The Love You Give

God said:

I love you with all My heart. All My heart means with the entire universe to back Me up. The entire universe is My offering to you. It is in service to you. At My behest, all is readied and waiting for you. Every resource of the world is at your disposal because I have said so. It cannot be otherwise. Avail yourself of all that is offered to you, and offered to you in good faith.

My love is offered in the good faith that you will accept it gladly and strew it across the seas to land on all the wonders of the world. My love is offered so that you will accept and find yourself everywhere. It is offered so that you will return My love to Me through many channels and so have it returned to you.

Let your love not lag. Your love does not need to wend itself slowly down the curving paths of life, though it may, thought it certainly may. Yet your love would like to be flung to the world. Once and for all, it would like to be unfurled.

Let your love be a toboggan that slides over the snow. Let your love be a boat that speeds above the waves. And, oh, yes, let your love be a canoe that idles its way down the river and rests on the bank.

Let your love be a fast-growing tree that sprouts up and shades all below. Let your love be an ancient redwood that digs itself deep and reaches high. All the forest says Ah at your lastingness. Let your love be.

You have been fully granted love. You have no say about the love you have been given. What you have say about is how you disperse it. That is up to you. Disperse it, you must, or you will become wizened like an old orange. Love the love that is in your heart, and give it away. Spend it avidly. It is meant to be spent.

And then watch out, because the love you give will boomerang back to you. You will be assailed with love. You will find it around every corner. You will not have to look for it. It will find you. The giver of love becomes the magnet of love. You will pick it up everywhere. Wouldn't you like to?

There is always more love where that came from. As a matter of fact, the more you circulate love, the more you have available. It is so easy to give love.

And you are not meant to be one who counts love, who keeps a careful tally of it, keeps score and officiates. Love to be love must be freely given. It cannot be given with one hand and taken by the other. It has to be let free.

Consider that you are a fruit-bearing tree and your love hangs from your branches like ripe delicious fruit. You welcome all who come to your tree. You are glad for all who receive and relish the deliciousness of your fruit. Their joy is good enough return for you. You make no demands upon the receivers of your love. They do not have to return to you in equal measure. They do not even have to say thank you. You give love freely. It is what you were made for. Of course, you are happy according to the love you give, yet love is beyond measure, and you do not measure it. You do not know where the love you give will be passed on. You can only know it will keep going.

Maybe the love you feel in your heart right now is the love you once gave that came back.

Read Comments

Could this be the best HL quote ever...

...."Consider that you are a fruit-bearing tree and your love hangs from your branches like ripe delicious fruit. You welcome all who come to your tree. You are glad for all who receive and relish the deliciousness of your fruit. Their joy is good enough return for you. You make no demands upon the receivers of your love. They do not have to return to you in equal measure. They do not even have to say thank you. You give love freely. It is what you were made for. Of course, you are happy according to the love you give, yet love is beyond measure, and you do not measure it. You do not know where the love you give will be passed on. You can only know it will keep going...."

Why yes....I do believe this is the best HL quote least until the next best HL comes along!

It's a GREAT one!

It's a GREAT one!


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