The Journal of Your Life

God said:

The world has taught you safety above all. Where did the idea of safety come from? It came from the idea of fear. Dismiss fear, and you won’t be craving safety. You will be craving to live life to its fullest.

I do not tell you to be foolhardy. I do not tell you to be without common sense, but, ah, My children, what you see as common sense and what I see as common sense may be two different denominators.

I say to live to the hilt. I say to taste experience in life and move on. There is always more adventure ahead. What happened yesterday happened yesterday. There is more to savor today.

Get out of the fear mode. Get out of what if when what if is fearful. Get into the what if when what if is exhilarating.

Life is meant to be exhilarating. Let life be awesome, not fearsome.

It is not necessary to attain life as others may. Attain life according to you. If you don’t want to climb mountains, you don’t have to climb mountains. If someone likes to explore caves, that doesn’t mean you have to explore caves. Find that which you like to do. I also might add, how do you know you don’t like climbing a mountain until you’re tried it once? On the other hand, you don’t have to try anything. You don’t need to go bungee-jumping to prove that you can. Maybe you don’t need to try it. Maybe it’s not for you. Maybe another kind of adventure is for you. Maybe reading a book is for you. Or planting a garden. Or whistling while you work.

You are not counting adventures in life. There is no check-list, you understand.

When there is not fear, there is not bravery. There is simply living life.

Living life for you may be speaking to someone first, may be learning to dance, to sing, to play the piano. Your life is for you to choose and not to prove anything. You don’t have to prove courage. You don’t have to be afraid not to do something that everyone is doing. You have your own life, and it is for you to discover what is your intrinsic joy. You are seeking joy, beloveds, not points.

In your pursuit of joy, you emit joy. It is that simple. As much as possible, do that which gives you joy. And that which you must do and may not want to do, make that joy-filled as well. There is a lot to be said for an idea in your mind, the angle you come from, what you tell yourself. Give yourself some good news, new advice, new awareness of the joy that even sweeping a floor can give. Do you get My drift?

When you come to feel that life is the same old thing, turn on a new radio station with new songs you never heard before.

It is your mind that makes you tired. It is your mind that gives you fear. The mind can do anything it wants unless you pull on its reins or give your mind a go-ahead. Choose the direction your mind is to go in. You are powerfully affected by random thoughts of your mind.

Read a new book. Or cut out the pages of the old one when they hold you back.

Blank pages are good. Fill them in.

Ultimately, you are writing the journal of your life. It is what you say it is. Have good things to say about it. Even be glad for disappointment, for disappointment pushes you along. Above all, be glad for the grace in your life. Be glad for every morsel. Be glad.

Read Comments

Be glad.

Sometimes I feel I'm being in too negative a state to comment, but since I do have my moments of gladness, even if shaky ones, I feel entitled to say something in response to this wonderful Letter. Yes, fear is the big challenge. Well, You won't forget to mention anger I'm sure.

The sentence I love most in this Letter is, Attain life according to you. It feels so freeing. Life according to me would first of all be fearless. Without fear, all the other hindrances would be child's play. But, God, it's not fear of heights, at least not in the literal sense. It's rather abstract. Much of the time it doesn't know what it's afraid of. Which makes it worse.

When there is not fear, there is not bravery. There is simply living life. Ah, simply living life! The way these words bring tears to mey eyes, I know that simply living life is the big dream. So tired of important things big and small, of lofty aspirations and deep ideas. A simple exhilarating life of love and joy, of whistling while working in the garden or anywhere, is what we long for and are meant to have, destined to have. And now, to repeat, we are catching on. There is no more beautiful promise. Fear will go.

Yes, I do get Your drift. I haven't been lazy, I have pursued joy and tried to come to terms with fear year after year, I never just left it to God or God knows what, I have always been looking forward to life, looking forward more and more the older I get. Only, I didn't make much headway or so it feels to me. Maybe I have. Anyway, now is the time of catching on, of Heaven and Earth olmost touching fingers as in that famous painting, of all struggles ending.

This is one of the good things I have to say about life.

It seems to me you have made

It seems to me you have made tremendous headway, yet that does not say what I wish I knew the words to say. Beloved Jochen, you are definitely you, dear one.

Life is meant to be

Life is meant to be exhilarating. Let life be awesome
Above all, be glad for the grace in your life.
Be glad for every morsel.
Be glad.

I am. Thank You !
Loving You always.

Yes Berit

My word Berit, I do not have to say anything as per usual, you picksd my words again. YES LET US ENJOY LIVE WITH L O V E. So young and so wise LOVE Jack



A couple interesting points

This fascinating letter contains a couple points I want to comment on. One is the idea that it is our joy that points our way to our heart. This is not a new idea, but for me it is something I have to keep being reminded of. What blocks this joy? All the rules I have come to accept? The past and all the distortion I have acquired and easily slip back into? The cause of the blocks doesn’t matter if I just concentrate on what brings joy and bypass any blocks that have existed for me.

