The God Who Fills the Universe

God said:

What is the good of having a God if you can’t relax in Him?

So, relax in Me. Recline in Me. Lean back. Let Me be God, and let Me do as God does do.

I am a purposeful God, and I serve a purpose. I serve you.

I do not worry, so it is not that I worry in your place, yet, just the same, give Me your worries. Turn them over to Me as you would give the keys to a new owner of your house. The keys to the house just aren’t yours any longer. It is not that I take over your house of worries, for I am worriless. I disassemble your house of worries in one glance. Your worries are not Mine, and yet, they are no longer yours. We can say that I throw away the worry keys. I toss them out the window. Poof.

It is not that you love Me for a pay-off. It’s not that you love Me so I will take away your burdens. It is not that you are playing your cards right. The thing is that you are helpless in the face of loving Me. To love Me is not a choice. It is destiny. It is your destiny. Loving Me is what you are made for.

Look at it this way: Where is the gain in not loving Me? What is the gain to you, and what is the gain to the Universe in not loving God Who is in all? God Who is All. The God that is. The God that fills the Universe and every perceived heart within His territory of influence. And, tell Me, beloveds, and what is My territory of influence if not Everywhere. There is no place where I am not. There is no heart where I am not. I AM. I am here.

It is not that you love Me because you know which side your bread is buttered on. You love Me because there is nothing else really to do. You don’t possibly imagine that you can withstand My love, do you? You can’t escape. You can’t possibly run fast enough. Do you possibly think that you can hide from My love? Do you possibly think that you can be without it? If you do think so, then you are a comedian who makes jokes.

Nor did I design you for your usefulness to Me. Nevertheless, you are useful to Me. I Who am a Giver also know how to receive. My heart swells with the love you give Me. My heart swells with the love We exchange, as it were. And yet there is no transfer of love, for love is. If there were really two of Us, even then there would not be two lovingnesses. We carry the same genes of love. We are destined to carry love and spill it everywhere. We are lovers of love, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

And yet, I, Great Love That I Am, am also a Destroyer. I am a Destroyer of woe and weakness and all that that hangs out with worry. Even so, woe and weakness and worry do not really exist, for love is all, and yet I remove the weight of worry from you. Of course, I am not a God of worry. I am a God of Wonder.

I throw gold and silver stars before Me for you to pick up and know that they are yours. And yet I am not glitter.

My silver never tarnishes. My gold is solid. Beloveds, you are My gold. You are My silver. You are the stars in My eyes.

I am not too much for you. I am just right for you. I am the Splendor of Your Heart. Don’t you know that? Don’t you know what We are and what We are to each other as One and not twain? When love wells in your heart, that is My love swelling in your heart. Your love, My love, they are the same. You know what love is, and yet there is more love in your heart than you know.

I planted a crop of love, and you reap it. The imagined you reaps it. You forgot that you were the planter of it. Never mind that. Reality is as Reality does. Tend to Our love. It is endless. Tend to it just the same.

Read Comments

The bootstrap of God's Love.

"Don't you know what We are and what We are to each other as One and not twain?"
Let's put it this way. Do you know how a computer can start itself? Since it needs a set of instructions to be able to run programs, and that these instructions are embedded into a MEMORY, how can it uses it's memory to boot when it has been shut down? It is the hen and the egg paradox. Yet it is reality and it works.

We call it a bootstrap memory, which allows new programs to be entered without erasing instructions already in the computer. Ultimately, what activates the computer's memory when it is shut down is the energy of the battery. So when we shut down our mental, emotional and physical computer, where does this bootstrap memory resides?

In our brain computer naturally but ultimately in the battery of our heart. The computer is nothing without electricity. The electricity and the computer are One and not twain. To bootstrap is to be able to use his own inner energy or initiative without reliance on outside help. Our bootstrap is the bootstrap of God's Love which is also electricity and light and ultimately, ourselves.

serve of life,

dear God father,
thank for your telling me this,
you know very well am struggle of worry,
you give the selver and guld to as and
am thankful, i can not avoid of all wory
spisealy of my geniration conected of my
heart, but am always think to you when my wory
com, am remember you, you are not happy to,
but you help me to take away all my wory,
and am thankful i wish i coud take away al my wory,
and be happy, and be wonder, you know very well
how much i love my geniration her in the earth
but i have to love of my life, it you my choice of my
love after my geniration, that all about why am her
in the earth to serve of life , and for your telling,,

What is the good

What is the good of having a God if you can’t relax in Him?

Slightly delirious from a common cold (kept under control by biochemic cell salts) and somewhat disinhibited, I beg to differ: I'm still absolutely unable to relax in You, dear God, but it's so good to have You, to hear words of Truth that may one day make me relax in You and regain what You call innocence. And should they not because the habit of worry, fear and tension is too deeply ingrained, it's still good to have those words of truth, it's still good to know I have been wrong in my estimation of God and "myself", even if I find myself unable to change it.

