The Simplicity of Truth

God said:

Universal love reaches every man, woman, child, mineral, plant, object. My universal love pours over the universe entire, and it is received, whatever you may or may not think.

My universal love is called personal when you imagine you exist apart from the universe and so imagine a particular need for My love. You believe you require an extra dollop of My love spooned directly into your mouth. And so you savor My love, and allow it to course through you and fill you immensely. Oh, how you like to soak in My love, and feel that there is yet more for you personally to lap up.

When your mind has separated you from Me and the so-called world, it is then that you are aware of My love as a quality directed precisely to you. You stand apart. You stand on the side, as it were, and pull the mainstream of My love over to where you think you stand.

When you experience your universality, then you know My love without individuation. When you know you are not separate, you do not experience My love separately. Then We are indeed at the mountain top. I say this as a metaphor, for when you step out of your individuation (your separation, your apartness, your aloneness), there is no mountain top nor vale. There is no individual, and there is no place, and there is nothing you can be away from. Then you do, indeed, have it all. But of course, again, I say that figuratively because there is nothing at all to have. Nothing can be away from you. Nothing can be taken or removed or exist apart from My Consciousness.

Loss and gain are only words. Only the Everythingness of Allness exists.

That which you have taken as your mind turns out to be world mind. Your heart that you thought was yours turns out to be Mine. You begin to see your mind as other than consciousness. Your consciousness and Mine meld into the Oneness they always were nothing else but. You draw another picture of what We are to one another. Or, I can say, you stop drawing pictures. Or I can say you step into the picture, and see no foreground or even background. When all is awash in My love, what can be demarcated?

Of course, in this state, you do not feel superior or inferior to anyone or anything. There is no other. You have no judgment, for whom or what is there to judge? And who is there to do the judging in the first place. All that is left to you is what We, you and I, for want of a better name, call Love. Of course, the word "Love" is good enough. And, of course, in the state of Oneness We speak of, you are wordless in the magnitude of the Love We call Oneness. There is no word big enough to encompass Us. We can, however, make a word of a single letter that approaches Truth, and that word is "I". Or We can say, I AM. I AM AMNESS.

That which you point to as yourself, is more than a figment, more than a representation, more than an image, more than an emissary, more than anything. You are I, and I am you, the you you have held in reserve, the you you have not yet quite looked at, the you that has no identity but Mine.

Beloveds, as if your awareness has feet, step into My Consciousness, for it is here that you fit precisely.

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This Heavenletter is a nice foretaste of what will be when all boudaries fall away and we step out into the unimaginable.There are glimpses of it, mostly in dreams, but also during the day there can be a sudden whiff of something completely different from my familiar experience. It is so utterly different that it's not possible to compare it to anything known, to use analogies or metaphors, to use any word at all.

All that is left to you is what We, you and I, for want of a better name, call Love.

Yes, it does not have a name and so the word "Love" is good enough. Oneness is a good enough name, God is a good enough name, Being is a good enough name, joy ease, happiness, ease, home, peace are good enough names. Yet I find that nothing fits. Not even "I" or "I AM".

…when you step out of your individuation (your separation, your apartness, your aloneness), there is no mountain top nor vale. There is no individual, and there is no place, and there is nothing you can be away from. Then you do, indeed, have it all. But of course, again, I say that figuratively because there is nothing at all to have.

You draw another picture of what We are to one another. Or, I can say, you stop drawing pictures. Or I can say you step into the picture, and see no foreground or even background.

I think no foreground or even background is as close as one can come in words.

The way to get "there" sounds a little cryptic but that is to be expected: as if your awareness has feet, step into My Consciousness.


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