The Playground of the Universe

God said:

You are here to disarm the world, to disarm it by virtue of how you display the world to yourself and to others and how you display the world to itself. Do not consider yourself superior to the world. Have you not thought so? The world rises to your opinion of it.

I would ask you to stop faulting the world, to stop pointing out its defects to yourself or to anyone. Bless the world, for it is of your creation. The world is as you see it to be. Treat the world as you would treat a sapling in your front yard. You would not tell it that it is scrawny. You would not tell it that it must hurry up and grow taller and sprout new leaves. You would not say to the tree: "What do you think you're doing? Wake up. I told you to improve. I told you to reform. I told you to get rid of this branch or that. When are you going to grow up? When are your branches going to blossom?"

You would not scold the tree because you did not water it. Whose world is it?

It is for you to protect the world and to nourish it. Finding fault with the world does not nourish it. Frankly, beloveds, the world has had enough criticism and perhaps not enough appreciation, just like you. Can you find it in your heart to bless the world and the people in it? Naturally, you want a world of glad tidings. Beloveds, be what you desire the world to be. You want the world to be more forgiving. You want the world to be more generous. You want the world to be at peace.

Dear ones, what would you like to give to the world? Give it more of it then. At least, give the world a break. Give it a little vacation from your appraisals of it.

Sometimes it seems that you like to make the world into a villain, like an employee perhaps who has not produced enough, the employee who will not learn, the employee who does not create the profit margin you told him to, the employee who falls down on the job, the employee who should know better but does not, the employee who does not perform according to your specifications. Only, you have forgotten that the world is your employer, and you are employee to the world.

The world is innocent, beloveds. Look not to blame the world. The world has given itself to you in its full splendor. It has asked to serve you. It has given you hill and dale, oceans and mountains. It has given you a place in it. Will you find it in your heart to love the world, at least to like it, at least to give it the benefit of the doubt?

You may feel that you have put up with a lot from the world. Perhaps it is the world that has put up with you. Defenseless, the world has offered you itself, and you have set your mouth in a disgruntled way. You have wanted the world to give you solace. You have wanted the world to set an example for you. You have wanted the world to uplift you. Who is to uplift the world, beloveds? Who is to cheer the world on? Who is to give it a kind word or two?

Who is to walk in the world and appreciate its beauty?

You sit in the branches of a tree and do not thank it.

The world holds you up. It offers itself to you. It offers a playground for you to play in, a playground where anything is possible, where you are possible.

Read Comments

3 Heavenletter Haikus for

3 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said love the world
Protect it and nourish it
Look to its splendor

God said cheer the world
Appreciate its beauty
For you to play in

God said bless the world
It is of your creation
Give it a kind word

Love, Light and Aloha!

I disagree

" not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.... Cling to what is good." Romans 12:2, 9

"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”

Beloved Susan, bless your

Beloved Susan, bless your heart. It is perfectly okay to disagree! You are so sincere and caring, and you wanted to make a point. This is one God in Heavenletters often makes. There is the world, and there is Truth, and, and you and we know that the world, as it has been, is less than the Truth.

Please excuse me for shortening your message. This forum isn't about religion, and no one would want to argue with the Bible or with you who has such a good heart and cares so much.

Who taught love more than Christ? He said to even love our enemies. I understand this Heavenletter to be saying to put our attention on what is good, and that will help the world to be more in line with God.

Thank you for reading Heavenletters, dear Susan.

God bless you.

With love,



Always bless or thank

Always bless or thank that/those who take care of you.
Do you bite the hands that feed you ?
And even if you don't Mother Earth will still embrace and love you.
Like a true mother, you are allowed to use her resources to create to your fullest, even when you do not see the distress and destruction you cause.

It is when you love your creation more than you love living Life that when dysfunction begin to take hold and "the Father's love is not in him".


Who is to walk in the world

Who is to walk in the world and appreciate its beauty?

You sit in the branches of a tree and do not thank it.

