The Flute of God’s Heart

God said:

There is no stretch in your being that which you already are. To shine fully as you are requires only that you lift the veils of ignorance that have covered up your natural beauty. It is you who covered up your beauty. Now it is you who has to remove the splinter from your own eye. You have kept truth hidden from view. It was not done to you. You perpetrated the fraud on yourself. Of course, you did have a little help from the world at large and the patterns that the world had set.

You bought into fiction, and you have kept up the illusion that the fiction is true, and that truth is fiction. You hold onto this thought tightly. It is a convincing thought. How could you, you mumble to yourself, possibly be Greatness? You? You think you know yourself too well. You know every thought and emotion. Nevertheless, you haven’t begun to know yourself. Naturally, you have to go beneath the surface. The surface is that you haven’t shaved today, or put on make-up. You haven’t yet wiped the sleepy sand out of your eyes. Your vision is blurred. That is the surface.

It’s not that you don’t have the eyes to see. You do have the eyes to see, and yet you do not see. Perhaps you haven’t dared look. As much as you disbelieve that you are wholly Greatness, you fear that if you dared to look, your slightest hope would be dashed. Well, dears, make your hopes reality. Make them come true. They are already true. Make your hopes stand up and declare their truthfulness.

Too often, in the morning, when it is time to wake up, you don’t want to wake up. You make a last effort to stay asleep or go back to sleep and keep your eyes closed to the sunshine streaming in your window.

Tarry not. Wake up now. The rooster is crowing.


When it comes to Heavenletters, we can compare them to flowers. All flowers are flowers. There are many varieties of flowers. They come from different angles, as it were. They all pretty much have stems and leaves and blooms. There are countless shades of color and variations. Countless varieties of flowers. Some grow this way, and some grow that way, and, yet, a flower is a flower.

We can say that there are infinite flowers of Heavenletters. No two are exactly alike. At the same time, each Heavenletter, as it blooms, repeats itself. It shares the commonwealth of Heavenletters. It is as if the same photo is taken from a different angle. Some Heavenletters get into more detail. Some are more poetic. Some are more down-to-earth. Some are easier to follow than others. Some are opaque. Some twist and turn on the page. Some stride across the page. Some go fast, and some go slowly. Some take you by the collar and shake you. Some take you lazily down a gentle stream. There are rollicking Heavenletters and Heavenletters that stand still.

It could be possible to say that all Heavenletters are a variation of one theme. It could be possible to say that all Heavenletters are about love and how to love and how to move forward and how to love some more. And, yet, no Heavenletter is a how-to. Heavenletters are not step-by-step manuals. They are not manuals. They are not a series. Each Heavenletter stands on its own, and yet each builds on another.

Each is a note of a song I sing to you or play for you on the flute of My heart.

Read Comments

I stand corrected

Just when I begin to wonder a little bit about what Heavenletters really are, out comes one like this that could not possibly be written by any individual human being out of his or her own devices and personal view of the world. The paragraphs about the many varieties of Heavenletters are totally captivating!

It also feels a little like a very, very gentle chide from God to me about my comment, a couple days ago, concerning the purpose of Heavenletters. It is like God saying to me: “You know, Chuck, I really appreciate your efforts, but do you really think you understand enough about what I am doing to make such all-encompassing statements about Heavenletters? Please don’t put boundaries and limits on what I am doing here.” On the other hand, if my comment truly had anything to do with this letter’s inclusion of this topic, my silliness was well worth it.

Love and hugs to all…….Chuck

Wonderful, Chuck. Yes, let's

Wonderful, Chuck. Yes, let's be happily wrong in our conclusions.

A Heavenletter that is published today was first written roughly three months ago. It may still be an answer to something we said or thought yesterday. Time's a Swiss cheese.

Heavenletters are Holographic and Wholographic

"Each Heavenletter stands on its own, and yet each builds on another."
The Whole is found in each part. So the part is totally participating in the Whole. So we are also an (w)hologram of God. Heavenletters are pure communication which is pure sharing, whole and parts.

Beloved Chuck, this

Beloved Chuck, this Heavenletter was actually received close to three months ago! That is how far in advance we are! We are so in advance because some days more than one Heavenletter comes, and we send out only one a day.

It used to be that a Heavenletter written down on a particular day was sent out that same day, and I liked the immediacy very much. I would like everyone to see the Heavenletter written down this morning, it was so wonderful.

Clearly, the Heavenletter sent out today isn't a chide to you or anyone. As for me, I don't have any idea of what you said that you're referring to!

I am aware of the time lag

Gloria, dear, your comment really gets to the heart of the process that we are engaged in as we communicate with our Creator. I’m sure you can recall many of the numerous reports of how readers find just the right content in a Heavenletter that they needed at a critical time in their lives. All of the recent letters were written at least a couple of months before the events in reader’s lives that they find are synchronous with the letter’s content. Do you doubt that God could inspire you to write just the right words that He will want someone to hear from Him three months from now? Just because we are limited by our view of linear time, is He also limited in this way?

The comment I was referring to was my Dec 13th comment on HL #3670 Toss Stars to the World. I opined that this letter contained a clear statement of the purpose of all Heavenletters. I do think it was silly for me to make such a sweeping statement, but I am not bothered in the least if I am chided by God. He does it all the time, but he always cushions His corrections with amazing wit and gentility and love and His point is always quite clear and important.

