Tapping into Deeper Levels

God said:

Beloved Heavenreaders, there is only one reason to learn to Godwrite. It is not so that you can learn to be able to do it. It is not so you can mine the ability. Your purpose is greater than unleashing a skill where you write down My words.

Even in the matters of worldly things, you learn something for a purpose. You learn how to use a computer so you can use it. You don't learn it in order to have the skills alone. You learn to knit so you can knit something. Yes, talents are to be developed more than for the sake of a diploma.

If you want to consider Godwriting a power, that is fine, but powers of themselves are not much. If you want to learn to walk on water, it's possible you could. But why? To what avail? Of course, it could come in handy to save someone from drowning. Christ's God-given ability to love goes far beyond his ability to walk on water. By and large, there isn't anything you couldn't learn, but why unless there is a useful reason to do so?

If you really want to develop an outstanding ability, develop an ability to love. This serves great purpose.

There is only one purpose in learning to Godwrite, and that is so you can commune with Me. Can you think of a better reason?

Learn to Godwrite, and you can so easily and nicely, without any fanfare, lean into My heart and hear the beat of it. You can hear what I say. You can listen to Me. What more do you want, beloveds? What more is there that you can find in the world than to commune equally with your Father God?

The fact is that there is nothing for you to learn in order to Godwrite. There is only the letting go of whatever has stood in the way of Our easy camaraderie.

Do not think that this is the only way to communicate with Me, for there are subtler levels in which We already relay love and understanding back and forth, yet it is true that sometimes you miss a beat. Do you not think that when you love your baby, you are communing with Me? You most certainly are. When you plant a garden, from where cometh your joy? When you paint or compose music or do anything from the secret joy in your heart, what are you doing but communing with Me? What are you doing but listening in to the song in My heart?

But here's what I really want to tell you. I would like to suggest that you be not impressed with people who have what the world calls powers. Whether the power is a learned skill or spontaneous one, it doesn't matter. Like a skill and the possessor of it, but be not impressed by it. Do not put the person on a pedestal because of it. A skill is, after all, just a skill. A tapping into deeper levels is, after all, just a tapping into deeper levels.

All are messengers. All are great messengers. You are. You are a messenger. Some carry one message, and others carry another. Nevertheless, a messenger is a messenger. Because one delivers apples and another music — what matters that? What is so impressive that one carries gold and another silver? Is it a big deal?

There is no big deal, beloveds. When there is Oneness, what is outstanding, and what is not outstanding?

Every single child of Mine has been given talents. Talents can also be learned. The teacher and the student are both learners. Be glad to learn, and leave awe behind you. Let Me awe you but not let any mortal. Save your awe for Me. All mortals are on equal footing. Do you understand Me?

Read Comments

Wonderful letter, and so

Wonderful letter, and so true. All we have to do is look to God and look within and all the answers are available. Sometimes we have to search to really see them, but if we remain open to all possibilities, the answers to our life problems and solutions will be found.

introductions the other day


the other day i introduced my right hand to my body

i thought they ought to know each other better

people said, "that's crazy. they already know each other.

they're all part of the same thing-

come from the same thing-

made of the same thing.

they don't need an introduction."

i was thinking when i get to heaven and they ask me if i want to be introduced to god

i'll say, "that's crazy. we already know each other.

we're all part of the same thing-

come from the same thing-

made of the same thing.

we don't need an introduction.

we already know each other.

just tell him his right hand is here."

Hi Bernie...Yes that is so

Hi Bernie...Yes that is so true...but also introductions as a relative truth...is so sweet too! I like the idea of introducing my body parts to one another. Mr. elbow, have you met my knee? That is so sweet. We could have a party with body parts rubbing elbows...clasping hands...and soft hugs. Loving you with blessings....Jimi.

Each Country of the world is like a sacred prayer bead...held lightly and lovingly...

As my teacher used to

As my teacher used to say...One can remote view, one can astral travel, one can even be looked up to by millions of people...but if one's heart is not open...what do you really have? hmmm.

Loving you...Jimi

Oh Jimi, such a great and

Oh Jimi, such a great and important truth expressed in a few words !! Indeed, if our heart is not open and if we do not live and share love and compassion, what do we have ?
It is always good to stay simple I think, I mean discovering God in us, connecting to Source, to our divinity, is a process that is not accomplished easily, we should not be mislead and loose our utilmate goal and purpose.
Much much love

Gloria asked me to do pick

Gloria asked me to do pick out quotes from Heavenletters, so here goes. Hope you'll find this helpful?