If I have gone as far as to differ, perhaps I can tell some of the rest as well. I don't seem to really know about love. Yes, I do love truth, I do love the fact that there is a consciousness that tells undeniable truth with no gain in mind, with no hidden agenda, but I have to admit it feels a little abstract, I look at it as if through a coating of ice, as if the warmth I associate with love is not reaching me. And if I love at all, I'm afraid I will have to say that, contrary to what You say, I do so for a pay-off, hoping You will take away my burdens. I can accept it when You say that love is destiny, because that seems to mean I don't have to manufacture anything myself, it seems to mean I should simply keep my hands off. Do I want to escape? I don't know, it does not feel like that – but seems to be the only conclusion possible. How strange.

These last several Love Letters of Yours are more beautiful and touching than I can say. So let's just see...

Dearest Jochen

It must be the "cell salts" that give away the secret: "You're full of it!" (Love is what I mean.) Your talk of a cold is really warm. Love


waiting for...

"You love Me because there is nothing else really to do". It is so true, everything else I have ever done in my life has been a pastime, a waiting, and I have always been conscious of that, even when I used to ignore and mistrust You. I was "waiting for Godot", the fellow who would never arrive. Then You appeared, against all odds and You mesmerised me. Dearest Jochen, the deeper the bewilderment , the greater the joy you can contain. There is a sweetness in sorrow, as if it was the carrier of some sort of love.

Emilia was "waiting for Godot"

Sweet Emilia you didn't get fooled by Potso and Lucky either. Your consciousness is wrapped in pure love. Wow!


Dearest George, welcome

Dearest George, welcome back, I am always so pleased to hear from you and to read all your comments. You who stand strong and straight as an oak.

Emilia was "waiting for Godot"

Your words touch me deeply honey.





AND I AM ONCE AGAIN WITH YOU!!! WITH YOU, GOD!! To stay in love with
beginning to see that STAYING IN LOVE WITH YOU keeps us young and filled with wonder!!!

Marymoon I can see you

Reading your sparkling words is just like a child playing with a sparkler. Such fun to wave it in our consciousness.


Peanut butter and jelly

Gloria, don't look now but God has made all of us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches made of pure love and He feeds us to the hungry. When they look at Heavenletters it's God saying: "come and eat" or to the thirsty: "come and drink". Love's like that.


Heavenletter #3257-خدایی که جهان آکنده از اوست

خدایی که جهان آکنده از اوست

خدا گفت:

چه سودی است در داشتن خدایی که نمی توان در او آرامش یافت؟

در من آرامش بگیرید. در من بیاساید. تکیه دهید. بگذارید خدا باشم، و بگذارید خدایی کنم.

من خدایی هدفمند هستم، و در خدمت هدفی هستم. من در خدمت شما هستم.

من نگران نیستم از این رو چنین نیست که من به جای شما نگران شوم، با این حال مثل همیشه نگرانی هایتان را به من بسپارید. نگرانی هایتان را به من بسپرید همان گونه که کلید خانه تان را به صاحب جدید آن تحویل می دهید. از این لحظه به بعد کلید خانه دیگر متعلق به شما نیست. بدین معنی نیست که من مالک خانه نگرانی هایتان شوم، چراکه من هیچ نگرانی ندارم. من خانه دلواپسی هایتان را در یک چشم به هم زدن از هم می پاشم. دلواپسی هایتان متعلق به من نیست، حتی از آن خود شما هم نیست. می توان گفت که کلید نگرانی هایتان را دور می اندازم. آن را از پنجره به بیرون پرت می کنم. اوه!

این گونه نیست که به عنوان پاداش مرا دوست بدارید. چنین نیست که مرا دوست بدارید تا من نیز فشارها و مشکلات را از شما دور کنم. این گونه نیست که شما کارتهای بازی تان را خوب رو کنید. مسئله این است که شما در مقابل دوست داشتن من ناتوان هستید. دوست داشتن من انتخابی نیست. تقدیر است. سرنوشت شماست. دوست داشتن من چیزی است که به خاطر آن خلق شده اید.

این گونه به آن نگاه کنیم:. دوست نداشتن من چه سودی دارد؟ دوست نداشتن خدایی که در همه جا و همه چیز است چه سودی برای شما و کائنات دارد؟ خدایی که همه چیز است. خدایی که هست. خدایی که تمام جهان و همه قلبهای روشن تحت قلمرو اش را آکنده می کند. حال عزیزان به من بگوید اگر همه جا تحت قلمرو من نیست، پس قلمرو من کجاست؟ جایی وجود ندارد که من در آنجا نباشم. هیچ قلبی وجود ندارد که من درونش نباشم. من هستم. من اینجا هستم.

