Say You Will

God said:

Inasmuch as life does not stay the same, it will be good for you to lean toward what makes you happy. Although thoughts of how badly life has treated you may give you some sense of vindication, such thoughts do not lift you to happiness. By and large, the more belly-aching you do, the more belly-aching you will continue to do. You play a losing game. However, the more you focus on what makes you happy, the more happiness will be yours.

In fact, right now, if you will think of something that gives you joy to think about, you will have more happiness right now. No matter what difficulties you may be in the midst of, if you like mountain climbing, make some plans to mountain-climb for this weekend. If you are bedridden and cannot, then read a book about someone else’s adventures of mountain-climbing and have some of the happiness you desire.

It seems obvious that thinking of what gives you even a little happiness works better in this moment than recounting all the reasons why you are not happy right now. How can anyone not know this or act on this? Go toward what you want rather than rattling off what you can’t stand another moment of. The fact is that you can stand it. The fact is that you can rise above it.

You can’t keep waiting for a genie to appear or a Fairy Godmother to whisk your present situation away. You may be convincing yourself that I ought to do something about your unhappiness now. Whatever your life may be, whatever your woes are, there is something for you to do that you have to do and no one can do for you. Feeling troubled is for you to remove from your life. If you stay the same, another unwanted unhappiness will take the old unhappiness’s spotlight.

You may feel that you can only be happy when X is removed from your life, yet if you are miserable now, something else will come forward. You may think: “If I divorce, how happy I will be.” Thousands of men and women could tell you that this isn’t their experience.

I would love to see you happy. You know by now that happiness is not a commodity. Happiness is not financial wealth. It is not youth. You had youth and were in turmoil. It is not even health for you have had good health and been unhappy.

Beloveds, peace lies within you. Peace is not the climate you live in. Peace is the harbinger of happiness. It allows happiness to enter. Happiness is neither an absence nor is happiness a presence outside you. It is your bent. You are the stirrer of your own happiness or unhappiness. It is not just talk when I say that you can have happiness under all circumstances. Put your attention on happiness and take your attention off unhappiness. You set the limits upon yourself. I ask you to ease up on unhappiness. Unhappiness is not a life sentence. Happiness may be something that you have been waiting for as if you can only be a willing object of happiness and not an attractor. No, My dear, you are the subject who garners happiness within you right now.

If moaning about how unhappy you feel brought you happiness, I would tell you to moan about your unhappiness. However, extolling about how unhappy you are, doesn’t work, so I tell you in no uncertain terms to stop dwelling on what does not give you happiness.

You are not a victim of unhappiness, for you tend to call unhappiness to you and take it in and give it a home. You may complain about unhappiness while you make it comfortable.

Come, now, become a happiness-monger. Come out of darkness into the Light. Look up, make no complaints, and invite happiness to you. Get your mind off your difficulties. Even in your same situation, you can be rich with happiness. Don’t say you can’t. Say you will.

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Don’t say you can’t. Say you will.

..."And each individual you meet has a message that corresponds to a thought of yours. Stop thinking of your untowardly thoughts, and acknowledge that this person has come to you as a blessing. You are being offered something you sought. Therefore, seek goodness, and look for it."

from HL 380 God's Dream of You

Don’t say you can’t. Say you will.

Thank you nirmala for being the blessing that you are, and for bringing us more of the goodness that we all seek. :-)

So many excellent quotes to choose from in this letter you have brought forth today, and here are just a few of my favorites:

If you could but abandon the thought of trouble, trouble would flee.

Enough thinking of troubles. Think of goodness and wellness and all that I bequeath. Be a harbinger of joy, not woe. You have set forth in life to seek your fortune, not your woe. You have set forth in life to discover truth, not illusion. You have set forth to reveal My dream of you.

Instead of gearing yourself up to withstand what life offers, offer yourself to life gently. Be a watcher of life, a greeter of it. Do not require admittance from others. Make it a given that goodness reaches you. Do not disband your heart. Allow it.

and so..

I WILL! (x3) ;-)

Say You Will

It is with Great Joy, Gratitude and Appreciation that I welcome Happiness into My Open Heart as I witness this Miracle called Life on a Beautiful Planet named Earth. I know that depressed emotions drawn more of the same. So what shall I do?
I choose to leave low vibrations behind and I dance in the gift of this day. Oh Happy Day, I hop on Stage and Sing and Dance and Play. AM I having fun? Oh yea! ;-)

Let no word discourage your heart.

(Excerpts from Heavenletter #1970, The Sun Gives Its Light)

On Earth, sometimes love seems to be what there is not plenty of. And yet there is not one heart in the world who doesn’t desire the same love as you do, and there is not one heart in the world, including yours, that does not have great love in it to give. So then, the only explanation for the appearance of unlove in the world is that love has been denied. It’s hard to believe that anyone would deny the love in his heart, and yet it is done more frequently than I would like to say or you admit.

Perhaps you would do well to see love as a beautiful sunrise or sunset.

Your heart is a sun, and it has the divine right of the sun to shine always, independent of whatever goes on in the world. The sun of your heart is to shine brightly, never to dim. Shadows are stealthy and dim, but not the sun of your heart. Your heart is to be set out in the light of day. No umbrella over your heart. No mask. No disguise. Just pure heart shining, reveling in its own light, reveling in the giving of it.

Your heart requires nothing but to give. And so, beloveds, give your heart. Give it without quarter, without question. Your love is not a tax to be withheld. Your love is not to be counted. It is merely to be given away free the same way the sun gives its light for all regardless of anything.

The sun knows of no obstacles to itself.

Let no word discourage your heart.


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