Standing on a Mountain

God said:

There are mountains and there are oceans, and both are mighty. Mountains and oceans are very different. Their differences are obvious. No one mistakes an ocean for a mountain. I am speaking about what they share. Both are so different, and yet both are holy.

What could a mountain be but holy? Mountains stand so tall. From their height, a whole panorama can be seen.

An ocean is holy. One can dive into the ocean. From the holy ocean, you have a different view. You have a different focus.

And all of My children, no matter how disparate, are holy. I am Holiness, and I can create only What I AM. And What I AM, you are. You have dissuaded yourself from this awareness. There is nothing to change, beloveds, but your awareness.

If you are standing on a mountain, whether you are aware of it or not, you are standing on a mountain. You can have all the tomfoolery in the world, and still you are standing on a mountain.

You may be swimming in the ocean and not know you are swimming in the ocean. Yet your lack of awareness does not change where you are swimming, not even a whit.

Accept that you are a Holy Being in a world of Holy Beings. You are not more than anyone else, and yet you are holy. Why not know that you are a Holy Being? Why would you shove off that awareness? Why not be aware of all that you are? What exactly do you think you will lose when you recognize that you are holy? What do you think you gain by being unaware, by refusing to acknowledge what I tell you every day? Why do you insist and persist in thinking you are less than what I say you are?

You have a body, yet you are not a body. What you have is not who you are. You may have an estate, yet you are not an estate. You may have horses, but that does not make you a horse. You may have what the world calls faults, and yet you are not a fault. A fault is not even a part of you. I am talking about what you are. I am telling you what you are.

You are not what you have thought, so now you will do well to think differently. Open your eyes a little. Remove your mask. You are a Holy Child of Mine. Made in My image, you are My Holy Child. What is there to discuss?

Is it abhorrent to you to think of yourself as a Holy Being? Do you perhaps fear more responsibility?

When I say you are a Holy Being, I am not saying you have to go around subdued and acting like your imagined picture of a Holy Being. I am saying that even wild and woolly, you are a Holy Being. There is no decorum required. Holiness does not wear only one face. Holiness comes in many shapes and sizes. Holiness looks just like you. It doesn't matter whether your hair is brushed or not. No matter what, you are a personification of Holiness. Stumble, and you are still Holiness. Trip and fall, you are Holiness. Have credit debt, you are still Holiness. Be rambunctious, and still you keep the wealth of your Holiness.

In your case, you are standing in Heaven, and you don't believe it. Whether you have the awareness or not doesn't change where you are. Of course, you are in Heaven with Me. You can't be anywhere without Me, and where I AM, Heaven is.

Does someone think he knows more than I do?

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Does someone think he knows more than I do?

Good morning, dear God. Yes, it appears that some of us think they know more than You do. I am one of them. But it's not really that we think we know more. It's something else, I believe.

In Your Heavenletter #0001 You said, "You came with nothing but Me." So we all came loving, trusting, happy, confident -- holy. But then we were taught that we were full of faults, in some cases even that a bundle of faults was what we amounted to. We accepted that to some degree or wholesale, and what we came with has been fraught with fear since then. Being what we ARE went terribly wrong once, or so it seemed. Can we risk another attempt at being who we ARE? Are we able to believe and trust that it will go right this time? What does it take?

It is easy to see and feel and even sometimes be the holiness of Your mountains and oceans. But I, holy? If I open my eyes a little as You are suggesting here, what I perceive is fear of another, and final, devastating blow. There may be other not so well known reasons like fear of more responsibility. I don't know, it doesn't feel like that. I can only do my best to follow Your words day after day, trying not to feel bad when my best seems so little. Very gradually, fear is diminishing - something like a prolonged recovery after some sudden, serious disease. I hope to become able to accept my holiness, and meet Your eyes, soon.

You can't be anywhere

You can't be anywhere without Me, and where I AM, Heaven is.

In trust and love I let all resistance of You fall away. I am learning to look and see with the holy vision You give to me. I need not think about anything but let it simply "be" and because Your Word IS, I learn to TRUST and witness YOUR essence in all of creation. Everything else is a temporary illusion with no purpose. I let it go and experience in Your ARMS the peace I was meant to have which is my inheritance.

All Praise and Honor and Glory is YOURS,
Your Holy Child, in gratitude and in Love, Johanne

Yes...this is it!

...In your case, you are standing in Heaven, and you don't believe it. Whether you have the awareness or not doesn't change where you are. Of course, you are in Heaven with Me. You can't be anywhere without Me, and where I AM, Heaven is....

Here we all are...already in Heaven! and ps, we don't have to be dead to be in Heaven! So here we are standing with God in Heaven. And if this is true, how come it doesn't feel and look like Heaven? Great question.

