The Magnificence of One

God said:

I was going to say: “There is a special place in My heart for you.” At the very moment as I was about to utter these words, I could not, for the Truth is that there is no place in My heart that is not special. It is enough that My immense heart loves you, loves the One of Me Who is before Me right now. It is enough that My heart loves, for love exists irrespective of anything and everything else. Of course, else is a fiction. There is no else. There is no other, yet, so vast is that concept, it is hard for you to swallow it.

In certain states of consciousness, you do not even want there to be One. The individual you wants to be the One and Only, and that is a little different from the One of Me. Would you not like to be on a platform above everyone else? Is there not a part of you that longs to be the Most Beloved of All? In that case, you are the Most Beloved of All. In that case, I see you. You are a shining light before Me. You are the Highest Star in the firmament. You are the only movie reel there is.

As in DNA, all is contained within it. And in all My love for you, all My love radiates. One or All, My heart loves, and My heart loves you. How tremendous is My love. And how tremendous it is when your heart and mind can catch onto the Vastness of My Love. When you even halfway accept this, the world turns, and it turns for you. Regardless, the world turns for you and raises you high.

Come back to your awareness of love. I cannot say to you: “Come back to My love,” for there is no derailment of My love for you to come back to. Love is your shining light, and love is the essence of you. Reduced to its simplest, love is your DNA, and All That Is means that there is nothing else. I am not a body, and yet I gave you a body in which you can proclaim My existence. Let Me be known through this perceived individuality of Me called you. You are the Deliverer of God.

You may say: “God, you are my deliverer.” Now surmise that you are the Deliverer of God on Earth. Only you. Only you brings Earth higher to Heaven. Of course, there is no higher or lower when it comes to Me and My Love. And so We play a game, a Game of God’s Love on Earth. Hallowed be this Game, for it is not a game. It is Holiness Itself. You are. You are Holiness Itself except you have denied this Truth to yourself, your individual self, your little self grounded on Earth and caught in the strands of its web. Indeed, Earth has a powerful hold on you. It is called gravity, and you have had this thrall of gravity long in your heart.

It is like I am a Pulley to you, and your realization of this Pulley goes up, and it goes down, and, yet, it is Love, and there is nothing else but love. The Love I know has no degrees. It is love.

Yet, on Earth, you give Our relationship the third degree. You question it right and left, up and down, and, sometimes, you throw it away. In your efforts to discern Me, you may bark up the wrong tree.

It is true that I am Everywhere and in Everything. At the same time as I exist Wholly as One, I exist in your heart and nowhere else. Do you read Me? I am not a thing. I am not a representation of God. I AM God. I, God, in the form of you, love Myself. I listen to Myself for there is naught else to listen to. The waves of the Ocean are the Ocean Itself rising from the depths of the Ocean. The Ocean Waves are nothing but God in the form of waves. Which wave in the Ocean is not I?

You like to warrant that you and I exist as separate. There is something to the illusion of separateness that you prefer. If this were not the case, you would know that he or she who swims in the Ocean is the Ocean and that Waves of the Ocean can only be Ocean, and the Ocean is mighty. You are the Ocean blue. You are the Seven Seas. You are the Heart of God. No longer keep the pretense that you are not, when you are All, and All is One.

Read Comments

I love you...

Thankyou for the truth. I truly don't understand why i have come to this point
in my faith. I need to know what's bothering me, I want to apologize for analyzing God.
but it seems I have troubles turning this off, how do I turn this off? I am so beside myself
at times that its taken my peace of mind from me. I ask Father to purge this from me.
I don't want to ever question you? Please help me?

Can you take this from me? I seem like Alice in Wonderland. I have experienced of falling
twice now. I ask you with the most utmost respect FAther, I adore you, what am I do to.
I can't shut this mind off?

Everything is within, but once a mind gets to this point it needs to be with other minds
and share. I believe if minds can come together and discuss you, we can open a new door
to the cosmos, can you uplease direct me Father? I understand some of the vastness you talk
about, did you see my eyes in space looking at you Father? I feel you have given me something
to understand things, and I need to be around people who can tap into that part of me because it
is YOU in me. I have this desrie to explore you and that is my desire YOU, not to be the only one lol...
but when you say devour you, well I have a devouring love for you.

The very process we wish to

The very process we wish to stop i.e thinking, is the the substrate for what we call the mind. When thought stops, the mind ceases to filter Truth. Oneness expresses itself without fragmentation. To stop thinking, we need to slow it down first right? Before we get to a stop street, we slow down first. Better to work on slowing down thinking before we jump right into stopping it!

Being in community with people who share a common desire to slow down thinking can help and maybe make things easier, especially for us who feel we need this.

God always gives us what we sincerely ask for, often before we ask for it. Too often we overlook what we receive. May we learn to see with clear eyes of gratitude all the miracles that are poured onto us in every moment.

Let our devouring love, devour us bit by bit, so we become smaller and smaller until there is nothing left.

Sometimes, Star, when

Sometimes, Star, when thoughts become intrusive and overwhelming, I think of them as occurring on a television screen and I go into another room. If they are particularly persistent, I picture leaving whoever that is that insists on watching television right there in front of the TV while I go elsewhere. This helps grasp what is often said, that we are not our mind.

And if we are not our mind, who are we? Or what are we? If we leave our loud thoughts behind to go into another room in our head, are we still in our mind? These are all intellectual gymnastics, something that apparently needs to be left behind in the jump into Enlightenment, but easier said than done. Maybe another way of picturing it is using God's picture of the ocean waves. If there is a hurricane going on at the surface of your mind, maybe you can dive down into the stillness of your heart and rest.

Supposedly the mind is more like a tool that you have at your disposal to help get you where you are going. Maybe something like a computer. You use a computer to more easily get to God's message of the day, but once you are there the point isn't in using the computer, the point is in incorporating the message into your spirit. Sometimes you have to just stop in the middle of a Heavenletter and close your eyes and your mind for a bit, and let it soak in.

The heart

Hello Charles

I could really liked the suggestion you posted:

"If there is a hurricane going on at the surface of your mind, maybe you can dive down into the stillness of your heart and rest."

A great visual to link to this heavenletter!! Heather

you are alredy exses in my heart

dear God heavenley Father
Frecious Love mainengfull Loveleyness love letter today

it is like I Am a Pully, you are not pully dear God ,
and you are alredy exses in my heart when i was born,


The mind is a beautiful tool to be used by the Heart and not the other way round. Try to make the mind obey your heart and with Gods love you will succeed. Love to all Jack


I am truly working on it.
Thankyou very much
for your comment..


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