Heavenletters # 2641

"Beloved Heavenreaders, there is only one reason to learn to Godwrite....so you can commune with Me...so easily and nicely, without any fanfare, lean into My heart and hear the beat of it... What more is there that you can find in the world than to commune equally with your Father God."

"Your purpose is greater than unleashing a skill where you write down My word." If you want to consider Godwriting a power, that is fine, but powers of themselves are not much. If you want to learn to walk on water, it's possible you could. But why? To what avail?...If you want to develop an outstanding ability, develop an ability to love. This serves great purpose."

"Do not think that this is the only way to communicate with Me, for there are subtler levels in which We already relay love and understanding back and forth....when you love your baby, you are communing with Me....When you plant a garden, from where cometh your joy?...What are your doing but listening in to the song in My heart?"

"But here's what I really want to tell you....be not impressed with people who have what are called powers...Do not put that person on a pedestal because of it....All are great messengers. You are....Every single child of mine has talents....Be glad to learn, and leave awe behind you...Let Me awe you but not any mortal. Save your awe for Me."


Dearest Kathleen, indeed

Dearest Kathleen,

indeed wonderful these quotes, they say it all, not ? it is a most wonderful and interesting Heavenletter, I really love it !!

So.... let's use and share all our talents at our best and ....

"Save your awe for Me." (That's Heaven really !!)

Love and blessings to all

Yea Berit, I found you here

Yea Berit,

I found you here too. I can't thank you enough for turning me on to this wonderful



God did turn you to His

God did turn you to His wonderful Heavenletters. They are a daily Love Letter directly from God and our hearts know it and feel it. Heavenletters make me laugh, cry, make me smile or I get lost in thought or awe at the beauty and intensity of God's love that comes through. Love and compassion and gentleness is all there is.

Love and Joy and Blessings to you dearest Kathleen !

Kathleen, you are so

Kathleen, you are so thoughtful.

On the blog http://www.godwriting.org/godwriting/its-hard-to-be-invisble-blogging.ht...
you picked out great one-line quotes from Heavenletters. They were so powerful. This was more what I was thinking of. How does that feel to you?.

It feels fine as often as I

It feels fine as often as I can. It helps me get the sense of it better as well.. The whole thing was God's idea to make me a better reader.


God seems to come up with a

God seems to come up with a lot of good ideas!

Of course, only as is comfortable to you, dear one.

3 Heavenletter Haikus for

3 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said you Godwrite
So you can commune with Me
Where cometh your joy

God said to listen
Lean into My heart and hear
The song in My heart

God said Beloveds
An ability to love
This serves great purpose

Love, Light and Aloha!



A special message for us worriers

Ah, oh! It feels like someone’s poking me in the back of my shoulder and urging me to post something again. This has been my experience of late and, oops, it’s happening again. I am getting an impulse to discuss my experience of Godwriting and the feeling that it may help some who, like me, have to overcome certain hurdles. It feels like I’ve been given an assignment.

For some of us Godwriting is not the easiest thing in the world. Some of us have powerful fears that block us. Fear can be tough. My first attempt to jump off a six foot high diving board felt like my feet were glued to the board and an invisible wall blocked me from jumping into the air and down to the water. I had seen many others jumping off that board and having great fun, I knew it was safe, but it still took every bit of nerve I could muster to try it. Sometimes you just have to force yourself past certain fears to gain worthwhile freedom. My first attempt to put God’s words on paper felt a bit like that.

Something else that may help some of us is to realize that when we write in our usual day to day lives, a part of our mind unconsciously edits everything we are trying to say before we write it. For me, it was this “editor” that was my biggest hurdle in Godwriting. We have to learn to get by the “editor.” I will describe my personal way of getting past this problem.

First, I have learned to be very specific in asking questions in Godwriting. I can recall hearing a voice in my head after I wrote one of my early questions. The voice said: “Please be more specific, Chuck, not even God can answer a question that vague.” I learned to always be very specific. Before writing it out, I ask myself why I am asking my question and get clear about what I expect to do with the answer. I find this focuses me a lot.

I find a quiet room where I know I won’t be disturbed and write my question on the top of blank paper and then underline it to separate it from what comes next. I sit with pen in hand and ask God for His opinion about my question. When something, anything, comes to mind, I look for the appropriate words to put some semblance of it on the paper. Now for my most important message: What comes next doesn’t matter! Sure it might be just “you” writing just what you “think,” but so what. Sit there and wait with the intention of coming up with an answer to your question. Ignore spelling, ignore grammar and the first few times even have the intention of throwing away whatever you produce anyway.

If a personal comment or another question from “you” comes to mind, write in on its own line and underline it. Then wait again for more impressions to form. And, again, ignore any concern about where the impulse comes from, just formulate reasonable words and write what comes to mind.

