Solar systems of Love
You see and perceive the stars, the moon, the sun, the clouds, the tiniest ant and a rain drop as outside of you, but indeed you contain within you the very solar system at which you look in awe, you are that very selfsame solar system of Love.
Your eyes are like infinite stars in My sky.
Your heart shines like the sun and the moon in your heart is guiding your intuitions if you will, or to be more precise, My Love whispers to you.
Your mind is the vastness of the sky with its infinite clouds and weather changes (and you know quite well what that feels like..).
The rain drops are your tears of sadness and of joy and of laughter.
You are My most beloved solar system of Love and my beloved Self.
Loving you always.
Beloved Berit, these are
Beloved Berit, these are most beautiful quotations. You sure know how to pick them! What Heavenletter are these quotations from?
It just came right from God
It just came right from God and I wrote it down I think....
love you !!
It's YOUR Godwriting! It's
It's YOUR Godwriting! It's wonderful, Berit. I wanted to claim it! And what a great title!
So beautiful Berit.
So beautiful Berit.