This Heavenletter process is truly an amazing thing. We are all blessed by your skill and willingness in serving as such a clear conduit. Thank you, Gloria, for all you do on these forums.


Beloved Chuck, it is God Who

Beloved Chuck, it is God Who blesses us. He has the skill. He can even have someone like me "hear" His words. If He can do that, He can do anything.

You and the others (plus God) make the forum.

Well, dears, make your hopes

Well, dears, make your hopes reality. Make them come true. They are already true. Make your hopes stand up and declare their truthfulness.

Thank you beloved Father/Mother.....

much love

a little help from the world

About the second part: There have been comments on how widely different Heavenletters are -- to the point of appearing inconsistent. Now we are told that Heavenletters are a variation of one theme, love. Of course. But I'm still wondering about preferences. There are Heavenletters I find breathtaking, spectacular, inspiring etc. There are others that sound quite interesting and thought-provoking to me. There are those that make me scratch my head in some, let's say, puzzlement, and there are some I find, well, boring. If they are all a variation of one theme, maybe I haven't understood the theme yet. And once I do, perhaps they will all be equally loveable.

Concerning the first part: Over the years I have found that to disagree with what God says in Heavenletters does not result in bolts of lightening teaching you otherwise. Disagreeing sometimes clarifies things until later I find I don't have to disagree quite so vehemently any more. It's a process. You can't just stop it. You would be stopping your own growth.

It is you who covered up your beauty. … You have kept truth hidden from view. It was not done to you. You perpetrated the fraud on yourself. I can see how this is so. I gave in. And yet, to my mind, this is unfair judgment since I did not stand the slightest chance not to give in to what I was being taught, unworthiness. I feel this perceived unfairness of Heavenletters as a constant sting. In India they say: To remove a thorn from your skin, you use a second thorn. So probably the sting of what I still feel to be unfair judgment is there to remove another, deeper one. For whether I'm right or wrong in my protests, the fact remains, of course, that I have to remove the splinter, no matter how it got in my eye.

Very true in my case: …you fear that if you dared to look, your slightest hope would be dashed.

NOW I understand because the

NOW I understand because the veils of ignorance are gently falling away. But this is not something I could do for myself, it is being done in me by Your loving Hand and grace. It took alot of seeking to get me to this sacred place within where ALL is taking place. Slowly emerging in the utmost silence of a sacred void I can begin to see emerging the natural beauty in my creation.

I want this lifetime to be my last as I can hardly endure life within the confines of this world!
With this, I need help.

With gratitude for Your undying Love,

A question


You are so prolific with the Heaven Letters. I am wondering if you have a set time when you receive the writing, or is it various times during the day or week? If it turns out to be say 10pm nightly, I would like to add my thoughts, blessings and well wishes at that time. No matter when this occurs, my thoughts, blessings and well wishes are surrounding you and your Heaven Letters organization at all times.

God Bless and thank you for your wonderful, uplifting service.


Beloved Darryl, it is the

Beloved Darryl, it is the easiest thing in the world to feel your blessings. I feel them now.

I write down the Heavenletter first thing in the morning. Sometimes that's 2 or 3 a.m.Or 4 or 5. Other times. like this morning, it was six, and a wonderful one it was this morning.

Every morning, I sit down to write the day's Heavenletter, and it comes. It comes every time, and it comes easily. If I did not sit down to receive the Heavenletter, would it come? First I sit down, and then God comes in. I don't wait to be inspired first. First, when I sit down, it's like I say, "Okay, God, I'm ready."

It has also happened that a second Heavenletters comes right away. Or even a third. It comes like an itch,and I must do it.

Sometimes that itch comes during the day. I'm minding my own business, and have no thought of writing down another Heavenletter, and then I just have to stop what I'm doing and write down a new Heavenletter.

This is the most wonderful time for me, sitting with God and listening to Him.

Incidentally, I wrote a blog and posted it this morning in which I write about how tempting emails are and how, sometimes, like an addict, I know better, yet I am drawn to checking emails first. Can you believe it?!!!

Thanks for your question, Darryl, and for sharing it here with all of us.

God bless you.

With love,




By the way, have I mentioned that you and God have a way with words;)))

Blessings, Love and Fun,




There's no question that YOUR love letters are not the usual love letters the world has shown us. And reading this one,

all I can say is "each HEAVENLETTER does sing a song. YOUR HEART'S SON to my own heart. Like all music, YOUR love letters

are a variation on the THEME OF LOVE, Each one of our hearts has a built in song, which you gave to us before we said

"YES, I will go and make the world a little more like Heaven." Each HEAVEN LETTER coaxes out of our hearts

that built in LOVE SONG. There are some days when we need to be shaken awake so that we can truly "take the wings of

the morning" and feel the magic of Love everywhere, and today i'm feeling that this particular HEAVENLETTER is like an orchid, and i

tells me to treat myself and all those I encounter today with what might be called an overindulgence of LOVE AND GOOD WILL.

Gods Flute

Dear God, thank you, I love listening to your flute and your flute uplifts my being every time I read your flute. THank YOU Thank YOU I Love You and your Flute Jack


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