The Story of the Farmer and the Hat

The ways God can appear are limitless. Through other people is one of them. Here’s a true story:
A farmer at our local Farmer’s Market had a blanket laid out on the ground, filled with wonderful vegetables, some in baskets, some just in piles.
I held up a giant zucchini, and I asked him how much.
The man smiled and said, "It's by the hat. It's the hat method." I didn’t know what he was talking about.
He pointed to a big old farmer's type hat, filled with dollar bills, that sat on the edge of the blanket. “You just put in what feels right to you,” he said.
"Give me an idea," I said.
"Oh, no," he said, "then it wouldn't be by the hat."
He truly offered his vegetables for what people had in their hearts to pay. He was not attached. He really wasn't. He didn't even stay around. And he was so generous with the sweep of his hand that I had such a different feeling. I felt that I had been given a great gift, and, with all my heart, I wanted to pay him enough. It felt like joy to receive, and joy to give. He helped me to feel that these vegetables were the fruits of God and he was simply the deliverer.
He was there to be rewarded for his labors. The vegetables weren’t for free. Only he wasn't dictating the price. He truly let go. He wanted his vegetables to go to as many good homes as possible and give all the nourishment they were made for.
It is the same with Heaven Letters. The intent of Heaven Letters is to bring as many people as possible as quickly as possible in touch with God. We are happy you are here, and we want to emulate that beautiful farmer. Heaven Letters are the fruits of God, and The International Society of Heavenletters™ is simply the deliverer. We are putting down a big hat, and with it, laying out our faith in God. We appreciate your support.

So, help yourselves to Heaven Letters. Subscribe. Get a good taste. When your heart feels moved, your by-the-hat donation makes all the difference in the world. Financial help from God to support Heaven Letters™ comes through the commitment, respect, and generosity of readers like you. Thank you for contributing!
Another By-the-Hat (Heart) contribution that we love is when you pass Heaven on to friends and organizations that you value. Please feel encouraged to spread Heaven Letters. It would be wonderful to fill this hat to overflowing too.
Carolyn R. from West Virginia expressed this so very well:
"Martha is the person who told me about Heaven Letters. The important thing is that someone sent me a Heaven Letter as a blessing, and I look forward to Heaven Letters as continued blessings."
With love and blessings,
The Godwriting International Society of Heaven
703 E. Burlington Avenue
Fairfield, IA 52556
(Make checks out to Heaven!)
Contributions via Paypal can be sent to
P.S. When I saw the farmer on another day, I asked him where he got the idea of By the Hat. “From a dream,” he said...
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