The Sun Rises

God said:

When you wake up in the morning, you are like the sun just rising. It is automatic for you to rise out of bed. And, now, begin to think that you are rising in order for your light to shine on the day. With what alacrity will you rise? And imagine the alacrity with which the world will greet you.

The world has been waiting for you. You are the Second Coming, beloveds. You are here to brighten up the world. You are to raise yourself to great heights so that the world can rise with you. The world has to rise. It can rise only according to you. The world follows in your footsteps.

When you wake up in the morning, be like the sun rising over the horizon. Spread the rays of your heart wide. The dew of the grass will reflect your light.

Today, all during the day, look at everyone as a sun rising before you. Never mind clouds that might cover the sun before you. The sun of the person before you may be unaware of his own sunlight. Let him see his light in your eyes then. Let him be ennobled by your light shining on him.

You are a light that shines. That is My will, beloveds. Even as you are someone who has to go to work, perhaps take the subway, go to a job that you are tired of, that is where your light is to shine. Light up the subway by your own radiance. Light up your job by your very presence. Blazon your light, beloveds, so that others may see it and so that you yourself may see your own light in all its splendor.

Do not tell yourself that, as one person, you are incapable of lighting the world. You have sometimes let one person darken your world, haven't you? One person's expression or word has shrunk your heart. Is not light as powerful as the dark? Beloveds, light is more powerful. Your light is more powerful. If you think your light isn't exceedingly powerful, you have been kidding yourself.

Remember that you are a shiner of light. You are not a bearer of bad news. You are not someone who is to keep yourself or anyone or the world glued in place. You are to loosen the bonds that keep people in place. You are to free the world to its own possibilities. It is you who will make possibilities certainties.

The way to do this is for you to stop looking at your feet. Cease to look at things as they have been. Begin to look at the world as it is meant to be looked at. See the possibilities. There is an untraveled path before you. That is the path to take. Your step will be light. The path will be well-lighted. You will have lighted it. Before you know it, there will be no path under you. You who are light will be walking on light. The light you follow is your own light radiated before you. There will be no detouring from it, so clear will be the light that you are, so strong will be the signal you send.

Your path is well-lighted. Do not for one moment delude yourself that you are in darkness. Dark is merely a subterfuge. It is a scam. Even if you have previously bought into darkness a thousand times, today you buy into light, and know it is yours, and yours to shine so that you may see it and see all others warmed in the rising light that you are.

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This letter reminds me of certain people I have known. Back in my 20’s, I worked with a guy named Ray whom everyone liked. He made everyone feel at ease and accepted and valued just by the way he said hello to them. I remember wanting to be like Ray and wondering what his secret was. He is one of those people I will never forget.

Sometimes I have patients who seem to distrust me. If you asked them they would surely deny it. They probably distrust everyone. What I feel, though, in my interactions with people like this, is diminished. I instinctively know my ability to help them is limited. I can even feel my lack of confidence as I make recommendations to them. I don’t think I let such people shake my faith in my self, but I think my emotional reaction is an important observation.

Most of my patients, thankfully, do trust me. In their presence I can feel confident clear and certain. When I give them a prescription, there is a feeling of effectiveness and strong optimism. I feel it and I know they feel it.

Where I am going with all this is that I wonder if this is the kind of thing this letter is saying. When we trust someone, do we empower them? When we like someone, do we help them to like themselves more? When we respect and enjoy and anticipate seeing them again, are we just shining God’s love as He directs us? Is this all there is to it? I wonder.

shining love

It is assuredely so, Chuck, but not only, I would like to think. To trust someone, or like him or enjoing his company is a gift for both, but to shine love could be also impartial and indipendent form the object, just like the Sun does. For instance, I find it easier to love from afar, the "zoom perspective" doesn't help me. I need to go beyond my eyes and see the possibilities, the potentials, in order to love. Definitely I know I have to stop " looking at my feet" and at the feet of this world, in order to keep a vaster vision and love beyond my preferences and emotions.

When we trust ourself, love

When we trust ourself, love ourself, respect, honor and enjoy ourself, the same is reflected on another one. The deeper we go into ourself, the less likely it is for that joy of ourself to be shaken by surface turbulence. The shallows are often affected by the forces of nature. Its the depth of oneself that remains unshaken.

Thank you for sharing these so beautiful thoughts Chuck. This theme is of value to all of us.

love and ligth,

heavenley father,
it always wodeful words your letter,
it realey trugh my own self evry morneng
i fell like a sunlight in my heart to you,
evry people i tach the give me a smil
ans i give them back of my love for them
and i give a ligth of my words, and love
for them, and am always wish see people
be fell in love it outher so the can see of your light,
i am glad you are in me in my heart
so i can give love and light it outher,
thank you God father of your advice


Dear God, I love you and I think you foreach word I do everyday read, because I feel like they"re for me only, altough I know they're for us all. It makes me belong to the ALL..such a good feeling...


