Even in Deserts, Flowers Bloom
Even in the deserts of the world, flowers bloom. And everywhere hearts bloom. In the most dire circumstances, hearts triumph. Even in the most auspicious circumstances, there are hearts that do not bloom. It must be that they refuse to.
Truly, all the circumstances in the world are not the key that prevent you from happiness, nor do all the circumstances give you the happiness you and I both want you to have. In the midst of plenty, there is sorrow. In the midst of little or nothing, there is great happiness. Can you argue this?
Who Is Being Realistic Now?
When you say that life is hard, what you are really saying is that life does not always give you what you want or what you demand and insist on. Demand and insist all you want, and you show your belief in winning, and you show your belief in losing as well. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. When you venture, the venturing is your gain. That you applied yourself is your gain. In the going for, you gain.
When you can accept that life does not have to deliver what you order, how hard will life be then?
What if everything is all right as it is, even when it doesn't live up to your desires?
The Star Within
Ask your own heart for advice and ask not so much advice from others. You have been taught to look to others. I am teaching you to look to yourself. There is a sage within you. Call upon the sageness of your own heart.
Truly, when you ask others for advice frequently, you are playing an ask-for-advice game. Do you really think that others have more sense than you? I think deep down you know better.
This is not to say that you cannot learn from others. Keep your ears open, but be your own advisor. Take counsel of yourself.