Send Light Everywhere

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, what would You like to tell me this fine morning?


That you are My beloved. Just as when you would do your own story writing and you love every word from your pen, I love My children. It is as easy as that.

I created you, and I adore what I have created.

A Course in Miracles, Lesson 319:
"I came for the salvation of the world … it is the Will of God I learn that what one gains is given unto all…Father, Your Will is total. And the goal which stems from it shares its totality. What aim but the salvation of the world could You have given me? And what but this could be the Will my Self has shared with You?"

Gloria to God:

Reading the above is humbling, dear God. It makes me feel treasured and humble. That such an assignment would be given to me — and to all — is like You have given us a great diamond, and naturally we would be humbled by the enormity of the gift.

I am also feeling that if You want this, and You have given it to us to do, we can do it!


And even so, there is nothing to do but be. Your being in truth and light takes care of everywhere. That is how what career or status in the world one has makes no difference to their purpose on earth. That is how the beggar accomplishes as well as the entrepreneur.

When My light is given, it is given. All it has to do is shine.

This is how a woman in a coma can heal the world. This is how a thief can be a benefactor to the world.

And this is how you, writing in your little loft, help heal the world.

Healing is going on all the time. The outer doesn't have the significance the world gives to it.

The perfect cover model may or may not shine the light to the depth and breadth a derelict may.

Even taken from the outside, the darkness of another, a mass murderer, for example, in his darkness shows you your light and confirms your choice of light and makes you stronger in your intent to serve God and mankind.

I am unlimited. That means that I can and do reside everywhere within in everyone, and I may shine brightly from where many would not imagine.

Here again is an example of how limiting is judgment. It cuts you off. It eliminates. It takes away. It subtracts.

With judgment, you dismiss. You dismiss Jill often because of her elitism, and so you cut yourself off from receiving all of her light.

It is like your sending out HEAVEN. You send it everywhere, and let the chips fall where they may. You do not eliminate this publisher or that. You let it be their choice, and you do not erase their choice before giving them a chance.

And so with light from others, see beyond their humanness. See the possibility of great light beyond their perceived dimness and look to the soul.

You know, Gloria, how certain voices turn you on or off? Appearances, manners or lack thereof, comments made etc.

Look past what you might eliminate.

I want to tell you that you are often very good at seeing beyond. Certainly when you taught school, you saw the beauty in your students. When you lived next door to those people who trashed their yard and house, you saw beyond that and saw how good and loving they were to the little child they had taken in.

This is what I mean for you. Look past someone's selfishness or arrogance or rudeness. Look through it. That is what it means to see the Christ and God in all.

Beneath the leper, beneath the retarded, beneath beauty or ugliness, beneath clean or dirty, see that pivotal point from which light shines, and you will brighten your whole life.


Thank You, dear God. And now, Divine Mother, what would you like to tell me?

Mother Divine:

What God has just said, that is how you create beauty in another. You let, without words or with words, someone else know their beauty. Let them catch a glimpse of it, a hope of it. When you see God's light in another, you restore their soul. You reunite them with God. You salvage their light. You hold it up to them.

You have boxed people, Gloria, and therefore limited yourself from great joy. Unbox the ones who do not meet your standards. Those are your standards and not God's. Whatever may turn you off from someone, let it go. Be like God who loves, just loves. Some might say indiscriminately, but that is how you must.

You are not some kind of director who says this one goes out that door and another in this one. Be democratic and allow in to your heart even the snobs, the arrogant, the perfidious, the wranglers, the annoyers, the put-downers.

This does not mean take them home with you and spend time where you do not wish. It means to let them flow into your heart. There your acceptance will wash them of their pettiness as your pettinesses are washed from you by the act of love and grace of God.


Gloria to God:

Dearest God, today I was defrosting my refrigerator with an electric heater for that purpose. I became engrossed in typing, and forgot all about it. The inside of the little freezer and some other places melted, leaving things warped and with holes, some really large ones. I really knew to watch that heater.


These things happen. So, they happen. With your refrigerator, it happened, cannot be undone, so you let it slide into the past where it is. Next time, you will think to set a timer so you are reminded. It is good how focused you are on the typing!


Lauren was so sweet about it. She said that Sunshine and Ginger are fine, and we're fine, so what's the problem?

Some years ago here a father backed out of his driveway and accidentally ran over and killed his two-year-old son. The mother, his wife, was so wonderful, was inordinately kind to the father and didn't hold him responsible. I don't think I could have been that nice at all.


Death comes in one form or another and at one time or another. I applaud that wife and mother for her wisdom and full heart.

Gloria to Mother Divine:

Dear Mother Divine, what would you like to tell me?

Mother Divine:

I tell you that you cannot know what this experience with the refrigerator may have spared you from. I do not say it did, but it is possible that it was substituted for something far more serious.

So, even for this, you can be grateful to God Who watches over you.