God is calling me to AWAKE and emerge from my sometimes tumultuous thoughts of doubt and fear and worry which are not of God! Look to the beauty I create around you; feel the abundance and the riches I create for you...see it in the beauty of the blue sky; feel it in the warmth of My golden sun; hear it in the bird song and see it in the faces of the beautiful people in the world.
Look beyond appearances my Beloved, I hear God saying to me in this Heaven Letter...cease complaining and express heartfelt gratitude....and while you look beyond appearances. SEE the Truth and Beauty which go deep, deep into the soul.
A robin landed on this beautiful fragile tree outside of my window; the branches look like twigs and the leaves have just barely opened. Yet the robin was held in its beautiful could have landed on any of the huge strong trees with sturdy trunks and branches yet it chose this particular tree. Although the 'twigs' appeared fragile...they bend with beauty and grace...thank You God for opening my eyes to all the beauty which surrounds!

My deep gratitude to the

My deep gratitude to the world and all it contains!

The world rises to your opinion of it

This is where I think "higher education" begins in earnest, something I still feel (or hope?) to be not quite ready for yet.

For, apart from scrawny saplings, employees who do not produce enough, and the world at large, what about family, what about neighbors? In short, what about the things in your immediate environment that go so unnervingly wrong the same way day in, day out? I'll not go into details, I think we all know them one way or another.

Do they stay in place because I keep theme there with my opposition? Alas, they do, this Heavenletter leaves no room for other explanations. What about my right to be treated fairly and to insist on being treated fairly? Well, if repeated insistence has no effect (apart from mounting tension), you either bring in the big guns or.....?

The temptation to use heavy artillery can be hard to resist at times, but I'm finding it hurts myself as much as it does others. Old and "proven" strategies have to be reviewed and revised or, rather, dropped. That's what Heavenletters are doing to me. They obviously want me to become as defenseless as the world is. That's a big one.

Beloved Jochen, there is

Beloved Jochen, there is always the other hand, isn't there?

If somehow else had written about this big one, as you did, how would you answer them?

Magnificently, I know.

All the comments here give us another facet of a diamond.

Right now my daughter is going through a serious difficulty at work.

We all like to think that everything can be worked out. And how do we know what is the best course to take? To see it through? To quit? We can stay in a situation too long or not long enough. And what might be right for one may not be for the other, or right for us this time but not another.

We do the best we can.

I am not so good at compromising. I have quit jobs and been sorry. I have quit jobs and been glad. Once I gave my notice, and then I didn't want to leave, and they didn't want me to either. And then it became wonderful! (This was a teaching job, and I really came to love the principal who previously hadn't valued what I was doing and then did!.)

Jochen, does God mean to put the whole burden on you? You're a heck of a nice guy, Jochen. In any situation, I would bet my money on you.

I would indeed love to read your answer to your own human question.

Oh, that sounds like a

Oh, that sounds like a really good idea, Gloria.

The other hand

Dear Gloria, I read your comment in a bit of a hurry this morning because we were preparing to leave for our traditional Wednesday in the mountains. (It was, as it always is, more wonderful than I anticipated it to be.) Despite the hurry, something clicked immediately when I read your words. That's in my first short response.

Re-reading your comment now, I realize it contains much more of that beauitiful spirit we all love you for. And I realize that, out of some residual fear but mostly out of habit, I made my comment sound more grim than I really intend to. Life is changing from what I used to think of as a bad trip into an exciting adventure since I found Heavenletters and especially after the letter I received from God last week. Life is different, there is no denying it. Yet once or twice or even more times a day there is a moment of "Is this really true, can I really believe it?" Or "Am I doing it right, am I good enough, am I living up to this-and-that?" And then I notice I don't seriously believe this rubbish any more. Ah, that feels good! It feels so good to see that things don't have to be "righted" or "solved" today or tomorrow and perhaps not at all. The other hand, yes.

I must add something about serving. God's letter made it clear to me in an instant of deep realization, something I have never experienced before, that serving is my true calling and passion in this life. If someone had told me that the day before I received God's letter, I would have said, "Oh, well....." And now that very same thought is joy, joy, joy. (How does He do that?) But at the same time, when I find something wanting - as in "How to deal with the improper behavior of others and my reaction to it?" - I still tend to put the blame on me, asking, "How are you ever going to serve properly when you cannot even love enough to get along with these innocent people?" And then I feel bad. And then I realize I'm doing it again. And then I laugh and know I just have to reach for the other hand. So, it's fresh impulses and old habits and some commotion that is to be expected. It's what you find in my post on "higher education".