Next, I would set the paper aside for at least a few hours and come back to read what you wrote. As you read, you may come across passages that make you say: “Wow! Did I write that?” or “Boy, that really sounds good.” You may begin to realize that what you have produced didn’t seem to come from you, like you are doing something you have never been capable of before. We all recognize Love when we hear it in words. You may surprise yourself by the purity of the loving words that come out of your pen!

One other thing may make the process even easier. If you can accept God’s message in the Heavenletters that you are “God’s emissary on earth” and that you are pure Love fashioned into physical form that has somehow lost part of your awareness of His Truth, you know, at least intellectually, that everything you write, every time, is Godwriting. There are just different levels of clarity and awareness. What you are trying to do is bypass your mistaken awareness to access the deeper levels of more clear and undistorted awareness. You know that down there, deep within you, is all the knowledge of the universe, just like it is for every other human being. The process of Godwriting expands us, reassures us and rewards us as we endeavor to pull God’s Awareness up through the illusory fears and concerns that we tend to let squeeze and confine our heart. We are, through Godwriting, doing precisely what God wants us to do, draw closer to Him, our ultimate goal.

Much Love and joyful communication to all……Chuck

Thank you, dear Chuck, your

Thank you, dear Chuck, your exprience will be most useful to my attepts to godwrite.

Beloved Chuck, you are right

Beloved Chuck, you are right about the editor. No question, and I honor you. You are right on when you say to forget about spelling and grammar. I would add that Godwriting doesn't have to stay on the lines.

I do want to say that it seems to me that I see the some of the rest of what you say differently.

Whatever works, hey, it's good. Yet it feels to me that your later thought processes are complicating it. I say what I say not for you, dear, but for others.

God says it takes courage to Godwrite, and that courage is is a form of devotion.

I have to emphasize: Unless it is easy, it is not Godwriting. There is no endeavor, there is no trying. There is no instruction. There is nothing to learn. There are no teachers of Godwriting.

God says that all it takes is the willingness, the sitting down, and pen and paper. I think that's it.

We are not looking for reasonable words. What comes doesn't have to make sense. We don't have to know where our Godwriting is going. We don't have to ask a question at all. The published Heavenletters come without a question being asked. I do think it is good to start with questions, but the question does not have to be specific. No boundaries with God. A question could be: Dear God, what would You like to tell me today?

I do recommend that you be sure to write Dear God or however you like to address God before you ask your question to be sure you know Whom you're talking to. As you write, your question may develop. As you write, you may find out what your question is. Pour your heart out, your beautiful heart. As Chuck says, turn off that left brain editor.

When you are finished with your question, and it's God's turn, write: God said:

About Godwriting making sense, it doesn't have to. I remember a Heavenletter that began like this, or something like this: "Jellyfish are wobbly." Good grief, what kind of sense did that make?!!! However I kept on, and there was a meaningful Heavenletter.

There is so much more to say.

With love and blessings,


Thanks, Gloria

What you add, here, to what I said, Gloria, is very important. You correct some oversights in my post, and, hopefully, anyone who reads my coments will continue on to yours.

I was addressing only those folks, who, like me, have concerns and worries that block their initial efforts, in the hope that my experience would help them also.

Nor did I make it clear that my comments were to only apply to initial attempts, as a way of getting by what I called "the editor." This issue dissloves fairly quickly as confidence develops. Then the situation becomes, as said in another Heavenletter: "Like jumping off a log." Easy and natural.

In addition, I now only use my self questioning and clarification process for really tough questions, not as a part of Our normal dialogue and prayer, but it did help initially with that editor thing.

For me, this whole wonderous process evolves over time......thanks so much for your clarifications.......with love and gratitude.........Chuck

Chuck's comments on his personal experience with Godwritting

Dear Chuck

I am Nona and quite new to this site, which I feel like a magnificent blessing.

Just a quick note for you to know that your thoughts on your personal experience with Godwritting were extremely helpful and unbelievably encouraging to me. I didn't even dare think that would be possible for me to do. And still, after reading your comments..I feel so happy ..that may happen to me too..

Thank you deeply, Chuck for taking the time to share your experience. It really impacted my life in such a great way!

All the very best to you,

"There is only one purpose

"There is only one purpose in learning to Godwrite and that is so you can comune with Me. Can you think of a better reason ?"

No, really not, that is all I long for.
Thank you Beloved Father.

Yep! Thanks, Berit!


Thanks, Berit!


You know, more and more I am coming to the conclusions that this is what life is truly all about.

I love you guys,



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