Dearest MAESTRO, CREATOR OF LIGHT AND LOVE, There was a blessed Child of
your Light named Ernest Hemingway who wrote al book "The Sun Also Rises". Most
of us Earthlings are more aware of the Sun descending on the horizon and then we somehow get
lost in darkness and fear takes over.

Today I SHALL realize as much as I can that Fear of Darkness is a subterfuge, a scam
And all shall be warmed by the Light.

What keeps us from shining.

Everyday HeavenLetter brings me joy and a kind of frustration. The joy aspect is quite easy to understand, quite obvious for every reader of Heavenletters. But what about my frustration? It resides mostly in the fact that I have a hard time to feel that I am shining the way God sees my "shining".

And thinking about the fact that up to date, there has been over 3300 HeavenLetters referring in a way or the other to this particular message, I realize that my heart is like an almond in a thick shell of Ego, or a nice piece of chinese table that has numerous layers of cracked laquer that shall be removed to reveal the original wood.

Everyday God applies a thin layer of solvent which dissolve one layer of laquer at the time. The lacker is of course the resistance. It was necessary as the shell was necessary to protect the almond until the almond is ready to reveal itself to be eaten. It is time for my heart to reveal itself, to bloom without constraints.

But what keeps me from shining fully? I think that, very deeply, I would like to be somewhere else than in my human body. So often we, humans, are caught in situation where we would like to be somewhere else than where we are. We would like to go back home rather than spending the night outside...When fear of darkness haunts our nights and we are anxious to see the sun rising, or when fear of facing problems of the day makes us anxious to see the sun setting and go to sleep, we are never where we would like to be. We fear both life and death. But

«Do not for one moment delude yourself that you are in darkness. Dark is merely a subterfuge. It is a scam.»

The Sun does not want to be elsewhere than where it is in order to shine. We have to be well rooted on Earth to be able to shine, to have the real desire to shine. Our real ascension is at the same time a real "descent". Heaven IS Earth as long as we are deeply convinced that Here is Nowhere and Everywhere, Now and Ever. We might still need a couple of thousands more HeavenLetters to finish the job. Gloria, are you ready?

Beloved Normand, I have

Beloved Normand, I have never been ready!

I am willing and able, however. I have the time of my life receiving and sharing Heavenletters.

I also relate to everything you are saying.

Funny, how I can see your light shining!

Loving you,


I'm with Gloria Normand. The

I'm with Gloria Normand. The light that shines from you and the folk who comment here is dazzling!

Frustration is the sound that a layer of laquer makes when it becomes nothing.

An odd thing

Isn't it an odd thing the we see the love in each other so much more easily that we see the love in ourselves?

Why being somewhere else?

Dear Normand,

I just noticed your own questioning ... "I think that, very deeply, I would like to be somewhere else than in my human body."

I just noticed what God said about this .... "It really isn’t life you want to leave but the burdens you seem to carry around in it. If you didn’t worry about things so much, wouldn’t you be ecstatic to be alive? If your thoughts didn’t go back to what was and what might have been or to what awful thing might lurk around the corner, wouldn’t you be happy to be alive? Might you not dance a jig? If you didn’t worry, perhaps you would like to stay on Earth forever. You would be eager to find out what goodness lies around the corner. You would jump for joy." ( )

Do you really want to be convinced that you needed - we are justifying ourselves in such sentences like "we needed ..."; do you notice? Who is it who needs justifying? - to protect the almond (your Self)? The finer parts are the stronger, the independable parts.Our Self is unprotectable, because there is no other, who will do the protection. Who says, you were in darkness, when you seemed to try to protect you? God answers this question: «Do not for one moment delude yourself that you are in darkness. Dark is merely a subterfuge. It is a scam.»

Dear friend, let me say, as far as I see, this is no coherent position which you presented - even for my mind. My soul calls ... How I like to dance with you! How we are dancing, right now and forever. How we are happy having no job or nothing similar.


Oh, beautiful souls all who

Oh, beautiful souls all who post here so brilliantly and with so much love.

I can only believe that God rests His case with you. You do further His Will.

Every posting here is a gem. Each of you is a genius. Where is so much authentic love and wisdom found as in your comments? I am amazed.

I don't want anyone to become self-conscious, but I do see a book of your comments. They are incredible.

