The Leaves on the Trees Outside Your Window

God said:

Behoove is a versatile word. When I say that it behooves you to do something, I don’t mean obligation. I mean more like: It is a good idea to do this that I ask. It is to your advantage. It behooves you to be happy every single day.

If you cannot commit to being happy every single day, will you commit to finding one thing to be happy about every day? or one thing to relish? one thing worth looking at and sharing with others?

Worth sharing means something that will uplift you, anyone else, your environment and out into the glorious world.

Today perhaps you can share with someone how the leaves on the trees outside your window seem to hang in suspension, as if biding their time, or as if there is no time and no motion to ever occur in time. Perhaps time has fled and it is the suspension of time that hangs outside your window, and you are noticing it.

This is how I would describe this stillness that surrounds you at this moment. You might not be able to describe it this way, yet can you see it? Can you feel it? Today, time suspends itself for a few moments, and Stillness is yours. You are a part of it. Here you are, sitting in the Universe without gravity. For a moment you had insights into the workings of the world behind the scenes. You are right here in the making of life.

You might not always realize what this moment really is, yet in the moments of nothing happening, the Real You is happening. You are here in the scenes as a part of them, and, yet, you are not here at all. You partake of the scene, and yet there is no partaker, and yet you are not apart from the scene and the seen. Who are you? Where are you?

Is it possible that you experience Oneness through the leaves in the trees? Are you the onlooker as well as the looked-at? It is a given that anything is possible in this world made by God for God. It behooves you to know this.

We are not talking about the leaves or the trees really, are We?

We are talking about the sap that runs through trees. We are talking about the calm energy of life that floods the Holy Universe. It is greater than the air you breathe. From one point of view, it is the air you breathe. It is the phenomenon of Oneness although it is not a phenomenon. For a moment you forget you are housed in a body. For a moment you are not you but Life itself. For a moment, you have a handle on how death of the body makes no difference at all. Perhaps, for a moment or a few moments, you are your soul experiencing the Oneness of Soul. For a moment or two, with or without your realizing that Oneness is rising before you, you arise to Oneness.

For a moment, you are of the world and yet not in the world. In the guise of leaves and trees, you sense you are married to Oneness. You love these moments of Oneness and how beautifully still Oneness is and that you are that Oneness Supreme, and there really is nothing else, nothing to even talk about. There is not any activity even as the world revolves. Even as there are wars and badmouthing and competition, you are having a growing sense of Oneness.

Oneness is as the sense of God, not a veil you step through but the whole blazing Sun you step into where there is Light yet no cold or hot, just Light like the Light I see wherever I look. I see without looking. I am beyond the senses, and I am beyond the extant world, and so are you. No longer are you bound to old sightings through a telescope or microscope or even through words. You are bound to nothing. Therefore, you are unbounded, and, therefore, there is nowhere where you are not, and everyone and everything is you.

Read Comments

The Leaves on the Trees Outside Your Window.

This is Beautiful!! It is the feeling of Consciousness that I get from time to time when I stop DOING and allowing my mind to think,and I become Aware and then I want more of this feeling of " In the world but not of the world". Love and Gratitude. Love, Pretending to be alan.

Our dear friend George

Our dear friend George Monta, of all people, is blocked from posting on the blog. George is 90 years old, I believe:

He writes:

Precious Gloria and Santhan and the precious Staff of Heavenletters:

I'm still strong enough to read most Heaven Letters and have tried to comment but am blocked by your technical problems so I send my love this way now and then when I can get to my computer. Keep sending the wonderful Heavenletters.

And then he added:

You have no idea how precious you are to me and how much you bless me every day. This, of course, includes your precious staff and the people who help you. For you to take a moment of your day to talk to this very old, dying man! Actually, Honey, I seem to be getting a bit stronger each day and by summer I think I can fly to Penn to teach on Course In Miracles. I've done it in past years and also in Arkansas and other places. I love it. I love you and the work you are doing. Sure wish I could comment but that seems a problem I have to live with! Love, George

And now my response to George:

Beloved George, First of all, regardless, you are not a very old dying man. You are a great soul that we have been privileged to know for so many years. How I long for your daily comments. I was spoiled, George, but, of course, that’s how I like it!

I wrote to William Harader, a great volunteer, who is giving his time and heart on the website upgrade. He is doing so much. In about a month, he and Heaven Admin will be able to start transferring the new data over to the web site.

The present version is filled with bugs. When the new version of the forum is up, they will have many things in place that will make the forum work more easily for everyone. If they were to try to adjust the present version, we would wind up with more difficulties in the form of spam.

How dare the present program block you, my friend. The nonsense we have to put up with.

Yes, I can feel that you are stronger. Years ago I TOLD YOU that you have to stay, and I am so happy that you are obedient! God bless you.


Technology sometimes gets bugs and viruses just like other aspects of Life. I Trust with all My Heart that Beloved George will soon Be able to post again on Heaven Letters. 90 Years Young, how cool is that?

Beloved George,it is always

Beloved George,it is always a delight to hear from you. You will fly to Pennsylvania to keep on building the bridge between Heavenletters and A Course in Miracles. We are actually working on the same bridge. Heavenletters bridges Heaven to Earth and A course in Miracles bridges Earth to Heaven through the mediation of the Holy Spirit. The bridge links the beginning and the end.

Long life to George!


As I Consciously Breathe in Love and Breathe out Gratitude I float effortlessly from a place of stress and confusion into Beloved Stillness where shadows disappear and doubt is nowhere to be found and I AM unbounded in My Capacity to Give and Receive the only Truth that LOVE is Everywhere and I See the Soul of Light in Everything. Thank You Heaven for Your Beautiful Creation. I AM in Awe.

Beloved Christine, this has

Beloved Christine, this has to be the natural state of affairs. Thank you for showing it to us, dear one.


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