The Divine Beat of God's Heart

God said:

When you are not feeling up to par, know that you are loosening the bonds that bind you. No longer think that feeling unlike you want to feel means anything but that you are growing in freedom. Let it be a good sign when you feel unsettled. You are a pioneer in life. When one leaves the country he was living in and sails the ocean to another country, he is unsettled. Of course, he is. No matter how much he has read up on the new world he will live in, it is still an unknown. He has not yet walked on it.

You are a traveler, beloved. We can even call you a nomad. You may have a set destination, and yet you may go by a different route than you thought, or you may wind up somewhere elsewhere altogether. Of course, everyone’s ultimate destination is the same, for when you set out to travel, your objective is to locate more of Me. It doesn’t matter if you are Columbus or a tourist or going around the corner, you are looking for greater happiness, and I AM THAT.

Change on Earth is the name of the game. And you may have expected yourself to stay the same and never be in midstream. You may like to see yourself as having already arrived, yet one who is traveling hasn’t quite arrived yet. He is in process of arriving. And one who is traveling may not yet have set out. He is still packing and perhaps unpacking, not sure what to take with him and unknowing of what he will forget to take with him.

The truth is that in the world, you do live out of a suitcase. You may be in an oasis where you always want to stay, and yet certainty in the world is not certain.

In a sense, you travel through life on a wheelbarrow pushed by an unknown hand, and you don’t know when the handles will be lifted up and you will be dropped off somewhere unexpected. In the world, you can expect the unexpected. You can only pick yourself up and continue on your way even when you don’t know where you are. Most likely, you don’t know where you are in terms of the map of your life and your journey. What you can be sure of is that you are not at a standstill, even when it seems so. And when you feel restless, you can know you are on your way. In terms of the world, you are always on your way.

Borders fade. They disappear, and you feel uncertain without a certain banister to hold onto. So be glad when you feel unsettled. It tells you that you are on a new adventure or you are settling down somewhere that is new to you. It takes a while to adjust to a new place.

How you may feel at any particular moment is not worth your attention. It is not necessary to take the temperature of your life every so often. Perhaps you don’t need an accounting of your life or your moods. Today your life is a pasture you walk through. Tomorrow is another pasture or another terrain you walk through. The weather may change, but what does that really have to do with you. The truth is that, regardless of the weather, regardless of how you may attest to what you feel, you are on your way. That is the relative world, beloveds.

In terms of the deeper levels of life, you are always in My heart, and nothing is changed, for you are, inevitably, one beautiful divine beat of My heart.

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Update to the greater version of yourself.

This HL expresses a wonderful dynamic definition of Faith.
Following yesterday's "You have known moments of Greatness...There are moments when you catch a glimpse of what you are made of and of what you are...(cf. Louder than Any Drum #3248)", it is inevitable that after those fugitive glimpses, we fall back into our perceived physical, emotional and mental limitations. Then "we are not feeling up to par".

Of course I did experience many times this falling below the mean after great insights until I changed my perception about those "fallings". I did convince myself that in facts, those "down moments" were precisely the undoubted signs that work was being accomplished in the limited realm of body, emotion, mind and spirit. And I really started developing that reflex that whenever these moments of sadness rise up from my guts, I thank God for what is in the process of accomplishing and being accomplished. And it is a real feeling of loosening bounds.

The Perfect Stillness of Ourself is in God's Heart. All expressions of God and Ourself have to be created within boundaries, limits and must dissolve to return to the Heart of Stillness. Change and dissolution are the very conditions of Expressions.

loosening the bonds

God said:
When you are not feeling up to par, know that you are loosening the bonds that bind you. No longer think that feeling unlike you want to feel means anything but that you are growing in freedom. Let it be a good sign when you feel unsettled. You are a pioneer in life. When one leaves the country he was living in and sails the ocean to another country, he is unsettled. Of course, he is. No matter how much he has read up on the new world he will live in, it is still an unknown. He has not yet walked on it.

This is very hard to believe if you have been plagued by fear and depression your whole life. But after sneering, I find it's a nice idea somehow, really quite attractive, one of those things that sound too good to be true and make you wonder whether you are about to pull more wool over your eyes or ... crossing a threshold. So this whole life was loosening bonds? Wow, must have been a whole lot of them, or one really massive one. When I'm through with this, I'll be a second Houdini. Or the soap bar in God's bathtub.

the soap bar in God's bathtub...

...or God taking a bath! It may not be necessarily true that feeling sad and unsettled means always growing. What for me lies behind these words is that trying to figure out and analyse what happens inside or outside us is pointless. It is about acceptance that everything is as it should be because everything is growing and evolving according to an inner intelligence and to a divine plan.

Jochen and Emilia, I think

Jochen and Emilia, I think The Soap Bar in God's Bathtub" would be a fabulous title for a book!

Chuck, this reminds me that you have been working on another 7-Heavenletter book or ebook. Please send more. And do I owe you some feedback? Much gratitude to you, beloved soul.

Another 7 Heavenletter ebook

I just love the image of the bar of soap in God's bathtub!

I have finished the second rough draft, this one called (tentatively): Our Purpose in Life. There are 3 more in various stages of development. I will send this second one to you, Gloria, as an attachment. As always, if anyone else wants to see either of the two rough draft manuscripts, just send me an email and I will send either or both to you.

