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The Gate...part 1

You may join me if you like. Bring a coat...and a light lunch.

Here we are now: At the Arboretum in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco...near the Camellia section. It is morning...quite foggy...with an exhilarating chill in the air.

Follow me: There... do you see it?: a tiny gate hidden behind some of the farthest camellias. One could easily overlook it...the gate that is...And on either side of the gate are hanging baskets of brightly colored fuchsias...dainty pinks and whites and purples: like oriental lanterns: spotlighting the gate...the entrance: which is constantly the mind...that is.

Yet this is a secret entrance...unknown to the mind. And look, through the tangle of branches... at the top of the gate is the shape of a ancient iron craftmanship. What a clue! Why this gate is pretty much in everyday view...but one has to really look to find it!

Come with me!...lets open the gate! Are you willing?

Perhaps you are wondering...what is the price of admission? Ah...good question: There are two requirements: A willingness to completely discard or even just set aside who you think you are... and your current perception of life. And the other requirement is a burning desire to know what love is...what genuine love really is.

Are you truly willing to open the gate? I will be with you. (to be continued...)
With love, Jimi.

Yes, I'm ready!

Yes, I'm ready!

Sweetest Jimi, only you

Sweetest Jimi,

only you could find this magic gate !! :blushing: so... I love to follow you, I'm really happy and exited to come with you, :wub: so... I set aside everything, EVERYTHING and I'm am ready for finding out what genuine love really is, is my greatest wish. Can you see me hopping up and down and pulling at your elbow saying "When will we go ? Oh, pls lets go !!" :)

I'm ready for more !
Loving YOU always

Thank you so much lovely

Thank you so much lovely Berit and Gloria for your willingness...

And here is a little commentary before Jimi continues with the metaphor:

The following are very common...and understandable responses to the invitation to open the "The Gate...part1" It may be usefull to state these:

Oh...I couldn't possibly go through the gate...because I have a very important appointment at 2:00 pm and I might be late!

Set aside who I think I precious way pal! I mean sure I have issues and problems and things...but at least I know who I am! Try someone else...

No....absolutely not...I am allergic to know...the ones at the gate...the ones I might have to pass by...

Oh...I just love mother used to grow them and I have the fondest memories of me and my mother. One time we went to the beach and were accosted by a pair of mean looking fuchsia thieves. Why we were left with only a few petals each. My...oh my! Now what was your question? I have forgotten.

Well...the last time I went to San Francisco, I left my heart there and I have not been the same since! So no way Jose!

No...You see....I have an aversion to going through gates. One of those claustrophobia things. My therapist said to avoid gates or I might not survive if I went through....

I don't know what you are peddling...but I am definitely not interested!

Is this one of those spiritual metaphors...Sorry...been there, done that

Will this hurt in any way?

Sorry...I've been pied-pipered before and it ain't too pretty!

Jimi...are you on drugs?

Etc, etc, etc....

The mind!...whats a person to do?

Loving you! Jimi

Jimi, you did make me laugh


you did make me laugh really good !!!! You are wonderful ! At least all or most excuses are out now !

"Jimi...are you on drugs?" ==> YOU ARE ON LOVE AND THAT'S HEAVEN !


Okay...I'll admit

Okay...I'll admit're right Berit...I am not on drugs...I am on Love...and I am hopelessly addicted! No twelve step program for me! Jimi. (I am on a One step the gate, take one step...and you're there!)(or maybe we're here already...and Jimi just invented the gate story to get your attention!! ha ha) Loving you and me and all of us....and God too, Jimi