The Lock and the Key

God said:

The good thing about demanding is that you are clear on what you want. You are clear enough that you can demand. Persist, ask of Me, at the same time as you know you don’t have to have that for which you are asking. What you ask for isn’t a criterion that you must receive. You are not worth more nor are you worth less whether you receive what you ask for or not. Do not judge yourself at all, but absolutely don’t base yourself on what you receive. What you receive or don’t receive is not an indication of your worth. Rich or poor is not a scale to weigh yourself on. You can be the richest of the rich or the poorest of the poor, and your worth to Me is inviolable just the same.

You would not demand that I give you a new car. Save your demands of Me for that which is worth demanding. There is one thing worth demanding of Me. When you demand what I will suggest to you in a moment, this is how you will announce your clarity of intention and purpose. You may think it is up to Me to give you what you want, but it is really of yourself, beloveds, that you are demanding. Yes, there is one thing that serves you well to demand of Me. Now I will tell you what it is. Say:

“Look, God, I want to know You for myself. I don’t want to read about You any longer. I don’t want to hear what other people have to say. I want You, and I want to know I know You. I don’t want faith any longer. I don’t want the faith that You are by My side. I want to know that You are by my side. I want to know for myself that You are deep in My heart. I want to know the love You give me firsthand. I don’t want to take anyone’s word for it anymore but Yours. I want to hear You for myself. I don’t want any more reports about You. I want You right here. I want You undeniably right where I want You. With all respect, God, give me back My awareness of You. Give me My awareness back once and for all, and never let me lapse my contract with You again.”

This demand I accept. I am indebted to you for this demand. This is a demand that is My Will for you to demand of yourself. It tells me of your sincerity and your fixity of purpose, and it tells me of your readiness.

Demand or request, in a loud voice or silently, I like to hear this from you. It tells me your desire is strong. It tells Me that you know what’s what. It tells Me you want your life to be filled with My Presence. You want unshakeable awareness. You don’t want a hint, a clue, a supposition. You are telling me this is your true desire, and that it will be fulfilled. You will fulfill it.

Demand that you know Me, have constant awareness of Me. Demand that I present Myself to you unmistakably. That is just fine with Me, for you are demanding that which I have been asking of you.

You are telling Me you are ripe. You are telling Me you are beyond ripe. You are telling Me you mean it. You are telling Me that you want your awareness of Me more than you want anything else. You are telling Me that you are ready and able to receive your birthright. You are also telling yourself, beloveds.

Consider Me the lock. Consider yourself the key. You are the key that turns the lock. You are the key that opens the Vast Universe before you. And you are the one who walks through the entranceway, and so you walk right into My full heart that has been waiting for you.

Read Comments

This is the Heavenletter

This is the Heavenletter selected for the "Heavenletters in all languages" intention. We will begin with this one.

I can hardly believe it.

I can hardly believe it. Here is the silent prayer of my life, word for word, "Look, God....."

Why did my prayer not "work"? Is it because I have been supplicating instead of demanding? It has to be something like that because, as I see it, in supplication you don't feel worthy, whereas in demanding you know that you are only claiming that which is yours by birthright.

This Heaven Letter sounds to me like the last word. But if I look closely, does not Heaven Letter #1 sound like the last word too? In retrospect, it does. In retrospect, it even seems to me that all I will ever need is one sentence from it, "You came with nothing but Me."

I am overjoyed by today's Letter from God. The oldest promise there is has been redeemed today. That is how I feel.

Much love --- Jochen

Yes ~ Yes ~

Yes ~ Yes ~ Yes!!!

Absolutely fantastic!!!

What more can one say!



My Father, this letter feels

My Father, this letter feels like an echo of my readiness bursting forth to rise to Your Love and Purpose. I am more than ready, I have been learning of how to come to this. I am still confused in my thoughts but I am seeing this as possibly unrecognized fear.
My Father, I wait upon Your Word and may my life be a witness unto You here, where Christ and I are One. Teach me how to reach out in the world. My readiness is Yours.

This is to all who responded

This is to all who responded to this Heavenletter. It is through your comments that I begin to grasp the meaning of Heavenletters. I love them all, yet there are many that pass me by. When you say something, then I read the Heavenletter again, like this one, and I begin to know what it said. I am so grateful for all your comments. And thank you, Wun Luv, for choosing this Heavenletter.

3 Heavenletter Haikus for

3 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said the good thing
Is you are deep in My heart

God said I want you
To know I know about you
I know you firsthand

God said I love you
And I want you for Myself
More than anything

Love, Light and Aloha!

Dear Lord I am ready to

Dear Lord

I am ready to receive you! Infact, i'm beyond ripe! I need you to be my side always and i need you to be with me always to give me confidence..... I'm very ready!!!!!