Maybe cause we're asking the question.
Maybe cause we have bought the story of our lives, hook, line and sinker...and we are sticking to it.
Maybe cause we don't believe we are ready or worthy to receive the glory and freedom and Love of Heaven.
Etc, etc, etc.......

Maybe the only thing that apparently keeps us from the number of "etc's" at the end of the last paragraph.

My expeerience has been this:

In any single moment, whatever I am up to in my experience, if I stop and be quiet and turn to whatever I believe to be the "God" within....there is an ensuing peace with this...and it does feel like:
"I have dropped down from the busy marketplace of my mind into the all-abiding Love and spaciousness of the Heart".... the Heart...there is a soft and simple...yet profound awareness of All that is. Love and peace for all of us. Jim.

Nice post everyone. I think

Nice posts everyone.

I think a lot of what we are doing here is reclaiming and re-programing ourselves.

It's too bad we have to be re-programed like this, yet how worse, if we could not even be allowed to express these ideas as they are given!

So I Appreciate and Bless these reminders we should have all learned and grown uP with and been taught as children.

How wonderful to have them daily!

We can hope that the coming generations will not have to reprogram as we do, it will be natural to them as it should and is to us, when we just practice, focus and remember.

Yes, Marko,

Yes, Marko, exactly!

"Natural to man" will see a total redefinition. When I think what we have been taught to accept as our nature, viewed from a Darwinian angle or from any of countless other "anthropological" perspectives, it is hard to believe just how much sheer nonsense has passed as philosophical and even scientific wisdom.

So nice that today's Heavenletter #2852, A Higher Bell Is Ringing states in absolutely clear terms where we are headed.

Hey Jochen you got that

Hey Jochen you got that right!!! :-) ....

Standing in heaven while still alive


It is so clear to me from what you wrote that you live in heaven. No one could express such LIGHT that didn't live in heaven while writing those words of beauty and enlightenment. Your post really moved me deeply. You tied it all together with that lovely quote:

"I have dropped down from the busy marketplace of my mind into the all-abiding Love and spaciousness of the Heart"....

George seeing new things in heaven

There are mountains and there are oceans, and both are mighty.

Years ago I lived on a mountain outside of San Diego for twenty years. i could see Los Angeles and the Ocean in one direction and in the other I could see the Borego Desert. It was kind of hard to get a glimpse of holiness at that time in my life but it was out there or in there somewhere. Today the thought of holiness messes with my mind and heart in a way that makes me wish everyone could hear the songs I hear. Yes, I know mountains, but oceans too, almost too well.
One time in a huge convoy a hurricane blew up and made me feel like a tooth pick in a blender and actually broke one of our cruisers in half. It tore many of our seams apart and we started to sink but pumps from our ship and others kept us afloat until we got to Pearl Harbor and dry-dock. That didn't feel too holy, well, sort of holy smokes! The end result was a shift in consciousness to some deeper level. It was a higher gear of some sort. You should have seen the letters I wrote to my darling wife! It would make your hair stand up. When our ship caught fire carrying many tons of high explosives to Guam, I had a holy feeling that to this day feeds my memories with the feeling of being cared for by ONE I can trust. You know, my life has this mountain, ocean quality that make each day a surprise as well as a sun rise. It's funny how you can live on a mountain and swim in the ocean at the same time. Some days it gives my emotional work-out a real challenge. This has brought me to the lovely place where, because of Heaven-letters I can: "Accept that I AM a Holy Being in a world of Holy Beings." Thank you sweet writer!

George with flippers and back pack

3 Heavenletter Haikus for

3 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said yet you are
You are a Holy Being
Made in My image

God said where I AM
You are in Heaven with Me
Everyday you are

God said accept that
Holiness looks just like you
No matter what face

Love, Light and Aloha!

We are Holy...

When I say you are a Holy Being, I am not saying you have to go around subdued and acting like your imagined picture of a Holy Being. I am saying that even wild and woolly, you are a Holy Being. There is no decorum required. Holiness does not wear only one face. Holiness comes in many shapes and sizes. Holiness looks just like you. It doesn't matter whether your hair is brushed or not. No matter what, you are a personification of Holiness. Stumble, and you are still Holiness. Trip and fall, you are Holiness. Have credit debt, you are still Holiness. Be rambunctious, and still you keep the wealth of your Holiness.

If this is true, and I know it is, we must be Holy. I am Holy and you are Holy. We are Holy together. We are Holy because we are inherently Loving. We are Holy because our essence is Love. Lets take off our masks first! Okay, okay, I go first then you next. I love taking off my mask. I have pretended so much in this, I can just relax, take off my mask and slip out of my costume. There...It feels so good now, I feel so I know I am a child of God...and You? You must be my brother or sister! I love you and I love our precious Earth...and I love our divine Father. Jimi.