Shining Through

God said:

It is so easy to make promises. So easy. When the time comes, however, it’s a lot of trouble. The time is not far off now. It’s immediate now, and you have to go out of your way. You’re not so sure any more. You think that you might rather stay home. The thing is you made a date that, as it approaches, you’re not so sure about.

Let Us say that before you were born, We sat down together, you and I -- I say you and I as though We are separate Beings. That is just for convenience, isn’t it? You know that. At least you know that I, God, fully accept that We are One, and Oneness is All.

So, let Us say that We are talking knee to knee here, you and I before you were born. You know that you will be arriving on Earth any day now. We look over your record, so to speak, and you speak up that you want to grow tremendously while you are on Earth. You say things like: “Let me learn this and that when I am fifteen or thirty or fifty years old. Let this or that happen so I will grow.”

I say, “Are you sure about this? Maybe we could make it easier for you.”

You say, “No, no. I’ll tackle all this.”

That’s what I mean when I say it’s easy to make a commitment when it’s far off. Yet far off does come, and it’s today, and you protest to Me or to the stars: “This is too much for me,” you say. “I can’t do this. You shouldn’t ask this of me, God. It’s like I am Abraham, and You are asking me to sacrifice my son. You are asking me to go through suffering. I didn’t ask for this woe. I couldn’t have.”

And yet you did. Somewhere long ago you made a promise. Everything has been set in motion, and, so, whatever you are going through, you go through, and you come out the other end of it.

I do not make light of what your personal trials may be. I say that you must bring yourself to the Light.

You say, “But, God, I am just a mere human being.”

You and I have a different take on what a human being is, and what a human being can do.

In any case, this, whatever this is, is what you have.

You didn’t complain about the easy moments. In fact, you may not even have expressed appreciation for the easy times, the good times as you call them. You took them for granted. You thought you were due them, that you had earned them, and that they were coming to you.

That may indeed be so. I am not talking about credit any more than I am talking about blame. When money comes to you, you spend it. When something comes to you that you don’t want, absolutely do not want, you’re sure that a mistake has been made. You may even shake your fist.

Your life is at your will. If you can’t get out of something, then you have to go at it in good grace. It is much better for you to take responsibility than to shirk it. Let Us say that you are 100% innocent, then you still have to deal with it. You can’t throw it over like a hot potato to someone else. Whatever fix you’re in, it’s yours to fix.

You can give your money away. When it comes to woe, it is for you to come shining through.

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Answered prayer! I needed to

Answered prayer! I needed to hear that. Thank you God!

When it comes to woe

Oh my Father, you made laugh so hard today from reading your message.
How quickly we forget our promises especially when they are brokered from somewhere in the distance.
Making any promise from idle and thoughtless words to assure getting our way is so easy to do.
Then when the day of reckoning comes and the entire drama has been scripted so very different from our post of reference we become very livid. In fact we become like a wounded wasp looking to inject angry venom at anything that moves.
We holler how can this be? This is not what I had envisioned. We then vent of injustice and blame the stars of our birth.
Oh I know this script too well my Father.
But I love it all the same. I would not have it any other way!
It makes for bellyful of laughter somewhere in the distance.The passages of Life is fraught with laughter!Never a dull moment.
I am filled with laughter from your message.
I Love you. I Love you. I Love you.

Ocean of Love to every Heart
Love to all of God's Creation


Dear Victor

I love this message of God either so very much. Nice to hear you laughing.
These days it seems to me that every single HL is a very special one.

Self-pity and doubt...

This letter came after I asked a friend to remind me that I am warrior
Enough to go through what love has asked me to do...
Chemo, radiation, etc. has me spinning..
Through this letter God has reminded me that I chose to do this.
Blessed are we in the knowingness of the innocence of the truth..
Blessed are we in being loved as we are...I try hard to remember the
Spiritual side of it all.. But my focus is so here and now with the
Experience it consumes me...thank you LOVE for reminding me...

God bless you. Your posts

God bless you. Your posts have shown only brightness and upliftment. You are a beautiful example. May all healing come to you, beloved Carmella, and you be uplifted.

I wonder sometimes what we may go through for the sake of others, perhaps sparing them. I do wonder.

This Heavenletter has my

This Heavenletter has my name written all over it!

Not only yours, dear Andreaa!

Not only yours, dear Andreaa!

Hahahaa, this letter made me

Hahahaa, this letter made me cry so much.... feeling like the child in Gods lapp, eager to please and sure to endure all the wordly pain!
- and the story turns nasty..., and the lapp feels far gone!
Blessed be u Gloria, blessed be Heaven Letters, blessed be the day you came in to my little life in little Norway. You have brought me joy and truth, tears of gratitude and filled me with bliss.
Blessed be!

Blessed be God Who gives us

Blessed be God Who gives us Heavenletters, and blessed be you for speaking your heart.

We are all blessed with your honesty and sweetness of heart.

This message is very

This message is very beautiful. It's like two friends chatting together sitting side by side!


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