
What Greatness Might Look Like

God said:

You have an old image of yourself, perhaps one handed down.

If You Welcomed All Seasons, What Would You Resist?

God said:

What if every single thing that occurs, no matter how it may seem, is the right thing? If you could know that all that befalls, no matter how distorted, has its value, how fraught with tension and worry could you then be? If all accidents were not accidents, if all crimes were not crimes, if all illness were not illness, how anxiety-ridden could you remain? If you knew that everything, no matter how uncalled for, served a good purpose, what would you bemoan? If you didn't ask why and try and try to figure out the ins and outs of events, how much time and energy would you conserve?

Be Your Own Prince

God said:

Beloveds, rally round yourselves. Be your own best friend. Give yourself all the support you wish others would give to you. Whose opinion really matters but yours and Mine?

Free the Whales

God said:

You are My result, and you are also the result of your ancestors. And part of your purpose is to free yourself from them. Love them, be grateful to them, but step out from them, for often what you have inherited are limits. A child of Mine is not bounded but unbounded, so you must leap away from the confines of local inheritance.

You belong to a larger universe than your bloodline. That is physical, and it is momentary. Go back to your beginning before you were outlined in the physical, and you will begin to know your boundlessness.

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