The King of Hearts

God said:

I am stirring your heart now. I am diving into your consciousness and bringing it closer to Mine. I harbor you in My heart. I am the King of Hearts, beloveds. I am your high card. Use Me. Let My resources be yours.

I am your founding Father. You are a wish I made on a star, and you came true. You do not begin to know how much I love you. I love you as My own, which you are.

Feel a splash of My love. Let it moisten your heart. Swim in the love I pour down from Heaven for you. Swim in My love. Stay afloat in My heart. Catch onto Me. Understand My love, and you understand Me.

I am great Intelligence, and I am great Love. It is not possible to separate Love and Intelligence. One captures the other. They are indivisible. My love is wise, and My intelligence is love. I have one spear. I am not two-pronged. I am God.

The overflowing Ocean is My love. My love overflows. There is nowhere you don't meet it. You are meeting My love all the time. There is not one minute that you are without My love. You are bathed in My love. You are wrapped in My love. Be enrapt.

Feel My love. It will not overshadow you because the Sun lights it. There cannot be too much of My love. Drowning in the Ocean of My love, or burning up in the Fire of My Love, you come up through it. You are unscathed. You are not burnt up, but you are aflame with love, and you are soaked through with love. It splashes off you.

Be loved. Know you are. I lift your chin and ask you to gaze into My eyes. Lose yourself in them. Be overcome with them. Let My eyes possess you. Then you are free.

You know you are not free now. You know you are bound. You say you want to be free — then come to Me with dispatch. Come to Me without further ado.

You need no lessons. You need to let go of lessons. You need no rules. There are no prerequisites. If prerequisite be, it is My Love and that was given long ago and never withdrawn. You are ready for Me right now without further ado. But you like the seeking Me, don't you. You make it a project. Beloveds, I am a simple God. I ask nothing of you but that you come to Me, not erstwhile, but now. Get up from where you are. The doors of My heart, as if it had any, are wide open. I have been waiting for you for a long time. I have waited patiently until this day of your awakening to the love that I AM.

I am in every cell of you, every brain cell, every muscle. What did you think you were if not My love? What can you be but My love? Where can you go where My love is not? Where is My love not? My love is even in the midst of war, although you fear it is not. Obscured or not, My love is, and you are the recipient of it. You are no less than the trees and flowers, and flowers bloom even in war.

My love is conveyed to you in an ever-widening stream. My love is conveyed, but how do I convey to you the realization of My love? What would it take for you to know My love and that it abounds and abounds in you? What sign do you need? What sign have I not given? Give Me a sign, beloved. Give Me your hand so that I may lead you deeper into My heart where you abide.

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I lift your chin and ask you to gaze into Eyes. Lose yourself in them. Be overcome with them. Let My eyes possess you. Then you are free.

Beautiful, Jochen! Very

Beautiful, Jochen! Very poetic, but completely useless: only words on either side.


Give me your hand...

My love is conveyed to you in an ever-widening stream. My love is conveyed, but how do I convey to you the realization of My love? What would it take for you to know My love and that it abounds and abounds in you? What sign do you need? What sign have I not given? Give Me a sign, beloved. Give Me your hand so that I may lead you deeper into My heart where you abide.

Yes...I give to you my hand...and my heart...for it is yours already. I give you my love too...which is really yours as well! And...I feel humbled to receive so much love in return. I am so close to near...and I follow You too. I give also to you my tiny desperate needs for identity...needs for recognition...needs for love. And with much of God's Truth and Love becomes revealed.

Loving God and You too! Jim.

Querida, thanks for fixing

Querida, thanks for fixing this. Could you amend my posted quote as well? My editing POWER seems to have expired here.

What if all my resistances seized and I let You in completely?

I see You do love me, and You tell me I am worthy of it. I will no longer say that I am not, because I do not want to argue God. I would love for all resistances to simply vanish, whatever that means, and whatever it takes. I think it can be easy and graceful. I do not think it has to be hard. As You say, there are no prerequisites.

What if reuniting with my Love is easy and effortless?

I know The Love is here. I feel it every day actually. And yet, I feel like I am in denial. I deny the existence of Love, and my Self (One and The Same), even though it is clear and apparent. This denial can't be what I am, this denying aspect of "me" can't be Me, it seems to not want me to wake up completely. It denies and denies, and even when it is obvious and clear, it still denies.

What if I can wake up so fully and wholly that I never sense separation ever again?

What if it is really possible to be completely immersed in Oneness so that only God is known, as God knowing His Self?

What if that already is the case?

What if God is arising in my Consciousness and everything that is false is released easily and without strain?

So much expansion is happening, and I am becoming more aware of You every moment. I am grateful and I appreciate Awakening to Love.

I allow You, God.

I allow You to completely take over the activity of my Consciousness, so that the Divinity I Am is reflected clearly in what I think, do, feel and say.

I open myself to The Truth Within. It is done, it is so. Thank You God.


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