Love, joy and peace to all......Chuck

How true, Emilia! But how

How true, Emilia! But how much sadly trying to figure out did we have to do until we became willing to see its pointlessness!

The Divine Beat of GOD'S HEART



You say , ' when you are feeling unsettled, know that you are crossing into freedom." That

is a very lovely reassuring idea!1 We are nomads. And you very lovingly remind us

that no matter what we set out for, everyone's destination is the same, my - our

objective is always to locate more of YOU! We are always looking for greater happiness



Heavenletter #3249-تپش قدسی قلب خداوند

خدا گفت:

زمانی که مثل همیشه احساس خوبی ندارید، بدانید که حلقه های ارتباطی تا ن را سست می کنید. فکر نکنید بی معنی است اگر که احساستان بر خلاف آن چیزی است که می خواهید حس کنید، بلکه به این معنی است که آزادی بیشتری کسب می کنید. آشفتگی و نگرانی تان را به فال نیک بگیرید. شما در زندگی پیشتاز هستید. وقتی کسی کشورش را ترک می کند و برای رسیدن به کشوری دیگر اقیانوسها را در می نوردد ، آشفته و نگران می شود. البته که چنین است. هر چقدر هم که در مورد دنیای جدیدی که در آن زندگی خواهد کرد مطالعه کرده باشد، این دنیای جدید هنوز برای او ناشناخته است.

عزیزم، تو مسافر هستی. حتی می شود تو را کوچ نشین نامید. شاید مقصد معینی داشته باشی، اما با این وجود در مسیری کاملا متفاوت از آنچه فکر می کنی در حرکت باشی، و یا به مکانی کاملا متفاوت برسی. مقصد نهایی همه یکی است، چون زمانی که راهی سفر می شوی هدف تو این است که هر چه بیشتر از من، در روی زمین مستقر کنی . مهم نیست آیا کریستف کلمب هستی یا جهان گرد، یا کسی که به گوشه و کنار سر می زند، تو همانی هستی که در جستجوی شادمانی بیشتری هستی، من همان ام.

روی زمین، تغییرات نام یک بازی است. شاید انتظار داشتی که همیشه در وضعیت ثابتی بمانی و هیچگاه در بلاتکلیفی قرار نگیری. شاید دوست داری خود را همانند کسی ببینی که به مقصد رسیده اما با این وجود کسی که در سفر است هنوز به مقصد نرسیده است. او در فرایند رسیدن است. کسی که در سفر است شاید هنوز رهسپار نشده باشد. او ممکن است در حال بستن و شاید باز کردن لوازمش باشد و نامطمئن از اینکه چه چیزی را باید به همراه داشته باشد، غافل از اینکه چه چیزهای را فراموش خواهد کرد با خود ببرد.

واقعیت این است که شما در جهان، بیرون از چمدان زندگی می کنید. شاید در آرامش همیشگی به سر برید اما قطعیت و ثبات در این جهان هیچگاه امری مسلم نیست.

به تعبیری، در سفر زندگی شما سوار بر یک چرخ دستی هستید که دستی ناشناس آنرا هل می دهد و نمی دانید چه زمانی دستگیره ها باز خواهد شد و در جایی غیر منتظره پیاده خواهید شد. در دنیا فقط بایستی انتظار چیزهای غیر منتظره را داشته باشید. فقط می توانید خودتان را جمع و جور کنید و به راهتان ادامه دهید حتی اگر نمی دانید کجا هستید. محتملا نمی دانید در نقشه زندگی و مسیرتان کجا هستید. چیزی که باید در موردش مطمئن باشید این است که در حال سکون نیستید، حتی اگر چنین به نظر بیاید. بدانید که درمسیرتان هستید، زمانی که بی قرارید. از دید جهان، شما همیشه در مسیرتان هستید.

مرزها رنگ می بازند. ناپدید می شوند. و شما احساس ناامنی می کنید بدون خط و خطوطی معین که به آن دلخوش باشید. پس خوشحال باشید زمانی که آشفته و نگران می شوید. این حالت به شما می گوید که قدم در راه جدیدی گذاشته اید و یا اینکه در بستری نو آرام می گیرید. کمی زمان خواهد برد تا به مکان جدید عادت کنید.

لازم نیست هر لحظه به این توجه کنید که چه احساسی دارید. نیازی نیست تا دمای زندگی تان را مدام اندازه بگیرید. شاید احتیاجی به حسابرسی زندگی و حال و احوالتان ندارید. امروز زندگی به مانند چمن زاری است که از میان آن می گذرید. فردا چمن زاری دیگر یا چشم انداری دیگر است که از میان آن عبور می کنید. شاید وضعیت آب و هوا تغییر کند، اما واقعا این تغییرات چه ارتباطی با شما دارد. صرف نظر از وضعیت آب و هوا و اینکه شما چه احساسی دارید، واقعیت این است که شما در مسیرتان هستید. عزیزان، دنیای نسبی چنین است.

با نگاهی از اعماق زندگی، تو همیشه در قلب من هستی، هیچ چیز تغییر نکرده است چرا که بی شک، تو تپش قدسی و زیبای قلب من هستی.

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said so be glad
You are always in My heart
And that is the Truth

Love, Light and Aloha!


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