The Dawn of Peace as It Rises above the Horizon

God said:

Behold the dawn of peace as it rises above the horizon. The naturalness and neutrality of peace is at your fingertips. Peace is within the pause between the words you think and the words you utter. All is at peace until there is commotion.

Peace is a deep longing of your heart. Even as you enter into drama, your heart yearns for peace, and yet you enter into drama, and you lock-down the peace in your heart. You won't let it out. Instead, you encourage drama to reign, and you sacrifice peace, and so you sacrifice your heart.

You say it is your heart that is immersed in drama, yet it is you, beloveds. You use your heart as a decoy. Your extravagant emotions are not your heart's doing. They must be your mind's. A heart of love is at peace, and your heart is a heart of love. Excuse your heart from the fray you may involve yourself in. Let your heart stand above everything you impose upon it.

Do not make your pure heart a victim of estrangement from itself. Your heart is not meant to be a ruffian who engages in lesser emotions. Your heart is not meant to be a gang-member. Your heart is meant to be a prince. Your heart is meant to wear a crown of gold, radiating love wherever the head of the prince turns. Give your heart its due. Give your heart a chance to be what a heart is, a calm strong agent of love and peace. The human heart was never meant for furor.

Let your heart have its way. The way of your heart is not to be broken into any kind of shambles. The human heart is a glorious thing, and it is modeled after Me, not after rowdies in the streets.

Your heart of love longs for the peace and sturdiness that love brings with it. Love brings comfortable cushions along with itself. It is a steadying force. Peace is like the sun rising in the sky. Peace opens the heart of itself and smiles and shines on all.

When hearts long for peace, how can the commission of peace be forestalled? How can bungling and warring arise out of a call to peace? Peace is more prevalent than warring, yet friction seems to star. I don't understand it Myself. How can war even get a start when the cry of peace is heard in every heart?

One has to be hard-hearted to contemplate war, and, yet, no heart was ever born hard. No heart was born encased. All hearts were born free of dissension. From where did dissension arise and overtake so many hearts of peace?

This has to be an anomaly. Scars must have grown from where no wound was. An imagined wound picked at itself, and battles were fought, even though there is no one to spar with except one's self. All warring is a game of solitaire, played with the tin heart of tin soldiers.

I say an end to anything that is not peace. I say that rough elements must leave all hearts. The rough elements must disband and leave the field of hearts to love. Hearts belong to love, and nothing else.

Your heart is to be fortified with love. There is nothing like simple love in the human heart. Simple love in the human heart asks simply to be filled with love and to distribute it everywhere, to distribute it hand over fist, to distribute it as if nothing else but love mattered. There is nothing else that does.

Read Comments

All is at peace until there is commotion

How timely. Yesterday during my bedtime meditation, a beer at my knee, I suddenly had to thank life for making some thoughts, many thoughts, so painful. Otherwise, how would I ever find, or even want to find, the peace before commotion? Most thoughts, far above 90% I'd say, are not strictly necessary, they are superfluous and many of them hurt or at least "commote", preventing peace. How could I ever believe that thinking is a good thing, even a responsibility, even fun? It's wool and more wool.

Well, stop thinking those thoughts then, stop following them, drop them as often as they crop up. I have known that process as a wrestling match for many years. If you are addicted to thinking, perhaps addicted to thoughts that hurt, there is nothing you can do in a direct way to stop them. That is what I found. But when your life reaches Heavenletters, you stop trying to do. Well, I did. I stopped trying to do and started to allow, to lean, to let God. And that was what happened last night when for the first time in my life I felt those thoughts roll off like dewdrops from a lotus leaf.

This letter is magnificent, my God.

Beautifully said Jochen. And

Beautifully said Jochen. And I would say that all these thoughts are very useful. In fact, each one of them can be used are as fuel with which we transcend them. Personality is what propels us out of personality.

Your heart is meant to wear a crown of gold, radiating love

This letter is so magnificent, so clear, that it touch me deeply.
We have to give our heart back its titles of nobility, our heart is the prince of our Being,
the emotions are created by the mental and disturb the peace of the heart,
Every day we have to be vigilant with that.

Thanks Gloria for this message of Light


hoping in the dawn

I see, it is me who inflicts all kind of e-motions and com-motions to my heart. To love Myself means to spare my heart anything less than love. When I have plagued myself enough with fear and anger and sorrow I will surrender to peace. All suffering is for something (right Jochen), it seems to be the way men have chosen to come back to love. We have to help ourselves and God ( which is the same), and I am tired.
I hope this dawn is imminent, but I really don't know...

Only one thing to do...

To find this peace in our heart, I think there is only one thing to do ; to take care and love oneself,
it is easy no...?

Yes dearest Shanti, it is

Yes dearest Shanti,
it is who we are.

