The Gold of God's Heart

God said:

You may feel that it is difficult for you to love others, yet it seems that the hardest thing for you to do is to love yourself. You may think you favor yourself over others, yet you do not. Because you are not crazy about others doesn't at all mean you love yourself more.

You may give yourself the biggest slice of pie, yet that may be a sign of your loving yourself less and needing the biggest piece of pie as a substitute for the love you don't feel for yourself.

Self-serving is not a sign of self-love. It is a sign of lack of self-love.

When you love yourself well, you are able to give others more. You are naturally more generous. I am speaking of more love from your heart, not more proof of love you may need to bolster your sense of nobility.

It is good to be giving. It is good to be noble, and yet it is better to serve from your heart and not for any self-seeking. You can't help but feel good when you come from generosity, but when you give with the idea in mind of enriching yourself, then giving is more like taking. Perhaps if you keep a record of your givingness, you are not really giving. It can be you are trying to raise yourself in your own estimation as well.

Come from the premise that anyone I, God, love from My full heart is worthy of love. This means you, too, are worthy. I don't care what you may have done or not done, you are worth gold to Me. In fact, you are the gold of My heart that shines and calls Me to your side.

Be generous to Me, beloveds. Be generous with yourself.

You may see yourself as needing when the Truth is that you are needed.

You came to Earth to make My vision come true. My vision is simple. A world of love. A world of love can only be a world of peace. May you and all on Earth flourish.

May your hearts take off like birds flying to the sun. Yes, let your hearts fly to Me and melt in the sun of My love. Melted hearts are not frittered away. Melted hearts become molten gold. Any cracks or crevices in a heretofore dry heart are fixed, and hearts become seamless, whole and perfect in the goldenness of love itself.

Who would really want a dry heart, a hard heart, a wizened heart, when a heart can be love-filled, abundant, secure, simply being what a heart is for?

Your heart gets stirred so you will know that love is your natural state. A stirred heart has its love blended so it is reminded to love and to love all, as I love all. Hearts of love do not ask questions. Hearts of love are so full they are already satisfied. Hearts of love can accept that they are to give their love like orange blossoms that fall from a tree. Hearts of love know that their love is to be given away and that nothing is more wonderful than love given away the same way that the sun shines its light on all. The sun asks no questions about merit. The sun knows how to love, and I tell you that you also know how to love, and yet you can love more and more, and you can have more and more love to give. You cannot run out of love.

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Your heart gets stirred so

Your heart gets stirred so you will know that love is your natural state. A stirred heart has its love blended so it is reminded to love and to love all, as I love all. Hearts of love do not ask questions.
Hearts of love know that their love is to be given away and that nothing is more wonderful than love given away the same way that the sun shines its light on all. The sun asks no questions about merit. The sun knows how to love, and I tell you that you also know how to love, and yet you can love more and more, and you can have more and more love to give. You cannot run out of love.

I have felt to be in the presence of a sun of love and perceived "myself" as a small ray of love of that sun, the sun of love being a specific person or thought or incident. I feel more and more to be that selfsame sun of love and I marveled at that feeling. I feel not like I am in the presence of a sun of love, which is amaingly beautiful, but often I feel myself to be a sun of love that just shines and loves and, oh I it is incredible. like Heaven flowing through me and it encompasses all and everything, just loving.

Infinite suns of love to all

love and light

helo Berit,
wow it so beauteful comment you have
thank you share of sun of love,
i love your comment Berit
love and light

Dearest Carmen and

Dearest Carmen and George,
loving you so much ! your amazing posts inundate my heart and take me to Heaven in no time. Love heals all things, and Love is our only shared reality, boundless Grace.
much much love

Berit: Love left its finger print on my heart.

I just can't help it. Love's so beautiful.



Yes Berit, IFeel the same and was not going to answer or say anything But< Ok here Goes Thank You God for asking me years ago " try Love yourselves sometime Jack" That was when My live turnrd around and I have come to realise That LOVE is the Key that opens up everything. Again Thank you God I am happier every day and my cup flows over. Yes Berit I feel Love flowing through me as well and is it not a beautiful awareness? Love to all , Jack.

dear Jack , thanks so very

dear Jack , thanks so very much for posting and sharing your beautiful heart ! I begin to see and feel why beloved Gloria always asks to post in the forum !! it makes such a warm and loving difference.
.. one might think it is "just a post" ..... instead... worlds are shared and infinity flows through to bless all.
much much love

Hi Berit and all... beautiful are your words Berit. discover that we are the sun...we are the ocean...and we are here to send God's love everwhere. So we just relax...and put aside all else...and relax into the love that we are. And love will do the rest! Thank you dear one for the reminder. Much love...always. Jim and Jimi.

i am glade my own person

dear God heavenley father,
thank of this messeges you writteng to os,
i am glade because you keeping os your chaild,
so we are not forget to aour self who we are,
for my own maen my self like i have a vision is that what i feel,
her in the earth, for long time, i folow in my hearth what my mission
i have, mabey all what am doing mabey is love, i am shareng woman
i am kindnes undestandind forgiveng and giver pession
helper suporter, is that what i am felling in my hearth,
is that way i am and am glade for my own person,
thank of all your gift you giveng to me dear God,

You may give yourself the

You may give yourself the biggest slice of pie, yet that may be a sign of your loving yourself less and needing the biggest piece of pie as a substitute for the love you don't feel for yourself.

What I know, dear Author of Heavenletters, is that I love You for Your magnificent way of summing up the whole of history and of current world dynamics in just one sentence. Pondering this sentence, the whole sadness of this state of affairs but also joy at the simplicity of the sulution is there.

From the level of neediness and of tussling for bigger slices of all those pies – attention, recognition, approval, applause, fame, power, money as well as ordinary pie – self-love must be low indeed in very many of us. But dangerous lack of love for ourselves is finally making our yearning for it powerful enough to get serious about it instead of again looking for even bigger slices as, by and large, we have done so far. Perhaps loving ourselves, loving at all, there will not even be giving unless it is Oneness giving to Oneness. I think it will be the way Berit describes it above. (Some of her description went up on Twitter, by the way. Just click the little bird on the right margin of this page.)

The LOVE print! What on earth is that?

When quantum physicists set up a very careful experiment to affect the ph of water by human intention they find that after a few months of work by the men who meditate on raising or lowering the ph of water something fantastic happens. The space in which they work take on the imprint of their intention.

When a group of people get together to chant, or love, or do beautiful things, the PRINT of love or beauty can be measured in the room they were in.

God touched the earth and left a finger print. We call it love. Gloria has the print of His Mind in her work with Heaven Letters. We can feel it, read it, and let it make our consciousness higher reaching.


Dear God

May my eyes be open
May my heart be open
May I see as You do
May I read this Heaven Letter with an open heart, clear of judgement.
May I absorb it and feel it deeply.

I let go of seeming logic and I surrender all thoughts.

Thank you