The second point almost seems like a new one. Maybe the idea is somewhere in other Heavenletters. Here are the words I am referring to: It is your mind that makes you tired. It is your mind that gives you fear. The mind can do anything it wants unless you pull on its reins or give your mind a go-ahead. Choose the direction your mind is to go in. This makes it sound like the mind is like a tool in service to something else that more fundamentally who we truly are. What is the mind in service to? What chooses? Is it our will perhaps? Is our will more who we truly are than our mind, (like I always have assumed)? Recently I have come across a previous Heavenletter that seems to address the nature of our will. Here are the most relevant passages (Wondrous Stillness, HL # 1613):

Free will includes the discovery of what it is you will. Often you assert yourself, and you do not yet know what it is you want to assert. Will for the sake of will is not free will, beloveds. Bring your will closer to Mine, and you will begin to know what free will is really like.

My Will is simple. I will you to be free to choose. I will for your head to be high so that you can see what you choose. I will for you to chosse life rather than to postpone it for a sunny day. I will for you to choose from your heart. I will for you to give love generously, not to economize with it, not to save it for another day, not to mince steps with it, but to dance it widely like a waltz with your feet hardly touching the ground.

Much love to all……Chuck

Chuck's word, Wisdom or love?

Chuck's words are WISDOM and LOVE with insight. Beautiful!


Fear and the battle of wills

Fear has so many facets that look so different from each other: anger, mistrust, guiltiness, sin, attack, rebellion, submission, depression, abandonment, loneliness, sadism, masochism, mental illness, physical ilness, etc., etc., etc. They divide ad inifinitum. But they all are variations on the same theme: they all start from and end to negation of Wholeness so they are basically nothing, they are merely Absence of everything. Yet they are fearful, always. So this absence could only be compensated by inventing Security in all its conceivable forms.

Love has only One Face, an eternally extending and expanding one. It can only multiply, never divide. Love is its own Security.

Of course only separation could generate a split in the mind and fear was the end result. But which separation are we talking about if not a separation we created between God's Will and the personal will? So the personal will succeeded in making possible to be afraid of what it really is. It is the strangest belief the human mind has ever made.

Fear rose from denying and denying made us guilty then it made us to forget that guilt. The splitted mind then ended up in believing that God's will is "outside" yourself and therefore not yours. That God's will and your will are conflicting. That God's will is to deprive you of what you want by demanding you what you don't want to give.

This belief is our whole sickness and our whole fundamental fear. All other explanations of fear and its numerous facets are accessory. It is a real disease that we have to HEAL from. God's will seems to be coercitive only because you don't recognize God's will as your will. This denying gives rise to every symptom of sickness and fear because it is exactly this BELIEF that makes you want not to know, that makes you want to stay in darkness, that makes you denying light.

So if we forgot by denying, we shall remember by first stopping to deny. In this resides our will to HEAL. We can deny only what we once knew. Stopping to deny is the first step to aknowledge and recognize that God's Will is that the Son be One and United with Him in His Oneness. Then I shall recognize that my will is God's Will.

Does fear exist at all?

There is an old Heavenletter (#593) which the Generator decided I should have today. It seems to be saying all there is to say about fear.

A few quotations:

All fears are from limited perception.

You need not be consumed with fear. You keep digging it up. You call fear into existence. Think of what that means.

You feel fear physically. That tells you that fears are of the density of Earth. If you had no body, what would you fear? What would there be to fear? All of your fears are wrapped up in the physical. You give the physical more meaning than it has.

Fears are stick figures lined up in a shooting gallery. One goes down, and another pops up. Or the same one pops up again. But who sees the fears? And who shoots at them? Just leave them. Walk away from your fears. Don't look back.

Even now, in the midst of fear, when you think of love instead, your physiology changes. Love. God. Beauty. Mirth. Obsess on them rather than your multitudinous fears. Let love catch up to you, and leave fears behind you.

Have you not nourished your fears? Fed them imaginings, kept them before you, given them most of your attention? Turn the other cheek. Turn away from fear and turn to love.

Where love is, ego disbands. Ego is selfish. Fear is selfish. Love is not. Love surmounts both selfish and unselfish.

Again and again: There is nothing to do, just turn away.

It sounds simple. Why is it so difficult? Why does fear seem so tenacious? Because I dig it up again and again.

Okay, but then I should be able to stop digging it up. What pressing need does the digging up of fear serve? Am I aware of digging? No. Fear seems to be there of its own accord, clinging to me, closing its claws around my throat.

I believe there are levels of intensity or depth of fear. Using the analogy of a tree for the human being, fear may reside either in the foliage, in the trunk and branches or in the roots. Root fear seems most difficult because of its invisibility. You don't clearly see the fear itself and you don't clearly see your digging it up, therefore you conclude it must be an entity in itself, independen of your volition.

