soul development
Which One of These?
Time and time again, you consider the mundane real life, and the life of the spirit as — what? Illusion? Fancy? Wishful thinking? Delusion? Improbable? Untrue? Nice once in a while, but really not serving you on the worldly plane?
What a conundrum the world is! How it has mixed up truth and fancy! The permanent is true, the temporary evanescent, yet the world calls the temporary real, and the eternal imagined. And you are the world. You hold on to its beliefs. You give great credence to the world and to that which seems negative.
You Are God's Light
Everyone has a role to fulfill. Everyone has a spiritual goal to fulfill. Spiritual may have a different meaning from what you think. Spiritual is not separate from worldly life. It isn't something else. It isn't another track to run on. You who are spirit are already leading a spiritual life. And all on earth are spirit. You were made in My image. This means you reflect Me. You can't help it.
I wonder what would happen on earth if everyone accepted that they are the Spiritual Beings they are.
Blessing You Are
Lift up your head and know I am God. Know I am the institutor of you. You were born from My heart. You are a beautiful soul on Earth dressed up as a Human Being. Yet neither your soul nor your physicalness is separate one from the other. It may be hard for you to reconcile these two aspects, but not for Me.
Living in a Body
Living in a body consumes a lot of imagined time. So long as you are in a body, there are many things to do. If you were not in a body, if you were your pure soul altogether, you would not be so consumed with doing.
If you will grant that your being exists along with your doing, if you will grant that you are a Human being at least as much as you are a doer of Human things, then you may come to realize the power of being.
The Rising Star
Turn in the direction of your closeness with Me. Your spirituality will rise and captivate you.