The Moveable Parts of Life

God said:

What you do to help miracles along is to bless every situation. Bless it with your positive attention on it. No matter how negative a situation, come from the perspective of blessing. This is taking your hands off the exigencies of a situation. This is returning your attention to Me and attuning to Me. You will vibrate to Me. This is effortless. By lowering the flame under the stew, or turning it off, you allow it to cool. You no longer fan the flame of distress with your thoughts.

This is not ordering life around. It is not making commands, nor is it begging. It is coming from wisdom. It is looking from a different venue. Looking from a different position makes all the difference in the world. You are not demanding that the situation change. You do not hold it hostage. You are calming the waters. You are simply tossing bread on the waters, healthy bread. Ducks of opportunity will come along and eat the bread, and the waters are calmed.

This is not contrived. You are not looking to win in a situation. You are looking to allow it to change. You are looking for it to turn, and so you turn your view just as you would turn a kaleidoscope to change its configuration. A tiny change from where you presently are looking makes a huge change in what you see.

It is a perverse miracle that, amidst Oneness, comes division. You do not change difficulties by hammering at the surface of them. Certainly, that’s been tried enough. Wars have been tried again and again, and to what avail? And so to alleviate war, you remove yourself to the peace table. This is a heroic move. It is not retreat. You simply step out of the situation for a while. It is simply giving it a rest.

You move a distance away from a difficulty so that you do not harden it in place. You unclench your fists. You move your chair from its position, and you quietly sit in another chair. You don’t fan the flames, and you don’t put out the fire either, for you know this is not an emergency. It has seemed like an emergency to you. The whole realm of relativity has seemed like an emergency to you. The idea of emergency comes from the concept of time. And so what you do is to step out of time for a little while.

For a little while, there is nothing you have to fix. The moveable parts of life move smoothly without your using a monkey wrench. Quieting your thoughts is like oiling the gears so they can run evenly and quietly. All change has its quiet time. Or call it gestation. You know better than to pull up the roots of a plant when you want it to grow. You know better than to pull off the buds of a tree when you want the buds to blossom.

And so you do not dig up and reiterate to yourself or to another all the inequities of a situation. You do not have to prove rightness or wrongness. You do not have to prove anything. You have to let it alone for a while. You release your tight hold. So you send blessing where there is division, and so you release the painfulness, and you release the situation. When you release a situation, where does it go but to Me?

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What you do to help miracles

What you do to help miracles along is to bless every situation. Bless it with your positive attention on it. No matter how negative a situation, come from the perspective of blessing. This is taking your hands off the exigencies of a situation. This is returning your attention to Me and attuning to Me. You will vibrate to Me. This is effortless. By lowering the flame under the stew, or turning it off, you allow it to cool. You no longer fan the flame of distress with your thoughts.

There is so much practical wisdom in this paragraph, I felt to quote it again. By consciously practising this teaching in all areas of resistance one may experience, resistance will dissolve. What was once the mistaken snake during twighlight, that caused so much worry, becomes a rope to play with after sunrise.

Yes, very much, "What we

Yes, very much, "What we resist persists"

I have been reading heaven

I have been reading heaven letters for about 3 weeks now and finding the love, truth and wisdom in each of them. I have also downloaded the ebook of 10 heaven letters and have read them a couple of times.

Today's heaven letter is the perfect gift for me at this time. My 22 year old son just informed us that he plans to enter the military. It is two weeks today now since he first told me and it has been a very rough two weeks. I have used all my tools of meditation, Reiki, releasing emotion, etc. Still it is rough. My son is truly the last person I would have guessed would go into the military. He is very introverted, bookish, intellectual, quiet, etc. but felt like he needed to "shake up" his life and this was an option he investigated. This heaven letter today is exactly right. Blessing him and our family, blessing his choice and fears, blessing his path (whatever that may be). Blessing IS what it is all about for me today.

Thank you so much and many, many blessings to you and your gift.


Is he in the military right

Is he in the military right now?

Dear Shelly, just want to

Dear Shelly, just want to let you know, that I send blessings to you and your son.

For a little while, there is

For a little while, there is nothing you have to fix. The moveable parts of life move smoothly without your using a monkey wrench. Quieting your thoughts is like oiling the gears so they can run evenly and quietly. All change has its quiet time. Or call it gestation. You know better than to pull up the roots of a plant when you want it to grow. You know better than to pull off the buds of a tree when you want the buds to blossom.

I feel such a calmness while reading this. It is as taking a deep breath of let go - give up - surrender and trust.

Dear Uta, I happened to

Dear Uta,
I happened to read this 7 year old Heavenletter yesterday. Did you, too?

Yes dear Chetan - your

Yes dear Chetan - your comment lead me to it. I did not see, the comments there where older. Only afterwords... It is a beautiful Letter and touched me. So thank you for pointing me to it. :)