دلیل دوست داشتن من این نیست که می دانید کدام طرف نان را کره مالیده اید. مرا دوست دارید چرا که جز آن هیچ کاری نمی شود انجام داد. آیا چنین تصور می کنید که می توان در مقابل عشق من مقاومت کرد؟ راه گریزی وجود ندارد. نمی توانید با سرعت لازم بدوید. آیا چنین تصور می کنید که می توان از عشق من گریخت؟ آیا تصور می کنید که می توانید بدون عشق من وجود داشته باشید؟ اگر چنین فکر می کنید پس کمدینی هستید که مزاح می کند.

من شما را به خاطر ارزش و سودی که برای من دارید نیافریدم. با این وجود شما برای من ارزشمند هستید. من، خدایی که بخشنده است، خود می دانم چگونه دریافت کنم. قلب من آکنده از عشقی است که تو به من می دهی. قلب من همیشه آکنده از عشقی است که ما به همدیگر می دهیم. با این حال دادن و گرفتن عشق مفهومی ندارد چراکه فقط عشق وجود دارد. حتی اگر دو موجود جداگانه بودیم، باز هم دو نوع عشق وجود نداشت. ژن عشق مان یکی است. این سرنوشت ماست که عشق را با خود به همه جا ببریم و بتابانیم. ما عاشقان عشق هستیم و هیچ کس نمی تواند آن را تغییر دهد.

با این حال من آن بزرگ عشق عالم گیر، ویرانگر هم هستم. من ویرانگر ناتوانی و نگرانی و هر آنچه که به دنبال آن می آید هستم. اگر چه غم و اندوه و ناتوانی و دلواپسی وجود ندارد چراکه عشق همه چیز است، با این حال من سنگینی نگرانی را از شما دور می کنم. به یقین من خدای نگرانی نیستم. من خدای شگفتی هستم.

من ستاره هایی از جنس طلا ونقره پیش رویم می پاشم تا شما از آنها بردارید و بدانید که آنها متعلق به شما هستند. با این وجود من تلالو آن ستاره ها نیستم.

ستاره های نقره ای من هرگز کدر نمی شوند. ستاره های من از طلای ناب هستند. عزیزانم، شما نقره ی من هستید. طلای من شما هستید. شما ستاره هایی هستید که در چشمان من دیده می شود.

من چیزی زیاده از حقت نیستم. من حق تو هستم. من شکوه قلبت هستم. آیا نمی دانستی؟ آیا نمی دانی ما چه هستیم و به عنوان ذاتی یگانه و نه جدا از هم، چه مفهومی برای هم داریم؟ زمانی که قلبت از عشق سرشار می شود بدان که عشق من قلبت را آکنده می کند. عشق من، عشق تو، این دو یکی هستند. می دانی عشق چیست، قلبت مملو از عشق است حتی بیشتر از آنچه تصور کنی.

من بذر عشق را کاشتم و شما برداشت کردید. چنین انتظار می رفت که شما آن را برداشت کنید. از یاد بردید شما خود کسی بودید که آن را کاشتید. فراموش اش کنید. واقعیات، واقعیت را می سازد. به عشق مان بگروید. عشقی که پایان ناپذیر است. مثل همیشه به آن تکیه کنید.

From a rebellious reader

This comment will be a long one and will partly be about me as well as about my reaction to this letter. If you don’t like long comments and particularly if you tend to view my comments as “hot air”, you most definitely will want to skip this one.

First some background about me.

I started out as a rebellious child. I’m not sure there is such a thing as a rebellious newborn, but it wouldn’t surprise me if I was one. My earthly father, while being very loving in his own way, didn’t help matters. He was aloof and distant and believed firmly in the sentiment: “Spare the rod and spoil the child.” I remember the awful, sickening fear of being forced to bend over and hold the porch stairs as my bare bottom was beaten with his belt. This was his idea of guidance at the time, but it only strengthened my determination to resist and not get caught the next time. I became rebellious to the point of being what was then called a “juvenile delinquent.” Luckily I got through that period of my life without going to jail.

I also rebelled against the religious doctrine of my upbringing. If something didn’t make logical sense to me I rejected it. I accepted the idea of God being all-powerful and all-loving, but I couldn’t get this to be compatible with Him casting some of His children into eternal fires as punishment. I have always had a deep abiding faith in a loving Creator, especially the loving Father portrayed in the New Testament. But while I have studied most religious teachings in some depth, none have satisfied me.

This rebelliousness seemed to come into play when I read certain Heavemletters concerning the concept of “surrender.” The word surrender carried connotations of giving up my autonomy and free will and becoming subservient. The more I have explored this concept in the letters, the more accepting of it I have become, but today’s letter is a huge leap forward.

I feel like whole books could be written about the many insights piled up in today’s letter, but I want to focus now on one particular aspect: what it says about the nature of God. To me, this letter contains insights into questions like: Who is God? Why does He do what He does? Why did He create us? I believe this letter contains whole new dimensions and depth relative to these questions.

