Stubbing Your Toe

God said:

As you twist and turn under the covers at night, you may twist and turn during the day about life. It would seem that for every joy, you have three annoyances or aggravations or downright woe. Let the annoyances fly away. Keep the joy. Eradicate the sense of annoyance that you have been allowing yourself to have. You have been wronging yourself.

The way it’s been for many or most, over and over again, is that, when you stub your toe, you keep stubbing it. Stub is an interesting word because it is linked to the word stubborn in English. You just don’t want to budge. Someone wasn’t nice to you, and you continue the dialogue and interaction in your thoughts. You are good at doing that. You are a pro.

The offending person is not beside you around the clock, yet you are beside yourself with emotion, and you keep the offender in your outraged thoughts. You keep the offender close, as if you had nothing else to do, as if you had nothing else to live for but to recount, reemphasize, relive, remake, renew all the affronts that troubled you and trouble you still. You count your accumulation of wrongs as if they were a wad of money.

Let go of the offenses and the offenders, and you will no longer have them. You have been nursing the viperishness in your own bosom. You say to yourself a thousand times over: “Look what they did to me. Look at how they wronged me.” And so you wrong yourself over and over again. Must you prove time and time again what you see as the heartlessness and wayward thinking of others?

The fact is, when you are in that state of mind, you are mastering the very skills you purport to have contempt for. You have contempt. These others were contemptuous, and now you are contemptuous. They had no respect. And now you have no respect for them nor for yourself, or you would not keep the contempt alive and well, churning in your heart, in your mind, turning your blood into vinegar.

Have regard for yourself and get out of that old mind-set. A minute was too long to have it. You have had it for years, perhaps a lifetime. Say adieu to those old ways of thinking. Sink them. Pretend they are golf balls. Picture hitting each old golf ball of thought with a strong stroke. The golf ball goes far away over the fairway and out of your hair.

Forgive Me for dwelling on the past when I tell you to get out of it. The thing is you have not seen what you have been doing to yourself. See and dismiss. See and desist. How can you hit the ball out of the park unless you see it?

Or play football rather than golf and kick the old habits of thought out of the field. You are inundated with them. You feel you have to be on top. You have to control. Or you may have to control by being put upon, as if that is worth your whole life. You put yourself into a slot where you make happen what you protest. It keeps coming up again, the same old situations. It is the past that motivates and controls you. You have been in the thrall of the past. You have not let yourself go. It is you who gives yourself a stiff neck.

If you have been dragging yourself in the mud, it makes sense to get out of it.

If you have been thinking that you have been persecuted, you persecute yourself. You have become a dancer in life then who knows only one step.

Life dances to the tune of your own thoughts. As you think, so goes your life. Turn your thoughts around, and so will your life turn.

Read Comments

Namaste God

If you have been dragging yourself in the mud, it makes sense to get out of it.

that is the meaning if my name: Mala pronounced Moola, is mud and Nir is the negation of it, it means purity. Thank you dear Gloria what this HL full of God's Light and Delight.

Then you are Everyman,

Then you are Everyman, beloved Nirmala. Will you tell us more about yourself? Where do you live? And, yes, Namaste, God.

what we think is what we

what we think is what we become .. our thoughts create our future ..blessed be <3

Welcome, Lorraine.

Welcome, Lorraine.

When light shines so bring!

Nirmala you opened my eyes.

You blew me away, right into heaven.


heaven letter

thankyou sweet gloria for the love of God you pour into the heven letters i receive via email : ) my heart feels peace and faith that we are never alone . Gods love works in miraculous ways and all we need to do is ask & we shall receive the love ,peace & joy our hearts we yearn for as it is already within us ,we just need to allow that belief to open ourselves up to our own natural state of love . allowing it to fill every part of us to clear away fears ,doubts . we are pure *love* <3<3 namaste xxxx

Ah, be sure to know that it

Ah, be sure to know that it is God Who pours His love into Heavenletters. We are the vessels, all of us. By receiving, you let God's love overflow into you. Thank you.

Toe Stubborn ahah!

Was this written for me? :-D I'm pink cheeked, but also relaxed to realize it is universal -- what we are one way or another, here to rise out of, I believe. I nod and smile at the commenter whose name means "to clear the mud", and remember the meaning of the lotus blossom growing out of the swampy water is a symbol of our souls, and so the collective consciousness or soul of man is destined to blossom, God knows.

On letting go of the offenses and the offenders . . .

This is such a good message!

Last week I was feeling annoyed and judgmental about a woman in our networking group who has a resistant nature and didn’t want to cooperate with a group project I had initiated.

Out of the blue, I got a reminder 'from the universe' about being judgmental (from a friend who is a yoga and meditation teacher). I read the piece and began the practice of letting go of the judgment I was feeling. Then a little later I turned on a TV show where the minister was talking about volunteering to do menial things for people. He said “You can do small things with GREATNESS when they are done with love.”

I immediately thought to call the woman I had been annoyed with and offered to clean house for her because she lives alone and recently broke her wrist. I was sincere, and she was really floored! By my taking action I was released from all the negative feelings and thoughts, and just maybe... maybe, she will be less opposed to cooperation in the future. I just smile to think HOW EASY IT WAS. We CAN choose these different paths in an instant!

Thank you for you!

I am amazed at the beauty of

I am amazed at the beauty of the responses to this Heavenletter! All so amazing and open.
By sharing our hearts here, everyone has done everyone a great kindness.

What a brave noble thing you did, Barbara, to offer to help this lady clean her house. How did you even think of it?

I have a situation where another person and I are both judgmental to each other, and I think I have gotten past the emotional judgment, and then I'm right back where I was.

The beauty of what you did, besides clearing the other person's heart, is clearing your own.

God bless you.

With love,


Oh My! Which drum beat do I march to?

There's an old saying that says: "March to the tune of your own drummer."

This fragrant, beautiful letter tells us that if the drum beat comes from the past, and it usually does, you are out of step with the NOW where you are always present. Let the song of the spirit of Life teach you the rhythm of knowing who you really are.


Dear Lord, Gloriia and

Dear Lord, Gloria and Heaven Letter Family,

Thank You God for this beautiful heaven letter. There are such potent and important messages shining through this jewel. I am very grateful for heaven letters and look forward to reading each one every day. There is so much of love and wisdom being shared between the family here too and I thank you all because i learn plenty from your insightful messages of love. When Out thoughts are so powerful and how we act upon them equally so if we practice coating our thoughts with love, they it may become automatic and second nature to us (or we merge with our truthful nature).

Thank you very much Dear Lord and Family. I am very thankful, humbled to have to honor of reading HL conversations.

With Love

My poor toes!

I stubbed them again today and realized I have done that several times over the last 2 weeks.

Thank you for the message as I have been being stubborn and stuck in my ways.

Forever hugs,


Such amazing comments here.

Such amazing comments here. I just rediscovered them -- through your recent post, Jenean.


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