Some Day

God said:

Beloveds, what train are you waiting for? Sometimes it seems that you are at a train station, waiting for a certain train to arrive before you get on.

Sometimes it is better to board a train that comes, else you could be waiting forever. It is not that the train you desire won’t come. It is that you get comfortable in the waiting place, and waiting is not what you are about. Living is what you are about.

In the physical world, living takes action. Waiting is not an action. It is a between-the-scenes curtain. But in life, the curtain, like the sun, goes up.

You may be waiting for some day. Some day is here. It arrived today. Today is some day. Now get up and board a train. Choose your life to live.

The extremities of your life may stay the same, but you don’t. Wherever you get on and off, it is a different stop because you are not the same. You, the interpreter of your life, view it with new eyes, and so your life is changed. Make much of the life you have. Treat it well. Feed it choice tidbits. Shower it with gifts. Let it know how glad you are for the opportunities your life presents.

Life is not supposed to fulfill you. You are supposed to fulfill it. You are the arbiter of your own life. Uphold the glory of life, and glory will be yours. That which you give, you are. That which you see is yours to see. See more. See wider. See beyond the fences in your mind. Climb over them. Pick yourself up and start moving your legs.

Life is meant to be lived, not just tolerated. It is not enough to plow your way through life. You are meant to splash in it. You are meant to dive and rise up like a wave. Yes, you are the waves of the ocean. Frolic. Enjoy the splashing. Enjoy the currents that pull you. Be a tidal wave of joy. Let the waves of your joy envelop you.

Become vital. You are vital to your life. That means you do not wait for life to arrive. It has arrived. How do you honor it? Go with it. Participate in it. You are not a log adrift. You are a vibrant Human Being in the stream of life. Flow with it. Be a dolphin in it and leap.

You are the very soul of life. It is for you to support life. Life is not meant to support you. Life is not your dole. It is a blessing you are to give.

Sweep the streets of your life. Enter into your role as Human Being on Earth. Sanction life. Give it a good press. No more maligning it. Life will be what you say it is. Let nothing deter you from joy in life. Let nothing. Certainly not life itself. Life isn’t meant to deter you from life.

Do not pick and choose so much in life. Better to revel in it. Let life get a chance at life. Encourage it. Make your indwelling and outdwelling life be beautiful. Relish this life I have given you. Appreciate it. Appreciating your life is appreciating yourself. Do not disparage your life, and you will not disparage yourself. You and your life are intimately entwined.

Serve life and yourself well. Spend your energy to support the Highest Good. The world is in need of a champion like you. Perhaps you were not aware that you are a champion. But now you know. And now you board the train that comes, and now you look out the window and enjoy the ride. This is valuable advice for you. These two things: Look out the window and enjoy the ride.