The Dawn of Peace as It Rises above the Horizon
Behold the dawn of peace as it rises above the horizon. The naturalness and neutrality of peace is at your fingertips. Peace is within the pause between the words you think and the words you utter. All is at peace until there is commotion.
Peace is a deep longing of your heart. Even as you enter into drama, your heart yearns for peace, and yet you enter into drama, and you lock-down the peace in your heart. You won't let it out. Instead, you encourage drama to reign, and you sacrifice peace, and so you sacrifice your heart.
You say it is your heart that is immersed in drama, yet it is you, beloveds. You use your heart as a decoy. Your extravagant emotions are not your heart's doing. They must be your mind's. A heart of love is at peace, and your heart is a heart of love. Excuse your heart from the fray you may involve yourself in. Let your heart stand above everything you impose upon it.
Do not make your pure heart a victim of estrangement from itself. Your heart is not meant to be a ruffian who engages in lesser emotions. Your heart is not meant to be a gang-member. Your heart is meant to be a prince. Your heart is meant to wear a crown of gold, radiating love wherever the head of the prince turns. Give your heart its due. Give your heart a chance to be what a heart is, a calm strong agent of love and peace. The human heart was never meant for furor.
Let your heart have its way. The way of your heart is not to be broken into any kind of shambles. The human heart is a glorious thing, and it is modeled after Me, not after rowdies in the streets.
Your heart of love longs for the peace and sturdiness that love brings with it. Love brings comfortable cushions along with itself. It is a steadying force. Peace is like the sun rising in the sky. Peace opens the heart of itself and smiles and shines on all.
When hearts long for peace, how can the commission of peace be forestalled? How can bungling and warring arise out of a call to peace? Peace is more prevalent than warring, yet friction seems to star. I don't understand it Myself. How can war even get a start when the cry of peace is heard in every heart?
One has to be hard-hearted to contemplate war, and, yet, no heart was ever born hard. No heart was born encased. All hearts were born free of dissension. From where did dissension arise and overtake so many hearts of peace?
This has to be an anomaly. Scars must have grown from where no wound was. An imagined wound picked at itself, and battles were fought, even though there is no one to spar with except one's self. All warring is a game of solitaire, played with the tin heart of tin soldiers.
I say an end to anything that is not peace. I say that rough elements must leave all hearts. The rough elements must disband and leave the field of hearts to love. Hearts belong to love, and nothing else.
Your heart is to be fortified with love. There is nothing like simple love in the human heart. Simple love in the human heart asks simply to be filled with love and to distribute it everywhere, to distribute it hand over fist, to distribute it as if nothing else but love mattered. There is nothing else that does.
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