The Loveliest of All

God said:

Know thyself has often been said. Know thyself now, not what you once were. You do not have to count from 1 to 200 before you can count from 200. Start counting from 200.

The past does not have to linger. You don't have to have it. The past is made up of past perception, beloveds. You are not the past. You may think you are a product of the past, yet it is your own perception that you are a product of. It is well to get out of the past so that you can know who you are now.

Know thyself does not mean to know who you once seemed to be. If you are now a thief, what matters it that once you were a seller of wares? If you are a philanthropist now, what matters it that once you were a thief? What does it matter what you once were, thought you were, saw yourself as, what role you once practiced? It matters your life now. It matters what song you sing now.

Make now the loveliest of all. Wring every morsel of joy from it. Be glad you are here. You do not need the accolades from the past nor do you need the troubles.

You are a new Being today who eternally springs from My heart. What else do you need to know? You are the power of My love on Earth. That's it. That's your place in the scheme of things. That's your script. You are in this new play now. What your lines were in the last play have nothing to do with this play. Yes, you came from there, but so what? Once you were the scullery maid, and now you are Cinderella. Once you played a bit part, and now you are the star. And if once you were the star and now you play a bit part, play it well. The bit player has as much love to give as the matinee idol. No one has more love to give than you.

To give your love, you have to let bygones be bygones. There are no two ways about it. Step out of the past. It is only a pit you have fallen into. Everyone knows that if you fall into a pit, you climb out of it. Would you stay there by choice? Would you only wait until someone would come to pull you out? Scale the heights, beloved, and you are out of the pit you fell into. Surely, you haven't decided to do an analysis about how you fell and what you have to do to get out? Start climbing. That's what you have to do.

Whatever your past, climb out of it. You are at the starting line now. Wherever you are now, this is your starting line. Off with the old, and on with the new. Know thyself now.

You have exceeded the past. Why stay in it? Not for the sake of nostalgia, and not for the sake of pain. Where you used to be is only where you used to think you were. You were never where you thought. You were never in that pit you thought you fell into. It was a moment's thought, that's all it was. And now your thoughts are somewhere else. And now your thoughts can be wherever you want them to be. You are the star of your life, and you are a stellar Being on Earth. You are a Being of My heart, and that's what you really are and have always been if you had the eyes to see and the ears to hear. You are the beloved fruit of My vine. What else can you be except in illusion?

Read Comments

It's funny this story came

It's funny this story came out, because i was lamenting my past...about where i was and that's why i'm here a nobody.... Is it because i didn't work hard enough that until now i'm still just an executive not a manager.... i was just thinking if i studied harder in the past i may be somebody now........ Thank you God.... I will forget my past and move forward! It's time to move on to greener pastures in my life!


even for me the past has

even for me the past has been knocking on my door or slipping in without me noticing.
Reading this gives me the courage to accept my past and to live in the now.
easier said than done...though...
Thank You Dear God for helping me to see the now and to be in the now,
Thank You for helping me to let go of the past,
so I can breath and smell the flowers and just be in the moment.
At times I struggle so much - yet Your voice reaches my ears almost always just in time!
organic love and flowers and smiles to all and also to You dearest God!

I find the awareness of

I find the awareness of starting anew with each day, and in fact in each moment, so joyfull and exiting !

You were never in that pit you thought you fell into. It was a moment's thought, that's all it was. And now your thoughts are somewhere else. And now your thoughts can be wherever you want them to be. You are the star of your life, and you are a stellar Being on Earth

Life is an amazing adventure !

Make now the loveliest of

Make now the loveliest of all!

When thoughts of the past erupt, I say, "I am Love. I create magic moments. I am beauty and I am Truth. I am peace. And I am now". And I am so grateful for this Heaven Letter which speaks to my heart and speaks to my moment and speaks to my soul to remember who I am. I am at the starting line and I am ready to run the marathon of life! Let healing tears of joy and love and gratitude overflow and wash the past clean.

Everyone's comments are like

Everyone's comments are like continuations of the Heavenletters themselves. Where do God's thoughts begin or end?

Hi Gloria SOmetimes I wonder

Hi Gloria
SOmetimes I wonder when is it my thoughts or when is it God's thoughts? Just like when you are writing heavenletters, is it your thoughts or God's thoughts? Only you and God knows.


Dear Juliana, I want to say

Dear Juliana, I want to say more to you. It's late now, so tomorrow or the next day I will.

I think it's not so that only God and I know. But more later.

Juliana, what I wanted to

Juliana, what I wanted to talk about was your saying that, with Godwriting, only the Godwriter and God know where the words come from.

The Godwriter himself doesn't always know!

How do I know? I know Godwriting isn't from me. I don't have that wisdom, and I don't have that love. As one of the original subscribers to Heavenletters used to say to me: "Gloria, I know Heavenletters aren't from you. Anyone who knows you knows they're not from you!"

Years ago Bernie (Bernie Siegel, M.D) sent me an article about St. Catherine Siena, 14th Century Mystic. This is from an article in Research News and Opportunities in Science and Theology:

It is interesting to note that Einstein came to his theories through his right brain intuition, not logical thinking. He had great faith in what came to him. He knew it was Truth even when the world did not agree. When asked how he had such faith in his insights, he said:

“Because of their simplicity and beauty.” Are not beauty and simplicity God’s touch?

What was the unified field that Einstein so sought to understand if not God? And Einstein knew that the mysterious was the greatest of all.

Yuri from Spain who translates Heavenletters into Catalan just started Godwriting recently. I hope he will post his experience and his Godwriting.

I asked Yuri what his experience of Godwriting was. He wrote:

"When I was writing I felt more free and relaxed.... troubles seemed to be smaller, or even disappeared..."

