Stars Shine in God’s Light

God said:

On the surface of life, you are no longer what you once were or thought you were. In the world, you grow. Yet there is far more to you than meets the eye. This is the indelible you. This is the Eternal You, the far more to you that seems to have been hidden, hidden from view, hidden from you, and everyone else.
When you are seen for Who You Are, the whole world will change before everyone’s eyes. The world is in your thrall. All it takes to ensure a new world is for you to see yourself differently, to see yourself more deeply, more in the Light of God.
You are not this rapscallion you seem to think you are. You are not this scoundrel, this mistake-maker, this fictional character who makes a fool of himself now and then. A fool, you are not. Yet you play a part, and you and the whole world believe you are less than you are.
Will the Real You stand up? Will you be counted? Will you count yourself in on the mysteries of the Universe? For Heaven’s sakes, of course, you are one of the Wonders of the World.
You know yourself so little. You see only a one-sided portion of yourself. You dismiss yourself. You think you are run of the mill, or even less than that. You are a non-believer when it comes to yourself. Maybe everyone else on Earth is more worthy than he looks, yet you may see yourself only as the dregs. You are the beautiful Light of the World, and you lie fallow in the shadows.
Come out from where you have hidden your True Self. Get into the sunshine of your life. You are a palpable sentient human being in whom I have placed My faith. It is not really faith that I have placed. I have more than faith. I have full knowledge. I know Who You Are, and I declare it. I do not refrain.
You have been mistaken about your identity. You are a diamond that you value as glass and broken glass at that. If you could but begin to see the diamond that you are. You have been mistaken in many things on Earth. Can you consider that you have also been mistaken about the value you are, the intrinsic value that you are? If you were only half of what I say you are, would you not stand tall? Would your shoulders not go back? Would you not walk differently? Would you not hold your head high?
Who do you think you are to slump in this temporary body when, all the while, you are a Divine Child of God? What boldness you have to shirk responsibility for yourself. Are you coy? Do you play the shrinking violet so you can fool everyone that you are modest? It is not modest to deny yourself your rightful heritage and to deny others your light. Are you saving your Light? If so, what are you saving it for? Do you want Me to come down and reveal you to the world, and then you would walk in splendor? Do you want Me to place a crown on your head?
By dint of your birth, you are already crowned. I sent Light to Earth. I sent you. Come out of the shadows now. At the very least, reveal yourself to you. Then you will not be able to keep your Light hidden.
Introduce yourself to yourself. Say:
“Hello, I am the Son or Daughter of God. I am all that I long to be. God has placed me on Earth in order to shine His Light. What have I been thinking of? I have not been thinking. I have been idling around. Now I take my true place in the firmament of the world. Now I shine God’s Light wherever I look. I signal to all: »Here I am. Here you are. We are Shining Stars in God’s Light.«”

Read Comments

Gloria, thank you very much

Gloria, thank you very much for the posts. I love the words that were written. We are truly diamonds. We are priceless. I am learning how to place value on the inside and not on the outside. I feel like I can attract any amount of money in the outside world based on how I feel in the inside world. If someone asked to purchase my heart for a billion dollars the answer would be a resounding NO! I am priceless. By understanding the value on the inside of myself I can command my value on the outside of myself. I do not have to live with a sense of lack, poverty, fear, or doubt. I simply have to name my price to the decimal point. That is what I will do. I am priceless on the inside. I have "Acres of Diamonds" inside of myself and infinte riches outside of myself. The selfish part of me wishes the whole world lived with this realization and I infer selfishness based on the ideals that have been attributed to me to have others live and be as I do. Everyone isn't going to make it and I must accept that the world is perfect as it is. Diamonds inside of ourselves is the ultimate gift. Boundless riches outside of ourselves is the ultimate necessity. Thank you for your writings. May the God inside of You reflect the God outside of you.

Hi Gloria, One additional

Hi Gloria,

One additional thought I had is that you get paid in monetary value in the outside world what you feel about yourself in the inside world. It is a direct correlation and no substitute. No lottery winners. If you feel you are a billionaire in the inside world and feel like a million bucks in the inside world that will be produced 100 fold in the outside world. The law of thought and belief.

Well, yes, sometimes! You

Well, yes, sometimes! You certainly make a good point.

There may be more to the whole story of life.

There are plenty of high-thinking people around the world who have little material gain and are happy.

Yes, a lot of our life reflects the inner. and yet God has said that from the outside, we cannot know who someone is. The beggar on the street could be an enlightened being. And God has also said something about our not being attached to results.

Follow your heart, dear one.

Hello World, I'm a new Creation in the making!

The Letter tells us how our life really IS. We need to say hello to the world, but more importantly we need to say: "Hello" to our real self. Like the letter tells us: "“Hello, I am the Son or Daughter of God. I am all that I long to be. God has placed me on Earth in order to shine His Light." Say to the world what he Letter tells us to say: »Here I am. Here you are. We are Shining Stars in God’s Light.« This is life at the highest point.


Great point George. I concur

Great point George. I concur that we need to say hello to the God within ourselves. The infinite riches beholden to us all.

Beloved George, I am so

Beloved George, I am so happy to be a star shining in the Heavens with you.

For those who may not know, George, who is now 97, has always been an exponent of God.

Thank you so much for continuing to post here. It means so much that you are here.

This heavenletter is super

This heavenletter is super intense. We are very close to the hayday destination! Then we can have some fun after all this other stuff....
God talks about our posture. Oy vay, I have been working on my posture. It is terrible. I think it is all the lives as nun or priest I (we) probably
got in the habit of slouching. It would work under all those robes. I know there are thousands of us, and after reading this I pictured us all walking
around slouching. Well when we are changed our postures will improve.
I can't wait to meet you all again, Sandy

Sandy, this is delightful

Sandy, this is delightful what you write!

I must confess I am a sloucher too! And you may have told us why!

On every level, our physical posture matters. God tells us to stand tall!


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