Heart Energy

God said:

When someone acts in a small or miserly way, they have imposed a small picture of themselves onto their Being. It is not this imposed smallness that you are to respond to. They do not know who they are at that moment. They think they are not much at all, or they would reflect generosity rather than stinginess. At these times, when you are offended or angered by someone’s low opinion of themselves, especially remember your own great Being. Remember Whom you speak for, and remember Who you are, and you will not reduce yourself to someone else’s smallness. Someone else’s smallness does not have to engender smallness. Let someone else’s smallness energize greatness. When is there greater need for it? Greatness is not to be saved. It is to be spent.

It is not possible to rely on others to bring out your greatness. You have to bring it out yourself. It is you who has to honor your greatness more than someone else’s smallness. Honor yourself, and everything is taken care of.

Sometimes My children look for something to set off the anger within themselves. They pounce on anything to extol their inborn anger. All anger is to yourself, beloveds. You set a trap for yourself. You are angry because you are not wiser. Then, be wiser! Do not set traps for yourself, and do not fall into them.

Rise above. In your thinking, rise above. The details of life and words spoken and words unspoken take up much of your heart energy, often too much. What someone has said or not said is immaterial. Not everyone has your awareness. When that is the case, it is incumbent upon you to be more aware. No one and nothing is to lower your consciousness. Whether someone wants to raise theirs is up to them. It is not up to them to lower yours. That is not their prerogative, nor should it be yours.

It is not necessary for you to have frustration and its subsequent anger. When you demand less of the world and the people who occupy it, you will not be so frustrated. The world does not have to live up to your expectations. It never did. You do not conduct the world. Each conducts his own world. Anger is a decision you make like any other.

When you are driving, you have a choice as to which lane you will get into. Why get into a lane you don’t want to be in?

Perhaps, you need to get out of traffic for a while. Perhaps you need to just sit for a while and get your thoughts into perspective. When you are angry, anger is what you are focused on, as if there were nothing else to focus on.

Do not pretend you are not angry. Get over your anger instead. Anger is self-abuse. Anger is not meant to be a way of life. It is not the theme of your life nor the song you sing. Take the knife out of your heart and throw it away.

Swing your attention around to Me. Your anger cannot withstand your attention on Me. Those of you who are angry with Me have displaced your anger. All anger is displaced. It belongs nowhere at all. There is no good place for anger. Anger is a flare-up. Put it out now. Anger would turn love to ashes.

Change your way of thinking now. A thought premeditated your anger. Have a different thought. What can your anger latch on to then? Uplift yourselves, beloveds.


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