By the way, Chuck, how are the Heaven books you're compiling coming along? I suspect you're waiting for Heaven Admin and me. Tell us here what you need, please.

Love and awe for all,


The 7 Heavenletter ebook project

Gloria, hon, the 7 Heavenletter ebooks are awaiting input from you and Santhan. The last rough draft I sent was on grief and grieving and you mentioned you would have more input when time allowed. I am very enthusiastic that this particular ebook will be very useful for hospice workers, as you suggested, and I think we should complete this one asap.

Another step that would speed the process is a dedicated forum area where interested readers could download rough drafts and provide their reactions. I will need assistance to accomplish this if it seems acceptable.

I still envision an area on the home page that would list and provide access to the ebooks as they are finalized. I feel this mechanism would be very effective for people to copy certain ebooks to share with friends. It would also provide a quick and easy way for those interested to explore a single topic in more depth than a single HL allows.

It is hard to stay motivated to produce more rough drafts without more feedback of some kind as to whether this vision is an effective one. It seems like a lot is still up in the air with the half dozen rough drafts completed. I know you are VERY busy. This is not a complaint, just an answer.

I remain impressed by, and appreciative of, all you do so well. Love ya…..Chuck

Beloved Chuck, I apologize

Beloved Chuck, I apologize to you. I am so sorry. Of course, you are waiting for feedback. I wouldn't be able to go further without feedback either.

I agree wholeheartedly with you about the importance of something for Hospice.

I will consult with Heaven Admin. He is working long hard hours on his businesses, several projects including web design for an orphanage in India, Heavenletters, etc. But I will try to find out where he sees us going with the 7-Heavenletter books you have been working on.

I have just heard about a dedicated new publisher, someone with a fabulous background. I wonder what she will think of these as books or booklets or what.

I am always torn between giving everything Heaven away and getting some income. Not easy for me to feel just right either way.

Thank you for your patience and your willingness to compile these books.

The source of our frustration

Normand, you describe, nicely what I think we all feel. “But what about my frustration? It resides mostly in the fact that I have a hard time to feel that I am shining the way God sees my "shining".” We all aspire to, but fall short of, God’s vision.

Later, though, you offer an explanation for why you feel this way. “But what keeps me from shining fully? I think that, very deeply, I would like to be somewhere else than in my human body.” I don’t seem to relate to this statement. I don’t know if it may be that I am just not in contact with my own feelings at this level, or if it just doesn’t fit my experience. I feel no desire to be anywhere else. I am confidant that an infinity of wonderful experience awaits me after this particular earthly sojourn, so what is the rush to leave? I do not want to lose even a day of the experiences of earth. I felt this way before discovering Heavenletters, but I also felt frustration very acutely.

I think my frustration has been from feeling a sense of responsibility to help change much of what is going on in the world that I have been viewing as very regrettable. At the same time, I have been feeling the frustrations of both not knowing just how to best help and feeling like a timer is ticking and my opportunity to help is dwindling away. I guess it is kind of a fear of potential being squandered.

In agreement with your descriptions, my frustrations also seem to be slowly clearing as I read Heavenletters. I feel less “responsible,” being led to see that my real responsibility is to fix my own actions and perceptions, not those of others. I am also feeling less like a timer is ticking and more like I have all the time in the world to express within me whatever I would like to express.

I guess what I am saying is that my frustration doesn’t seem to be so much about wanting to leave earth as it is to find out how to more deeply plunge myself into it and squeeze every drop out of it. I’m not entirely sure we are not just saying the same thing from two different vantage points, but I am very curious about your thoughts on this. Theophil’s and Gloria's wonderful comments seem to be leading us in the right direction.

a couple of thousands more HeavenLetters

I have been pondering you words for a while, Normand, trying to understand what makes me like them so much. It may simply be their disarming authenticity, stating something like, "This is what today's Heavenletter made me realize where I stand at this moment" – neither justifying the feeling nor cementing it through elaboration, just wondering. Wondering, as distinct from brooding, is what makes me come alive, available for another Heavenletter that may take me into wonder and from there, who knows, into childlike wonder and what God likes to call innocence. True, it could be two thousand Heavenletters from now, but it could also be tomorrow's or even one from the past (which then would turn out to be "latent" future...).

Also, I can easily relate to the sentiment you expressed. I can also relate to what Chuck says about wanting to be here. It's both. And it's just what it is. I love stating things as they are; not in a complaining way, of course, not trying to pound them into the ground but just like you did – slightly puzzled perhaps and wondering, listening into what you are trying to express. There is so much precious openness in that.



2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said be the light
And know it is yours to shine
So others may see

God said light bearer
The light you follow is yours
The world follows you

Love, Light and Aloha!


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