A heart of love is at peace, and your heart is a heart of love.

Infinite Love

It is that simple, but not

It is that simple, but not that easy, Shanthi, to stop all motions and find the still water.
How many have succeeded? You can count them on your "fingertips".

still water

It takes great courage to continue on earth, plagued as you are with your thoughts and your fears. You believe that your life on earth is a running of the gauntlet, and you are out of breath. And this gauntlet continues. There is hardly a respite. You long for the still waters where you can drink and sit a while.
The still waters are within you.


Then, let me sink in them, I claim my beautiful death in the name of Love.

Further down this letter you cite

Jochen, in your first comment, you describe a lot of uncomfortable thoughts. Painful thoughts, thoughts that prevent peace, thoughts like: “wool and more wool,” and “being addicted to thoughts that hurt.” I like the attitude you express of thankfulness, this speaks of self acceptance and moves nicely to the letter you cite: God’s Dream of You. This letter sure does resonate with you perceiving thoughts of pain, especially in the portion you quote.

Later in this same letter, though, is almost an antidote to the angst you describe:

“Imagine an onslaught of love rushing to you. It is like an ocean, and you ride the waves of that love that rush to you. You swim in this tide of love, and you propel it with your arms, and you are immersed in it at the same time as you lightly float. And you become the ocean, and you are the current of love that reaches everywhere.”

What wonderful thoughts to begin one’s meditation!

I enjoy your comments……Chuck

Yes, dear Chuck, it changes.

Yes, dear Chuck, it changes. Painful thoughts and then a rush of something else. Most of the time I don't know how they follow each other, but sometimes it's very clear that an onslaught of love is followed by a particularly nasty relapse into depression that makes me long for a final end to everything.

The delusion of separation walks hand in hand whith what has been aptly called "victim consciousness" which we all have to a greater or lesser degree als long es we believe in individual personhood. What does depression mean but the belief that something is done to me and I'm helpless to prevent it, or that through circumstances beyond my control I was placed in a sitiation I feel helpless to get out of?

What I'd really like to say – rather, what I'd like to sing with Normand, Chuck, Ophelia and everyone – is that if there is Oneness, then All and Everyone is I and All is you, All is done by me and All ist done by you, there is nothing and no one else that either grants or denies, it's all me. All longing is for myself, all hate is of myself, all lack is self-inflicted, all fulfillment is allowed or disallowed by me. This whole story seems to be about alienation of myself from myself, making part of myself an alien to myself and even making this well-filled bag of skin I call "I" an alien some of the time.

You probably know times when this is just words and other times when Oneness is felt as almost real. In the depth of depression, "love", "happiness", "God" and whatever name we may give to what we think we want more than anything, hold nothing for me. They are dead (and let no one try to imagine how frightening that is). But "Oneness" always stays alive. Oneness is what will get me to remember, "Oh, it's you who is doing this to you. To end it, you need to remember the whole of you. You need to reunite with yourself." And then after some time, love, happines and God will come to life again .

This post seems to have run off with me and looks a bit messy now. Sorry.

magic word

I know the inner "waves"you speak of and I think it is as it is supposed to be. Ride them.
What stands for me in the letter you cite, Jochen, is this ( along with the still water ):
"Consider that you are on earth for Me. As you do, the dimensions of your life will gather themselves into greatness. Even if you don't know what greatness would look like in your life, you can look for it. You can get ready for it. You can set the table for it. You can groom yourself for it. You can open the door for it."
If your "magic word" is "Oneness", mine is "Greatness", I always respond to its sound. I must be a bit of a megalomaniac!

Yes, yes, the safety system

Yes, yes, the safety system of Being has several levels of redundancy, Oneness probably being the last one – ift it doesn't hold, you're done for.

And yes, I'm sure megalomaniac is very fitting. I hope to be promoted to that level some day. For now, what would you call me?

levels of being

"Well done" ( like a "fillet mignon"), and it's me hoping to be promoted to that very last level, some day. If there is a "beyond Oneness", I want to go there, megalomaniac that I am.

"victim consciousness"

That is definitely part of our persona. But since our last collective comments on energy and desire, I tend to see the process more like a "stasis" in our desire of our own person(hood). We certainly have to desire ourselves strongly to stay alive. But at the same time, we are in an alchemical/energetic process of inversion of this desire, and inversion of this flow of life. We are learning to desire the desire of personhood, it sounds very tantric as an energy movement. This stasis is a sort of living death or catalepsy, experimentally controlled. And fortunately (or not, depending on the way we look at it), the manual of procedures is to be found inside. Deconstruction and reconstruction happen synchronically.


Thank you as I do every day for these wonderful sharings. God Bless and may their words filter into the minds and hearts of all.

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said call to peace
It is a steadying force
In the human heart

Love, Light and Aloha!


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