An Ocean of Love Deep in the Heart of God
Can it be? Can it really be true that you and I are One? How can it be, you wonder. While you may be immersed in problems, you are well aware that I am free from the concept of problem. In the arena I am in, there is no such thing as problem. There is joy, and there is peace, and there is love. Where can problem exist in the midst of such wonderfulness?
How can you bridge this distance you feel between Us? How can We bridge the gap, beloveds, between the ideas in your head and the Reality That Is? How do We get you to come over to My side of the river?
All That You Really Want
What if you could really believe that you are Oneness, My Oneness? The whole world would open for you. There would no longer be seeming departures from Oneness. You would understand Who you are, and you would live it. Of course, you would, for you would see the world as a flower opening before your very eyes. Indeed, you would see with new eyes, and you would see what you had not seen before. You would see what you had never seen before because you would be new.
A Father and Child Talk
You are banners that I have displayed all over the world. You come in all the colors of light. Actually, you are neon lights I have wired across the known and unknown universes. You are the true Christmas lights that light up the world and proclaim My Name. You are the stars on Earth, and you are perpetual light. No key to wind. No batteries to replace. You, whoever you think you are, and wherever you think you are, are My Light emblazoned on Earth. Your light beacons across the seas of stars and galaxies you cannot even see or fathom. Your influence is vaster that you can conceive.
Where God Has Been All Along
No longer will you belabor points. You will let more of life fall where it may, like a springtime rain, like blossoms from a tree, like words from a page.
When you read a book, you don't try to change the words as you go along. Like petals, you let the words fall where they may. Of course, with a book, if you don't like it, you can stop reading any time you like. You can get off in midstream. You don't even have to begin reading a book that doesn't appeal to you at all.
There will no longer be the thought, "To each his own". The concept of ownership will be of the past long gone, no matter to what the ownership refers to. Whether ownership refers to objects or ideas or anything at all, instead of "To each his own", it will be known that "To each is everyone's. To all belongs all. There is only Oneness now."
Use Your Heart
The wheel of life spins, and every once in a while, it gets a spurt, or, rather, you see it starting its revolution. You feel an upsurge. You feel there is a new momentum and you are impelled along.
So goes your growth faster. It is true you are speeded up. What is a higher vibration? It is a faster speed but so fast it is timeless.
You have had a jump-start. You are already started, and now you are on your way. The force of My love has impelled you.
The Unboundedness of You
Assume you are unboundedness. Unboundness means no barriers. The truth is that there are no barriers. All barriers are illusions. They are painted cardboard fences that you think are stone.
There is no barrier that you cannot break through, climb over, walk around. Barriers exist only in your mind. Someone said they were there, and you accepted that they were. You set up the supposed barriers, or someone else did.
Barriers are a deck of cards. Your breath can blow them over without a backward glance.
Be the Greatness That You Are
God is true to you. It is nothing for God to be true to you, for there is nothing that He can be false with.
And, if you were false with nothing, you would be simply and clearly true to God, for God and Truth are the same.
You have many concerns, and they are all illusion.
All you have is Me.
Anything else is an idle fluctuation on the course of Our love.
The other day I suggested that, as an experiment, you reverse your thinking to see what you come up with. What you have discovered is that nothing is as you thought.
The Land of Truth
Yes, you are a showman unparalleled. You have your part down to perfection. You have stayed within the white lines perfectly. You have been a splendid fraud, perfect actually.
But now you have found out what an actor you are, and now you end the masquerade. You don’t tiptoe over the white lines you had laid out in chalk and perceived as borders as strong as an iron fence. No, now you fly over all the charlatan boundaries. You no longer see them nor give thought to them. You don’t give them two cents.
He Who Abides within You
You would love to know your destiny. You would love to know what you were born for. I tell you every day in many ways. You were born to be great, and that means to love. This is what you were born for.
To be great, all you have to do is to reveal your Greatness. If you cannot see your Greatness for yourself, then reveal others’ Greatness to them. Perhaps that is your Greatness. Oh, Beloveds, let it be great to be.