The Difference between Godwriting and Most Other Writing

God said:

The difference between Godwriting and most other writing is that in what I say, there is no ego. That is it. Without ego, words go to the heart of the matter which is Truth. Yes, more often than not, I come from a different angle than you do. I always come from the same one angle, beloveds. I do not jump around. Truth is without ego, and that's the whole story.

A God with ego would not be a God. Now let's talk about you.

As ego fades, Truth arises. As your perceived need for ego fades, Truth arises.

I know you seek Truth and you long for the demise of ego. Keep seeking Truth, and ego will fade of its own accord. Your reliance on ego will fall off. Too big a thing has been made of ego. It has been given enormous proportions because of your belief in the necessity of it, as if your existence depended on ego. Nothing depends on ego but ego itself.

To some degree, you fear that with the fading of ego, you would fade as well. Not so, beloveds. You would exist much more vibrantly.

You may have thought that you are like a Christmas tree, and that you need all the tinsel and bells. You are not a Christmas tree. You are a beautiful Being who needs no embellishment. And what is ego but embellishment?

Yes, I understand that ego may bolster you. But why do you think you need bolstering? What is it exactly that you feel you must defend yourself against? What is it exactly that you insist you feel weak in?

There are levels of truth as well as levels of ego. Start with being simply plainly honest in your speech. This level of Truth alone is exhilarating. You will not feel a need for fiction. You will know you have nothing to hide or circumvent or polish. Unpolished, without editing, you will be as good as gold. You will no longer put on a false front. You will no longer put on.

No one needs a phony you. You don't need a phony you. The real you is good enough. The real you is spectacularly good, and this is the one you want to see for yourself, and the one you want to reveal. This is humility, beloveds, to be as you are without trim.

How do I get you to see the glory of your own light? How do I get you to see yourself in your own right? How do I get you to see? Tell Me, what can I say or do so you will begin to see the marvel of creation that you are?

You may say you cover yourself because of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. But that was all misunderstanding, beloveds. Let there be understanding instead. I created you, and I tell you that I created you beautiful.

When you see yourself less than I see you, that is ego speaking to you, speaking to you underhandedly, slyly, trying to convince you that to deny yourself your heritage is humility. That is not humility. Humility is not folly. Humility is knowing your value and not getting conceited about it. When you know that everyone's value is equal, what is there to be conceited about anyway? You and I are One, and everyone else is also One with Me, and One with you. This is the unvarnished Truth.

Ego is an interloper. Ego is all costume and no substance. You, who are My substance, don't need to wear any costume. You are good enough for Me. You are just right. Will you surmount ego and all its flourishes and be just right to yourself too?

Read Comments

Ego is an interloper

I hope the depth of this letter gets written into the heart of every reader. This tells it like it really is.
The writer of this letter KNOWS! So... LISTEN!


Perhaps you are making a simple semantical error, but without ego, with no ego one could not be human. What one wants is a harnessed ego or higher ego. That is where the miracles occur. Thank you for your efforts.

Dear Sunny, you are so right

Dear Sunny, you are so right in pointing out that there is much confusion, even in the realm of psychology, about the meaning of "ego". In Heavenletters, ego is just the part that wants to have things its own way, the part that resists change and does not want to surrender its perceived sovereignty to the true sovereign, our heart in its Oneness with God. Yes, selfhood is certainly a big part of what makes us human, and in itself it is not an obstacle. As humans, we can learn to go with the flow of, for instance, Godwriting. Ego is that which does not want to go with any flow but its own. Does this clarify the usage of ego a little for you?

In case you are new to Heavenletters: Nice to have you here! Welcome!

Ego is confusing

Jochen and Sunny have such wonderful ways of opening doors to higher and higher consciousness.
I often wonder if Ego is mostly learned, or if it comes with DNA, the way the color of eyes or disposition seems to come.
Ego is so slippery and seems to peek around the corner to see what the "other" is thinking so it can fool it or agree with it.
I love the thought of harnessing the ego but have found my ego seems to have a mind of its own. I tag along and pretend to
be a human having a spiritual jog through God's park. My inner self murmurs that I am an eternal entity of some sort, having a human
experience of some sort. In essence I differ from all "others" but in essence I discover I am connected to all that I see. Ego seems
designed to fool me into feeling separate from the "Other". Oh wretched man that I am, who will deliver me from the depth of this foolishness?
Then the alarm goes off and wouldn't you knwo? I wake up. To what? No. To who I am and am always becoming. Ego's so much fun.
George with no ego, (His ego says.)

George, I think in the

George, I think in the future I will withhold my comments until we have yours. They are so much more fun and illuminating. I guess I'm simply not old enough for such delightful freshness.

Response to Jocen

What you say, precious one, is fun for me to read but hides the great wisdom in your youthful way of seeing.
We all see and know exactly what we see and know. That beingness comes from the Source. You express beauty by your every thought!
But, thanks for the gentle words to a very elderly guy.
George with the funny bone just bumped!

2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said everyone
See the glory of your light
You and I are One

God said see yourself
And see the unvarnished Truth
You are My substance

Love, Light and Aloha!

See the glory of YOUR light

It appears to me that Aloahlight1111 said it all.
Her words ring the bells of heaven's truth.
George hearing and learning

Without ego is like entering

Without ego is like entering the waterfall that comes from source, naked.
The clothing, discarded lies on the rocks in the sun.
Immersed and one pointed in that stream of sound, knowing becomes realisation.
The samadhi we yearn for. That which casts away all doubts.
Manifesting the stream of sound from one's heart, there is no need for clothes.
Standing naked before all eternity, where is ego? only innocence.

Being naked in God's eternal bath?

Dear Heaven Admin:

You get the prize for imagery that speaks TRUTH about fake clothes.
You state a high and wiggly truth
A truth that open the door to the 'secret garden' of innocence.
So very nice!

George barely smiling

Beautiful sound...

And maybe this sound stream was-is there all along...Maybe we were just untuned to it as we fixate on the din of the world. we tune deliberately to that soft sound stream from the refreshing! The reassuring splendor of it All.

The reassuring splendo of it All.!!!

Jim, your words have the fragrance of a costly perfume!
or a beautiful flower just sniffed.
George breathless from the odor


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