The Prodigal Son

God said:

In the daytime, when you look out your window, you see many beautiful things. When it is dark, the window is still there. What is outside the window is still outside the window, yet it is in the dark. The only difference is that in the dark, you are not able to see what is beyond the window. The darkness covers it.

In the dark when you cannot see outside the window, you don't question the existence of what is beyond your vision. You don't have to wait for the sun to come up in order to know that the trees and beyond still exist. You know.

Everything existent exists whether you are seeing it or not.

It has been said that you get what you see, and it is also true that you get what you don't see as well. You don't see Me, God, Who exists within everything and within you. You may not prevail upon yourself to even see evidence of Me. You may disregard the evidence of the sun and the stars and love if you choose not to see. Nevertheless, your perception is only your perception. Your lack of vision does not remove the sun and the stars and love. Your confined perception does not make Me disappear or go away. I am inbred within you, beloveds. I am not asleep. You may be.

Nevertheless, the God Within You will awaken. The God Within You is awakening. A timer was set, and very soon, perhaps in a few moments, you will know your God clock. You will see it. Can you hear it tick-tocking now?

I am arising within you. You will be the ground upon which a burst of God will blaze forth. It will be unmistakable, and you will not mistake it. There have always been sparks of God everywhere. Now you will see the sparkles. How full of God's Light your heart will be. You will not even have to rub your eyes, because the occasion of God has been around for a long time. Your awakening is not new. Where you have been unaware, you will become aware. The Light of God that goes on will be yours, for you will have acknowledged it and attended to it. You will recognize what has always been right before your eyes.

It is like you have been waiting a long time to be at bat and hit that home run. And hit it you will. It is your turn, and it is your chance, and it is your time even though I Myself am timeless. You will have stepped over a threshold, and now to your own Self you will be true.

There will not be fireworks, yet by your light, you will see, and you and I will be seen.

You are the Prodigal Son who never left Home. And now you welcome yourself to your own awareness.

Is there somewhere where God cannot be?

Was there ever a moment when I was absent from you? In your perception, yes. In your lack of perception, yes. And now your perception is widening and opening. The shutter of the camera of your mind is taking a picture that, when you look at it, it will be a revelation. The picture will reveal that which was always there and yet you had not seen. All the more for you to be brightened, beloveds. All the more for you to be aware. You will have converted narrow vision to the totality of light, and how happy you will be, and how happy the New World will be to have been discovered by you.

Read Comments


daer God,,

i am so thankfulnes or your words,
an to help as who we are to give explain
who we are, i am so opprecet realy much to you,

yes you rigth we dont have to prove our evedence,
aslong im aware for evrymoment in my life to you,
and i thanfulnes, is not even enough to thank,
i want to recerve evry humanbeing sester and brother
young and old planters birds,
i am deeply of thankfulnes of your words,

Blessed Be!

To All Who Seek Comfort,
I have been longing to read these words...I could hardly read through the tears. Heavenly Father, I live and work and have my
being in Thee. The theme of "awakening" has permeated All of existence for some time now and now God's words are crystal

"Nevertheless, the God Within You will awaken. The God Within You is awakening. A timer was set, and very soon, perhaps in a few moments, you will know your God clock. You will see it. Can you hear it tick-tocking now?

I am arising within you. You will be the ground upon which a burst of God will blaze forth. It will be unmistakable, and you will not mistake it. There have always been sparks of God everywhere. Now you will see the sparkles."


God Bless Gloria Wendroff.

Namaste and Rejoice,

Which Nancy are you? Do I

Which Nancy are you? Do I know you, angel?


Hello Dearest Gloria,
My name is Nancy Ciasulli, pinksandgirl, and there are no words to express my gratitude for
all that you do!

I sure know you now, dearest

I sure know you now, dearest Nancy!

A gentle reminder, angel, that all appreciation goes to God.

Loving you,


prodical son

bought a card last week with the scripture the prodical son love you xxx

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said the New World
Will be a revelation
Of Me within you

Love, Light and Aloha!


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