The Palace of Your Heart

God said:

Your heart is a palace. Furnish it as palaces are furnished. No rough stuff. All refined furniture. Only items worthy of a palace are kept in your heart. Anything not worthy of a palace does not belong in your heart and is not kept. Only worthy items are kept.

Everything in a palace is spic and span. At any moment of night or day, a palace is presentable. Visitors are welcome. There is nothing to cover up in a palace. A palace is a beautiful place to be.

If your heart has been a hut or a shed stuffed with old useless belongings, clean out your heart. Let fresh air in. Anything not useful is not used and nor is it kept. For what reason would something old and useful that has outlived its day be kept?

In the palace of your heart is a chest of jewels. No palace worth its salt would have a jewelry box with paste jewelry. It would have only what belongs in a jewelry chest in a palace. What dross would you keep in your heart? Old tiaras made of glass? Perhaps once such a tiara fit you. It is rusty and old now. Now you keep only the real thing.

Reserve the treasure chest in your heart for real diamonds and silver and gold, emeralds and rubies. A true gem takes up no more room than a scratched-up unusable dime store piece of jewelry. Why not keep in your heart what belongs in your heart?

Surely you must have known that your heart is a palace, and that your heart is meant to house kings and queens. Only royalty in your heart from now on, beloved. No longer have riff-raff of emotions in the palace of your heart. Riff-raff would be hard feelings that do not belong there. When your dander is up, get it out of your heart. No longer cram your beautiful heart with what does not belong in it and never did.

When you have anger in your heart, resentment, grudges, dismay etc. it is a sure signal to clean out your heart. Leave plenty of space for love, for I will fill your heart with love. In fact, I already have. The truth is your heart is love-filled to the brim. You stuck little etchings of varied what-not in your heart. You thumb-tacked them there. You excluded some people from your heart. You may have occluded whole sections of the population from your heart. Be universal, and do not lump people into a pile of refuse.

In addition to being regally furnished, the palace of your heart is to be open at all hours and in all seasons. Your heart doesn't go fishing somewhere. Your heart is always on the job. The purpose of your heart is to house love and nothing else. A heart is not to judge, nor is your heart to house records of offenses. Certainly not.

Do some spring-cleaning in your heart. Get on your hands and knees, and scrub that grime out of your heart. Do a thorough job. Make your heart shining and spotless.

Now, your heart is to remain open to love. Let in to your heart only that which serves the Universe. You might say: "God, but how do I do that without judgment?"

How you tell is by how you feel. Your heart doesn't like it when you fill it with gossip and criticism. Your heart very much wants to keep only love, yet your heart has to do the bidding of your mind. Have a good talk with your mind, and ask your mind to send only uplifting messages to your beautiful heart.

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Yes, MAESTRO, Creative Director and Magical Lover of all that is.

Today, we shall take a good inventory to see what's lodging in the corners of our hearts, and
so when we find resentments and strangle hard feelings or even dismay, even a speck of unforgiveness, we shall vacuum and vacuum until they're all gone, and then we'll polish
everything till it shines. And so, as you say, we'll be able to welcome those who'd love
to come and visit at any time. And, of course, there's never room in this palacial environment
for criticism or gossip, which can only destroy the dear heart's softness and gentleness.

Oh, the mind does often need a good tete a tete - to remind it that the heart only welcomes
uplifting thoughts. There's a lovely song, "Gentle on My Mind" that suits my heart today.
"oh, you linger on the back roads and the rivers of my memory - ever smiling, ever gentle
on my mind". Many blessings be upon us today.

George has a treasure chest.

It's strange how my wife's death didn't remove her from my chest of unique valuable treasures.


love and powerful

dear God heavenley father,
thank of your advice, but yesterday realey somthing
happend around me, i kan not give a time my self
to tuoch your letttet, yestarday, because some one
try to tach my felling to hurt me and to give nigative felling,
but i dont want to resist agein them, but i dont give alow
them to tach my hearth to hurt me, because the have no place
in my hearth for them, i am choose to live peace of my hearth,
is that am desire to live my hearth peace of my hearth,
thank all of meracla you give to me in my life,

I am so sorry that someone's

I am so sorry that someone's thoughtlessness brought hurt to your heart, your beautiful heart, beloved Carmen.


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