The Truth of Heavenletters
Nancy L. to Heavenletters:
Thank you for providing a way to ask God all our questions and challenges. What a great thing it is that you do. It has meant so much to me. Love you!
Nancy L. to God:
Dear God, thank You for the message to Diane about her little daughter Molly who died last year. I have been looking at the picture of Molly's sweet face on my refrigerator, and I miss her too.
What a beautiful message you sent to Diane. And we are all a part of that circle of love that has been re-enforced by Molly and Diane and so many others. Thank You.
Judith to God:
Dear God, I have been sending a select few of Your letters to a close friend of mine in the hopes that she will want to subscribe. She's a very thoughtful person whose attention is very much directed towards You in her thoughts and actions.
She wrote back saying she did not want to receive any more Heavenletters. In her case, she's a Christian, and is very concerned about communication from the spirit world and she does not want to participate in anything that is not Divine.
If people believe that the Bible is a Divine communication from God to various historical people, prophets, etc. how is it that they feel that God cannot communicate to anyone at anytime?
How can people feel secure that a communication is really from You, God, and no one else?
God to Judith:
I have been wanting to hear from you again, daughter Judith.
You have several questions here, some expressed, some unexpressed.
When you send sample Heavenletters to friends, naturally you want them to have the good from it that you do.
But, like Gloria, you have to learn to not look for validation from your friends.
So your friend doesn't want more samples? All it means is that your friend doesn't want more samples. You are not less.
Your friend wants to subscribe? You are not more.
Certainly Heavenletters is not more or less based on anyone's appraisal.
Everyone does not have to love Heavenletters. Not everyone will. Anyone can do anything they want for any reason or no reason. Most people offer reasons, and one is about as good as another. "I don't have the money; it's against my religion; I don't have time; I don't have a computer…"
It's enough that someone doesn't want to. That's the true reason. Beneath that may be their lack of sense of self-worth. You have to know — or at least suspect — that you are worth something to be worth Heavenletters. Or they may be distracted or their interest just isn't there or they don't get what it is at all. It's all right. I'm taking care of things.
Judith, it may be better in the future to send in your friends' email addresses and let them officially receive the free two-week subscription impersonally. This takes you off the emotional hook. It also releases your friends from you.
And for those who do choose to subscribe, there is only one reason: they want to. And when they want to, they find a way. It is that simple.
About your friend who may fear Heavenletters is not God-given, she has added justification to not wanting to read more because she wants to be pure and stay in truth, and Heavenletters has not been approved by her church.
Also, she wonders, how can the Voice of God be heard in this day and age? She thinks God is far away, perhaps unattainable, and that I come only to the Holy, and she does not know that she is holy.
Perhaps because she sees Me as far away, at a distance, she can see only people far away in the past having direct communication with Me. Of course, no one has told her that SHE can speak to Me and hear right back. The idea that someone in a body now, a very ordinary person, can hear My words is foreign to her.
But the idea of My being current and viable in human lives is becoming more mainstream. The world is catching up. One day your friend will too.
This is for her to work out.
Perhaps the radiation of your light will stir her, but your words will not.
Now We come to you, Judith. You are still uncertain, dear Judith. I will tell you something. Everyone, every Heavenreader, every once in a while, has the random uninvited thought: "How do I know this is real?"
That is humanness.
For so long in your lives you have been inundated with untruth, false advertising, promises broken, hope denied, guarantees worth nothing and so forth. So many times you have been mistaken.
Now you feel a bit alone on a ledge of Heavenletters, and how do you know that this ledge is safe, is what it says it is, is from God?
Here's how to know. Ask yourself: "Do I feel closer to God when I read Heavenletters? Do I feel in a better place? Does my heart get eased? Does my understanding widen? Do I feel more fulfilled? When I feel disheartened in my life and I go back to reading Heaven, am I glad? Does it lift my heart? Is my vibration higher from reading Heaven? Does it do something?"
In your deepest heart, dear Judith, close your eyes, put your hand over your heart, and ask Me if I am the Giver of Heaven here.
Your heart also asked: "Even if I know in my deepest heart that it is You in Heavenletters, how do I convince others?"
The answer is: You cannot.
Offer, and let go. Offer again, and let go. And reread Heaven. All you can do is offer Heaven, and come back to Me.
Now, have I answered your question?
What is your "but, God! — "?
Throw away the buts, dear Judith. Throw them away.