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Dear Heaven Admin, when I opened the approval queue this morning, there were 21 spam postings ("not verified"). Is there no effective barrier against those spamming bots?

New spam attack

It began yesterday. The number of spam postings is slowly increasing. Today I deleted 8 so far.

Webmaster Spam ?

On 2/28 we received and email that by-passed our inbox and went directly into our Spam folder. From: webmaster (all lower case lettering). Subject: Godwriting & trade;:: new comment for your post (lower/upper case and punctuation as I have printed). Text started out: Aloha Sally! Gloria has commented on your (Since it seemed rather strange and outside the HL norm, I didn't open the email to see what else it said for fear it might be from someone wishing to spread a virus.) Santhan, I thought it might be something you wish to investigate and/or monitor.

Beloved Randy, this one I

Beloved Randy, this one I can respond to somewhat! This is in regard to the blog. Sally made a comment, and that is notifying you that she has a response, in this case, from me! This isn't spam. This is real. When Sally replies to my comment on the blog, I will receive the same sort of automatic post.

I like that I receive such notifications.

Of course, we don't want these messages to go into your spam.

Heaven Admin will see what he can do to have these go right into your Inbox so I can hear from Sally right away!

Thanks a bunch!

Hi Randy! Thank you for

Hi Randy! Thank you for taking the time to report this.

Gloria is right. That was a comment reply notification message from the new blog. We'll see what can be done about getting it past your spam filter.


Hi Santhan, Thanks for your response. One thing that made me question the legitimacy of the email was the subject: "Godwriting & trade;::" I could relate to the Godwriting, but the "& trade followed be the semi-colon, colon, colon sent up red flags. Plus the msg started out Aloha Sally. I'm thinking GG's not in Hawaii. My experience in these matters are slight.
I thought it best to error on the side of safety. Delete the msg and alert you asap in the event the system had been invaded.
Should another email go to spam... probably the simplest sollution would be for me to mark the email as "not spam" so our computer recognizes same. Sally and I look forward to meeting you. Smiles. randy