The Light Spectrum

God said:

Let Me erase furrows from your brow. What is frowning but bewilderment? Part of you knows that you are not where you seem to be, and that is puzzling. You are in two places at once even though only Heaven exists. You know that something is amiss when you glimpse only life on Earth, when you glimpse it the way the newspapers do. How can a beautiful Earth Angel like you find yourself in a vacant lot? The mechanism that makes you frown knows this is not true. It knows you are not isolated. It knows that you belong in Heaven and have never left except in this flight of fantasy you identify as life on Earth.

You have overlooked your true location and your true intent. You have forgotten to count what counts. You have missed several pages in the book of your life. You read too hastily. You missed the main thrust. You got warped into the details. You thought you were the words in detail when you are the book itself in all its great magnificence. You have felt you are to pay a price for this book, when it is yourself all along, and no payment need be exacted.

You don’t have to suffer, beloveds. That is a mistake of the intellect. You made that mistake because you see cause and effect and build a case for them. There is no cause for suffering. Suffering is not an effect except as you mesmerize yourself. Whatever occurs, you don’t have to suffer because of it. As in all things, it is a choice you make. You think you have no choice but to suffer, but that is a choice you made.

You have gone to great lengths to cover up your joy. You have made up joy as the mask, but suffering is the mask that covers joy. You made a dark mask. Now you can remove it by letting more light in. Perhaps you have become comfortable in the dark dungeon you have sat down in. Get up. Vacate the premises. Demolish the darkness. Open up the curtains and the windows, open them wide and see what the world looks like when you see it shining in My light. Which end of the telescope would you like to look through? Which side of the light spectrum would you like to be on?

You are made of many colors, beloved, depending on how you view yourself. Your mind becomes the crayons that you color yourself in with. Choose bright yellow now. Choose golden light. Put glum colors away. Throw them out. They are only fake anyway. You are truly the color of love. Choose your colors today. Fill in your life today. Choose the color you want to be ahead of time.

The color you choose is like a filter for sunlight that needs no filter. Sunlight emanates from the sun in pure golden light. See all of it, not just the tail end. All sunlight is beautiful, and its light is bright. Perhaps you have even squeezed your eyes shut so you could not be dazed by the day’s splendor. The games you play with yourself. Life is more than a sport. It is the real thing. And the real thing is a thing of constant beauty. Do not take a hard stand on your life. Be an antelope who roams around in life a little. Do not make life a hard and fast rule. Open your heart wide, and let life come in and be the honored guest who sits on your right.

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the way the newspapers do

How can a beautiful Earth Angel like you find yourself in a vacant lot? The mechanism that makes you frown knows this is not true. It knows you are not isolated. It knows that you belong in Heaven and have never left except in this flight of fantasy you identify as life on Earth.

Good news: My frown of bewilderment and of diapproval does not simply bespeak personal likes and dislikes; it is evidence of the fact that there really is better, much better than my newspaper mind is trying to tell me there is. And once I am made to see it, it's obvious. How could the obvious ever go unnoticed? How many more obvious things are there that are still undetected? Oh, right, that's what Heavenletters are saying all the time, that they want to instruct us on how to see the most obvious once again. Exciting perspective!


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