It is not for any of us to judge anyone's Godwriting, yet, as God says, each of us is to go by our own heart. How does a particular Godwriting that you read make you feel?

Dear Juliana, where is the

Dear Juliana,

where is the end of my finger? In my hand? In my arm? In my spinal marrow?
Where is the end of the whole of my body? In my spinal marrow? In my arm? In my hand?

The sapling knows and sees and experiences, it is becoming the tree.
The tree knows and sees and experiences, it is becoming the sapling.


Wherever you are now, this

Wherever you are now, this is your starting line.

So this is the first second of my life? Pressing these keys and watching those black squiggles appear? Something inside immediately wants to fire a broadside of objections. Something else nods and smiles, if a bit helplessly.

Starting line. Stepping out of whatever went before. One minute it suddenly appears perfectly possible, the next I find myself scratching my head and asking, What on earth was that? A feeling of bottomlessness lingering: What if, as God said, the past never was?

Must be a momentary mood because, Gloria, I find your question equally unfathomable. Where do God's thoughts begin or end? Indeed, where? In any area of life, whatever is said under whaterver circumstances -- where? I really wonder.

(Must be my alpinist Wednesday, too many vast vistas.....)

Beloved Jochen, you must

Beloved Jochen, you must know you are the majority. Where do God's thoughts begin or end? I don't know the answer. I do know that sometimes it's hard to know who asks the question, and who answers it.

There are many many things I would love to share with you. I'm going to post this true story.I usually read this out loud on the second day of the workshop. Everyone is enrapt with this story, and I believe it does respond to your oh so fine question:

Elie Wiesel, 1986 Nobel Peace Prize winner, as a boy, before the holocaust, avidly wanted to study the Kabbalah, but there was no one in his town to teach him.

There was a poor man in town – he was actually on welfare. He was called Moshe, the Beadle. Wiesel wrote in his book Night:

Elie Wiesel begins:

I found a master for myself, Moshe the Beadle.

He had noticed me one day at dusk, when I was praying.

“Why do you weep when you pray?” he asked me, as though he had known me a long time.

“I don’t know why,” I answered, greatly disturbed.

The question had never entered my head. I wept because – because of something inside me that felt the need for tears. That was all I knew.

“Why do you pray?” he asked after moment.

Why did I pray? A strange question. Why did I live? Why did I breathe?

“I don’t know why,” I said, even more disturbed and ill at ease. “I don’t know why.”

After that day, I saw him often. He explained to me with great insistence that every question possessed a power that did not lie in the answer.

“Man raises himself toward God by the questions he asks Him,” he was fond of repeating. “That is the true dialogue. Man questions God, and God answers. But we don’t understand His answers. We can’t understand them. Because they come from the depths of the soul, and they stay there until death. You will find the true answers, Eliezer, only within yourself!”

“And why do you pray, Moshe?” I asked him.

“I pray to the God within me that He will give me the strength to ask Him the right questions.”

We talked like this nearly every evening. We used to stay in the synagogue after all the faithful had left, sitting in the gloom, where a few half-burned candles still gave a flickering light.

One evening I told him how unhappy I was because I could not find a master to instruct me in the Zohar, the cabbalistic books, the secrets of Jewish mysticism. He smiled indulgently. After a long silence, he said:

“There are a thousand and one gates leading into the orchard of mystical truth. Every human being has his own gate. We must never make the mistake of wanting to enter the orchard by any gate but our own…”

And Moshe the Beadle, the poor barefoot of [my town] talked to me for long hours of the revelations and mysteries of the Cabbalah. It was with him that my initiation began. We would read together, ten times over, the same page of the Zohar. Not to learn it by heart, but to extract the divine essence from it.

And through those evenings a conviction grew in me that Moshe the Beadle would draw me with into eternity, into that time where question and answer would become one.

pp. 2 and 3,Bantam Book, 1960 Paperback

Gloria, there is much more

Gloria, there is much more in this wonderful story than I can metabolize in a matter of hours, of course.

My question was really a very simple one, the kind that sometimes suddenly pops into your awareness from seemingly nowhere: Is there anything that is not God's thought/word? I don't know but tend to believe there isn't.
Who decides? --- I don't know. Whenever I thought I could, it always turned out I was wrong.
Is it an important question? --- It is.
Is it worth thinking about or discussing? --- It isn't.
That kind of thing.

Hmmm, so this is my second day of Godwriting wokshop?
What was the first, it seems I forgot?
Hugs, Jochen

You skipped the first day!

You skipped the first day! Actually, how do I know you did. Maybe you were there, and I forgot!

Santhan and I will be working on an online Godwriting workshop once we get going on the motor home trip.

With love and blessings,


Greetings, Jochen, for a

Greetings, Jochen, for a Go(o)dwriting.
Hugs to you all.

Ciao, Danilo! Come

Ciao, Danilo! Come stai?
Good to know you are there somewhere.

Dear friend, will I prefer -

Dear friend,

will I prefer - instead of: the first second of my life is the first second of my life is the first second of my life -, that the second before this second right now becomes this second right now, and becomes it forever?

Yes, some times and some lifes I preferred it. Sometimes I forgot my first second. Today I forgot my first second for some time.

The wonder of life is .... there is always somebody, or One, One who is around me, One who is in the interstice between the forgetting me and the forgotten me, remembering me my first second. We created oneanother for the purpose of remembrances, and we put us side by side intentionally, within our Inner Knowing and Being.

Look, dear friend, now you were the One, who remembered me who I really are - your best friend; the "next time" I will be .....



2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said be you now
For you are My Beloved
Being of My heart

God said starting now
You have exceeded the past
That's it That's your place

Love, Light and Aloha!