Absolut divine timing again,

Absolut divine timing again, I have no words, tears just come, for I did just write down several questions and a few minutes later I'm here reading God's reply:

"You are not worth more nor are you worth less whether you receive what you ask for or not. Do not judge yourself at all, but absolutely don’t base yourself on what you receive."

As dear Jochen said, this is THE PRAYER OF MY LIFE, in silence, in joy, chanting, in sorrow, in tears, in every emotion possible this is the one prayer of my life and I just needed to read this NOW.

It is the most beautiful amazing breathtaking overwhelming tender joyful Love Letter I have read. Words can really not express the love and gratitude and joy I feel and so I'd better stop right now !

Beloved Father, YOU ARE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE !!
Thank you Gloria and thank you all here who posted, you are wonderful souls !!!!


“Look, God, I want to know

“Look, God, I want to know you for Myself. I don’t want to read about You any longer. I don’t want to hear what other people have to say. I want You, and I want to know I know you. I don’t want faith any longer. I don’t want the faith that you are by My side. I want to know that you are by my side. I want to know for myself that you are deep in My heart. I want to know the love You give me firsthand. I don’t want to take anyone’s word for it anymore but Yours. I want to hear You for myself. I don’t want any more reports about You. I want You right here. I want You undeniably right where I want You. With all respect, God, give me back My awareness of you. Give me My awareness back once and for all, and never let me lapse my contract with You again."

Well, my God, so I asked You, so I ask You, because You have spoken to me.
And I am here and look, because I don't have more to wait, I don't want anything else.
My God, please: no more words. Words are not life. Words are not Heaven. Words are not God!


Danilo, everything is God!

Danilo, everything is God!

And nothing is enough but God!

Dear Gloria, We maintain

Dear Gloria,

We maintain that "everything is God", precisely because it is not our experience, our feeling, which otherwise would need to say?
"Everythings is God" it is a concept, it a simple idea in the mind: it may be a conviction, a faith, an emotion, but it is not an experience, it is not a truth but only the description in words of that truth.
We have yet to understand so that we may once again be free and reunited with God from which we previously disconnected our Self.
And it will not be the God's Words - nor were those of Christ - to change the feeling of an human being in the awareness to be God, just as easily as Christ changed water into wine.

With love.


Yes, but... God works in

Yes, but... God works in "wondrous strange ways" so I've heard, dear Danilo.

God could reach you with one word, even with one syllable, one sound.

God can do anything!

He can even get through your resistance, beloved Danilo.

"Consider Me the lock. Consider yourself the key."


Consider Me the lock. Consider yourself the key. You are the key that turns the lock. You are the key that opens the Vast Universe before you. And you are the one who walks through the entranceway, and so you walk right into My full heart that has been waiting for you.

How I love this Heavenletter

How I love this Heavenletter !!!!

it is the essence of the essence and God's most beautiful message to us.
much love to all

It tells Me you want your life to be filled with My Presence. You want unshakeable awareness.

You are telling Me that you

You are telling Me that you want your awareness of Me more than you want anything else. You are telling Me that you are ready and able to receive your birthright.

This is my very favorite Heavenletter and each I read it my heart misses some beats out of joy.

much much love


I am sitting in the office and should do my work. For just a short moment, I wanted to have a look at I went to "Community" and saw at the sideline under "Reader Comments" a quote from a comment by Jochen to the Heavenletter #2582. Out of curiosity I opened that Heavenletter and .....

That was it! It is a HAMMER! I'm totally puzzled. Or better: shocked!

I dont't know what to do now. I am almost crying. The prayer God introduces here is the prayer of my life. It's the aim of my life, the purpose of my life. It's exactly what I want.

I am breathless. And full of joy.

Dear God, this heavenletter is wonderful - No, YOU are wonderful! You offered to all of us a formula for bliss, a formula to find You. Thank You so much!


Thank you for sharing this moment with me!

With love,

Thank you Apollo.

Thank you Apollo.

Dear God, I am willing to

Dear God,

I am willing to receive You & choose Your Love.
I am ready to serve You in all the ways possible.
I want You in my Life & I want to follow you wherever You go.
I want to be your best friend & I want to love You.
I am willing to know You for myself and glance into Your eyes of Love.
I am ready to see You, feel You & above all truly know You.

I am Yours. I belong to You.


Yes you do.

Yes you do.

Consider Me the

Consider Me the lock.
Consider yourself the key.
You are the key that turns the lock.
You are the key that opens the Vast Universe before you.
And you are the one who walks through the entranceway,
and so you walk right into My full heart that has been waiting for you.


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