God says:“I am a purposeful God, and I serve a purpose. I serve you.” Later He says about His purpose in creating us: “Nor did I design you for your usefulness to Me.” I guess I always assumed that what I had been taught about God was correct, He created us for Him. If this was not the reason, then, what was the reason? At first this was quite confusing, but eventually I began to see that the answer was subtly included in the rest of the paragraph. “I Who am a Giver also know how to receive. My heart swells with the love you give Me. My heart swells with the love We exchange, as it were.” What I am hearing here is that we were not created purposely by God to fill a need of His, we were created as an expansion of His loving Nature. Our creation, then, was out of the spirit of giving and, in giving us our being, God received an expansion of His love.

This may seem like splitting hairs, but it seems to have powerful implications about who we are. We are not so much a separate creation as we are an essential expansion of our Creator. We are inextricably part of Him, not some sort of separate creation He cast off from Himself to lead an independent existence.

Another potent idea in this letter is closely related to this question of why God created us. He says about both us and Him: “We are destined to carry love and spill it everywhere. We are lovers of love, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.” What? He includes Himself when He says there is nothing we can do but: “carry love and spill it everywhere.” I always thought being all-powerful meant there is nothing He can’t do, but apparently there seems to be limits of sorts. God has said before that He cannot not Be, now He is saying He cannot not be loving. Again, this may seem like splitting hairs, but, again, I think these statements have powerful implications, especially in what they mean in regards to surrendering our will to God.

If God cannot Be anything but loving, and His Will is always in service to His loving Nature, this also says a lot about us. If we are part of Him, then our will is part of His Will. Our “surrendering” to His Will is actually only getting back in touch with our own will. Surrendering, then, gives up nothing. It only adds to our life since it means at long last beginning to realize what we always wanted deep in our heart. Since this surrender is an ongoing action and constantly a choice, it does not abrogate our free will. It can only add, never detract.

So where does this leave rebellious little ol’ me? It speaks to deeply held uncertainties, especially so when it affirms: “I am the Splendor of Your Heart.”

Obviously, you’ve stuck with this comment a long time. Hopefully, my meandering thoughts have added a little to this superb Heavenletter.

Love, peace and fulfillment to all…….Chuck

And if...God is perfect love

And if...God is perfect love and He cannot be other than love, He can only carry love and spill it everywhere (so we).
And if...we are that part of God that chose to come here? Here there are so many questions, feelings and things to do... until we will remember. Everything in our own life is trying to remember us who We are.

free will

As I see it, dear Chuck, free will, as we usually intend it, doesn't exist. Our free will, or ego's will, is just the will to choose how, where and when to surrender to our True Nature which is a Divine Nature. Divinity doesn't have a will at all, but only a necessity to be and express itself, expand, grow. In this sense God too cannot help being love and spill it everywhere.


Emilia, hon, I think we completely agree on this. Thanks.

Fear is in your mind, love is in your heart.

Fear, resistance, rationalization, rebellion are basic activities of the mind. In the illusory world of duality, they become the black background which allows us to see courage, acceptation, inspiration and surrender but as if they were outside of us. That is the world of constant change on which our awareness grows.

Accepting to enlighten these fears, resistances, rationalizations and rebellions within ourselves is the work of Love. These forces of "Darkness" might arise from our own past or the collective past of humanity. When these dark forces arise in us (and they certainly do very often), we welcome them because Love is not afraid of Darkness. As Lightworkers, we accept to uplift these dark forces and convert them into Light. That is God's work executed through us and that is how humanity uplifts itself.

The semplicity


Oh, from now I'll try this fantastic and magic secret. Say more often "Poof", say frequently.

Hello to you

Hello to you all...Smiling

Love is Love - Light and Consciousness - The 3`s all in in Peace remember...The Connection - Forbindelsen til Opprinnelsen...

You are so very, very sweet all of you. Thank you for letting me back in. Been away for a while. Now I am back and so are you more and more every day. The new energy is - well it is Love. I watched an Oprah Winfrey program some days ago, did you watch it? Did you see how the dogs where healing the prisoners, as well as the men coming back from war with too many scars from their experience of - war never a success, but the depth of fear and darkness. War cannot communicate Peace. Peace communicates Peace - perfectly well and ever lasting, as love communicates love eternally...In Norway we have two different words for power, one is MAKT which is enforced by humans disconnected to Being. The other word that delivers peace to the human race is KRAFT, the reconnection to Being with God within. The human race living in Unity as ONE in ONE WORLD.

Love you too... Hege smiling

Welcome back, Hege from

Welcome back, Hege from Norway! Looking forward to more.

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said endless love
Loving Me is not a choice
It is destiny

Love, Light and Aloha!


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