But it is not, according to this Heavenletter. Fear is conjured up. Fear does not exist. Do I believe this? Well the real question seems to be: Can I afford not to believe this? I cannot. So, however much I believe in fear, the suggestion – the imperative – is to not heed it, whether I feel able to or not. Such a tall order. But also appealing. Do not fall for fear again. Do not believe what your mind tells you about it, and even if you believe again, do not believe your believing. There, I think I'm beginning to understand "choice".

There is one, only one message Heavenletters are sending me: Intend for love, for oneness, to dawn on you. Period.

It's the Living Journal that speaks TRUTH.

Last night at a Christmas party, while talking to a friend of several years we mentioned that he was sort of withdrawn and quiet. He told us this story after some prompting in love:

"Twenty years ago, his next door neighbor came into his home while he and his wife were out. This neighbor murdered his 15 year old daughter. His neighbor died of cancer before the trial so there was no record of punishment in his consciousness.

As none of us knew anything about this we just listened with love. This gentle man emptied his heart of the pain in his Journal, we all took on this agony with a spirit of love and for the first time in twenty years the Christmas lights sparkled in a New Way in his life.

We all can take the pain of some one we love and help them carry it with understanding and hope. It's a nice Christmas gift. Our party was the best.


Beloved George, I do not

Beloved George, I do not know how someone can get over the death of a child and particularly a brutal murder. I do not think I could get past my anger at the murdered. I have a few minor hurts that I haven't yet been able to get rid of.

With that being said, I would like to tell again about a true story from a book entitled something like: 10 Incredible Stories of Forgiveness from Ordinary People. There is really no comparison here between between this story and your friend's story,.In this story, the murderer was eighteen or nineteen, and he was on drugs. Anyway, here's the story:

This mother's son was killed by one of his friends. His friend was on drugs at the time. Every time her son's friend murderer was up for parole, the mother pleaded that he not be released, and he wasn't. After some years, the mother realized that she couldn't keep living with so much hate. She was killing herself.

She asked to meet with the boy who killed her son. They met, and they both cried. After that, the mother went to the parole hearings and pleaded that the boy be released.

On the day he was released, the mother of the boy he had murdered, picked him up and brought him to her house and gave him a home. He gained a mother, and she gained a son.

I also remember an occurrence that happened in recent years where a man went crazy and shot and killed innocent children at an Amish school,.. One thirteen year old girl had gotten in front of the younger children and pleaded with the crazed man to kill her and let the younger children live. He did kill the thirteen-year old.. I don't know that that saved the younger children.

Then the murderer shot himself.

The father of this beautiful girl went to the home of the wife of the man who had killed his daughter to offer his help to her. How she must have been suffering. The father also went to the murderer's funeral to bring some peace to the living. What a man. I will love him forever.

From these two true stories, something good did come. We wish the children had not been killed, and, yet, there was something victorious in both of these stories.

Precious Gloria

It was so loving of you to add so much life and love to what I wrote. Your love shows in all you do.


Love thy ennemy

Dear George and Dear Gloria,
your comments are so linked to the next Heavenletter (Use This Key) concerning approval and disapproval. And being the victim or closely related to a victim of an extremely violent act ending in severe injuries, handicaps or death must be the most difficult challenge to Love. One really needs to have reached the point where the body and the personality is really nothing. Christ's experience of death through crucifixion was probably an "extreme experience or extreme sport". He wanted to go through to prove to Himself that the body is nothing (as God says repeatedly in many Heavenletters).

God did not ask Christ to die on the cross. But Christ decided by Himself to verify the perfection of His Sonship. He probably was more the witness of the death of His body/ego than the victim. How can you be a victim when you are totally aware that you are in God's perfection?

Yes, easier said than done. If we cannot extend our unconditional love and see God in an executioner of a loved one, God's Kingdom has no meaning. Because all of God's creatures are created in light, love and perfection. That is what we all basically are. So somewhere along the line we started believing in error and its correction while God teaches error never occured. It is our belief in error that makes error true to us.

What a challenge. Love has to go through a very very narrow door, a door that we have been builiding for eons and kept thighly sealed. Do we want to use the key that can turn off the illusion of revenge, darkness, illness and death or do we want to hold on to not using it?

Normand's words are deeply thughtful

I love to think that when I squeeze through that narrow door LOVE is right there waiting for me to come in, sit and talk about who I've always been in God.

Normand, you are a beautiful Soul!


Where we are seeing a wall,

Where we are seeing a wall, there is open space in reality. Our sun glasses are too thick.

Loving you, George.

Dear Normand, you are a

Dear Normand, you are a mainstay of Heavenletters and this forum. You have supported Heavenletters more than could ever be asked for.

You have given me an opportunity to remind everyone that we have Heavenreaders from all religions here. We aren't a Christian site. We aren't a religious site at all. Religion is an emotional subject for many, and discussions can get heated. It is the better part of valor to simply not bring up on this forum what could be considered religious. We want everyone to be comfortable here. It would be hard for someone who does not agree with conclusions made to say nothing.

Thank you all for your understanding.

With love and blessings,



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