The Energy of Words

God said:

Simple truth includes doing what you say you will do. That you can be relied on makes a world of difference. Most of all, you want to be able to rely on yourself. Being able to rely on yourself means you can be sure-footed. It means you can have confidence in yourself.

Be careful what you promise. Let your stated intentions be true. Intending to pay a bill isn’t the same as paying it. Intending to plant a garden isn’t the same as planting it. Intending to pick up milk at the store doesn’t fill the glasses on the table. Would a dairy farmer say, “I meant to milk the cows today.”

Even with little things, there is a huge difference between deed and intention. Sometimes you may fib a little bit and say you did something which you didn’t yet do, but will do, and you really will. Yet even the tiniest fib weakens your speech. Let strong speech echo from your lips. Even when you speak to one individual, you are nevertheless speaking to the whole universe. Think of that, and speak strength. Come from strength, beloveds.

Even when you tell yourself you will do something, even when you promise only yourself, it is still wise to do it. If you say to yourself you will answer an email, answer it. If you say to yourself you are going to clean your office, clean it. Clean it before you go to bed that night. Do not excuse yourself by saying you did not have time. Make the time. Do what you say you are going to do, or leave it unsaid, even to yourself.

We want your words and your thoughts to be strong. I am telling you how to strengthen them.

Little or big promises, make them only when you will make them come true. That you forget is meaningless. Don’t promise that which you will forget. Say only what you will remember. You are responsible for what you remember as well as what you forget. Beloveds, do not speak words unless there is strength behind them, or you speak idle words. Let your words and thoughts be strong like a mountain and not flighty like a tumbleweed.

Say Yes and say No rather than Maybe or We’ll see. Do not hedge. In every moment, you are to speak truth and not fiction. Your words are not meant to put off decisions. Your words are not to flounce around, bow, curtsy, do-se-do. Your words are meant to stand upright.

Or be silent, beloveds.

There are so many times you want to control situations that are not yours to control. You may want to control what someone else does. You may want every little outcome to be what you want. And yet when it comes to this matter of your word which is yours to manifest, you sometimes abdicate your throne. You shrug your shoulders and say: “I couldn’t get to it. Too much got in the way. I’ll do it next time.”

Look yourself squarely in the eye. Do not make excuses. Take on only that which you will fulfill.

Can you imagine an early pioneer on the Oregon trail saying: “I meant to forge on today, but I didn’t get to it.”

Can you imagine the early settlers saying: “I didn’t get to chopping wood today, but tomorrow I will.”

Tomorrow it might turn cold.

We are talking about energy, beloveds. When words and thoughts are hollow, they are without energy. When words and thoughts are hollow, they are like water you carry in a sieve. Carrying water in a sieve is meaningless. Your words and thoughts are to be meaningful.

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An Postive Attitude From

An Postive Attitude

From "Fit for God," by La Vita M. Weaver:

Proverbs 16:24: "Pleasant words are honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and healing to the bones." In other words, if you want good health, start speaking good health. Stop saying, "I can't do it." If you want to overcome the battle of the bulge, start speaking as if you will overcome the battle of the bulge. Start speaking words of life, words that are sweet to your soul and health for your body. Speak it, knowing God is there to help you achieve your goal....
Just as positive speaking works, so does negativity. Remember, the Bible says life and death are in the power of your tongue. So you have to be careful not to let negative words proceed from your mouth. I can remember speaking negatively about my weight and myself then acting upon what I spoke. I can remember thinking, "I'm fat and I'll never lose this weight." And guess what? I stayed fat and I didn't lose the weight. It seems logical that if I thought I was fat, I would do something about it. But instead if I was disappointed with what I saw when I stepped on a scale, I'd complain and immediately grab a large bag of chips. Cheetos, cookies, cup cakes, ice cream, or all of them at one sitting. My negative attitude and the negative words I spoke from my mouth had the same power as the extra calories I ate.

I didn't begin to see positive results until I developed a more positive attitude and learned how to allow positive words to proceed from my mouth. This concept also applies to your thoughts, for the bible says as a man thinketh so he is. Begin to fill your mind with positive thoughts... Put these thoughts into your mind, and then speak them aloud:




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