

So beautiful, thank dearest Jochen !


Who judges and who is

Who judges and who is judged: imaginary characters in the dream of separation of the mind.
So, when I judge, I am judging myself.

In the end, it does not matter whether our own judgment is right or wrong: either way we are placing our own belief in the unreal. This cannot be avoided in any type of judgment, because it implies the belief that reality is yours to select from.

Danilo, is this from

Danilo, is this from Heavenletters or from your own Godwriting? It is very hard for me to tell.
That's a compliment, dear one.

Dearest Gloria, neither the

Dearest Gloria,

neither the one nor the other. :) Only thoughts, conclusions in the mind.

This is not an explanation. :)

In this intellectual understanding, every experience, every perception, every feeling, everything exists only like an apparition in the mind; people, things, places, times and events appear and disappear in the mind.

"You" and "I" are just ideas in the mind. The mind is needed to give shape, color and meaning to a world of perceptions. Perceptions are just an intepretation by the mind. The mind lives in a world through bodies, and bodies and the world live in the mind. Everything is always one because everything is the same thing. The mind is one: only the memories (thoughts and emotions) of the individual bodies are differents.

Birth and death, near and far, pleasant and unpleasant, good and evil, this or that ... all are interpretations of the mind, and outside of the mind there is nothing.
It's only the light of consciousness. The consciousness appears and disappears, and the mind creates colors, shapes, names in it, but everything is the same, everything is consciousness, and characters and stories are temporary: do not exist in reality.

The world is changing every minute as it is. I am not a character in this history of the world, with its role, convictions, beliefs, emotions, desires or fears. I am the knowledge of the character, exactly as I am the knowledge of all characters and all stories. Everything is One, everything is I AM, everthing is me and my: no one else. This we can call it love.
I did not need to find myself because I cannot lose myself. What I can lose, are just words. :)



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