The End of Ego

God said:

You are all-important to Me. Why then, do you carry a need to be considered important? Importance, as you often desire it, is a placebo from the world. It doesn't really work. It is only a substitute for greatness.

You are meant to be great on your sojourn on Earth. You are here to be great. You are here to commit greatness no matter how small and no matter how unnoticed. You are not here, however, to be recognized as important.

You need not fame nor notoriety. You need not be noticed. You are the one who has to notice.

Would that all My children gave everyone his due. Would that natural God-given greatness embraced equal greatness instead of unnatural smallness embracing unnatural smallness. Would that you recognized yourself and did not ask for paltry recognition from outside.

The world's acclaim is here today and gone tomorrow. Your worth is forever. There is no need to proclaim it. There is need to serve. Leave your ego in a coat pocket, and forget about it. Hang the coat up in your closet. No need to wear it. No need to fumble in its pocket to ascertain where your ego is. Your ego is very well, only you don't need it. It detracts from your greatness.

Greatness is not applause or even notice from the world. The only sense of greatness that the world can give you is fame. Fame isn't the same as greatness. Remember that My children are all equal. I require no stand-outs. You don't have to do somersaults for Me to notice you. You are always in My vision. I take attendance every day, and no one is ever missing from My count.

I don't count fame. I count hearts. The count is always the same. One. One heart in the universe is accounted for, and all is well. Count along with Me now. One. One and one is One. The arithmetic you learned in school is correct only in terms of the relative world.

I am not telling you to be unassertive. I am telling you to be unassertive when it comes to ego. I do tell you to assert love. Love yourself, and you won't feel need for ego. Love yourself and you will love the world, vagrant that it is. Love love more than you love recognition. Recognition is little. Love is all.

Christ never thought: How can I be so neglected, misunderstood, underappreciated? His thoughts were grander than that. He gave grander than that. He knew Who I was. He knew Our connection. He knew Our Oneness. He knew nothing could prevail over that. Not death of body. Certainly not death of ego. He had tossed his ego away long before. He served Greatness instead of ego. He did not serve world ego. He did not aggrandize the world. He did not aggrandize anything. He spoke simple truth. Truth is simple. All Truth is simple.

Beloveds, while the world feeds your ego, it also chips away at it. Better to be done with ego once and for all. Throw your ego to the winds. What do you need it for? When did it ever give you a thimbleful of what you are worth? Ego is like water colored red to look like wine. It has the color of wine, but it is not wine. It is no substitute for wine. It is false wine. Therefore, it is not wine at all.

Ego is not important. It is unimportant. You are important. Recognition of your importance is not. I know your wondrousness. Now is time for you to know it in your heart. The recognition you need is your own.

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