So, what would my response to someone else asking my question look like.
It would look pretty much like yours. I will keep it as a most precious reminder.

I wonder how many other

I wonder how many other hands we have!

Now you will be having such beautiful beautiful days where such great things happen, overwhelming great gorgeous miraculous things happen that you will be in such awe, you will say: "Oh, my, this is so utterly wonderful -- can this possibly be true?"

We are fortunate ... God is

We are fortunate ... God is so vast that we cannot miss It.

My higher education, animated by various agencies, contained: You have a good chance, to miss Her. This education had its effects.

Is there anybody else in God's creation who are able to ask questions (or who are more able), than humans? To form equations, new ones and never heard ones?

So, it is reality .... those who have all questions, have all answers, too.

When sucklings become toddlers, when they ask questions and questions, they find answers, a lot of them, wonderful answers. (And their answers and their process of finding answers is so pleasing for the adults, that some of the parents left their belief in mind and thoughts ....) This is the same joy God and the evolved Godly parts with humans are sharing when it comes to questions with adult and adolescent humans.

When we get older in our relations to our elders and to God, it is up to us, to answer our questions ourselves. This is a wise device.

Thank you for your doubts,


This is so interesting what

This is so interesting what you express here, dear Theophil.

Jochen, can you find a post I made some time ago? It was about asking questions and came from the book Night by Elie Wiesel, Peace Prize Winner? It is one of the most touching things I've read. I use it in Godwriting workshops. It is worth reading again or for the first time. Thanks, Jochen. Much appreciated.

Elie Wiesel

Muchas gracias, querido

Muchas gracias, querido Jochen!

How did you find it?

I know Theophil will really appreciate this, and I'm going to reprint it here:

Elie Wiesel, 1986 Nobel Peace Prize winner, as a boy, before the holocaust, avidly wanted to study the Kabbalah, but there was no one in his town to teach him.

There was a poor man in town – he was actually on welfare. He was called Moshe, the Beadle. Wiesel wrote in his book Night:

Elie Wiesel begins:

I found a master for myself, Moshe the Beadle.

He had noticed me one day at dusk, when I was praying.

“Why do you weep when you pray?” he asked me, as though he had known me a long time.

“I don’t know why,” I answered, greatly disturbed.

The question had never entered my head. I wept because – because of something inside me that felt the need for tears. That was all I knew.

“Why do you pray?” he asked after moment.

Why did I pray? A strange question. Why did I live? Why did I breathe?

“I don’t know why,” I said, even more disturbed and ill at ease. “I don’t know why.”

After that day, I saw him often. He explained to me with great insistence that every question possessed a power that did not lie in the answer.

“Man raises himself toward God by the questions he asks Him,” he was fond of repeating. “That is the true dialogue. Man questions God, and God answers. But we don’t understand His answers. We can’t understand them. Because they come from the depths of the soul, and they stay there until death. You will find the true answers, Eliezer, only within yourself!”

“And why do you pray, Moshe?” I asked him.

“I pray to the God within me that He will give me the strength to ask Him the right questions.”

We talked like this nearly every evening. We used to stay in the synagogue after all the faithful had left, sitting in the gloom, where a few half-burned candles still gave a flickering light.

One evening I told him how unhappy I was because I could not find a master to instruct me in the Zohar, the Cabbalistic books, the secrets of Jewish mysticism. He smiled indulgently. After a long silence, he said:

“There are a thousand and one gates leading into the orchard of mystical truth. Every human being has his own gate. We must never make the mistake of wanting to enter the orchard by any gate but our own…”

And Moshe the Beadle, the poor barefoot of [my town] talked to me for long hours of the revelations and mysteries of the Cabbalah. It was with him that my initiation began. We would read together, ten times over, the same page of the Zohar. Not to learn it by heart, but to extract the divine essence from it.

And through those evenings a conviction grew in me that Moshe the Beadle would draw me with into eternity, into that time where question and answer would become one.

pp. 2 and 3,Bantam Book, 1960 Paperback

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Divine Truths

Thank you God for these Divine Truths.....

"You are here to disarm the world, to disarm it by virtue of how you display the world to yourself and to others and how you display the world to itself. Do not consider yourself superior to the world. Have you not thought so? The world rises to your opinion of it."



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