Release Judgments by Facing Them

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to Heavenreaders:

Going to the Human Services Department yesterday turned out to be nothing at all. I don't know how they could have been nicer or more helpful. I feel it was God Who brought me to their door. They offered me total dental care, chiropractic, etc. They helped me apply for SSI, something I could have had for years instead of burdening my daughter.

Instead of feeling like I was disgracing myself, I really felt I was honoring myself. Something huge broke within me. I wasn't worrying about who would see me and all that. What a transformation. What a transformation in one day! Hallelujah!


Dear God, yesterday you spoke about not feeling shame. If I had murdered someone, should I not be ashamed?


I do not recommend murder, but it is an error of thinking that allows murder. Murderous thoughts and subsequent emotions get turned into murder. Greed turns into murder. Fear turns into murder. Murder is momentary power. It is ignorance. Who would imagine he needs that imagined power when he knows his true status?

Mistakes are mistakes, no matter what level they are on. Ignorance is ignorance. The spilling of blood isn't so opposite from spilling a bottle of ink. Both mistakes, deliberate or by accident. The consequences of one are greater than the consequences of another, but I do not love My son who slays less than the one slain.

The world says one is better. I do not know that because I look higher. If I looked at My children's mistakes, I would be very busy. No, I look at the innocence of My children, and thus I see their beauty. A God cannot do otherwise. I would not be God if I saw things the way the world does see things.

And so must you, too, look bigger. You must see beyond.

You do not even know what purpose one who murders may be serving. He may be providing something. Maybe his act prevents others from the same. Responsibility lies with all or with none.

When the world is more harmonious, there will be no murder. There will be no perceived need for it. There will be no cause for it, no inclination. No one will have to be a victim.

In Heaven there are no victors nor victims.

There is Oneness and sweetness of love. Nothing can be taken apart in Heaven. Oneness in Heaven is more obvious than Oneness on earth because Heaven has no imagined opposite. Because there is no disharmony, joy at one end of Heaven is clearly felt at the other.

This is true on earth as well. No one is alone. No one is impervious. No matter how far apart My children may think they are, they are pulling the same wagon of life. And everyone together pulls it. Whatever someone pulling on the other side of the wagon does, it affects you. Whatever it is, it affects you. You are not unaffected. And you do not unaffect anyone else.

That is why My words here, whether read or not, rumble across the universe and contribute to keeping My children grounded. Grounded does not mean stuck to the earth. It means having your feet planted on earth and your eyes firmly fixed on Heaven. You can be on tiptoe with your arms up high and you reach to Heaven as you still touch earth. Yes, reach to Heaven from where you stand.


A spiritual friend of mine has become friends through letters with someone who is on Death Row in Texas. My friend is a true caring friend to this man. She's either broken her boundaries or never had them. I just want to clarify that their friendship has no romantic overtones. I keep finding my boundaries, dear God. I see I even think that without romance is more honorable. I am covered with judgments, God.


You are removing your judgments.


This man is sentenced to death for murder. I do not know the circumstances, and I do not know his guilt or his innocence, but I know that my willful heart sees him as a being apart. I am sorry.

Here I am, wanting Heaven to get into prisons, and I'm stiff about people there, or some people there.


Here you are facing what you feel. You are not ignoring it or pretending its existence away.

Be in pure love, and what this man has done or not done will not put up any separator between you. What he has done or not done does not make you closer either, do you see? Someone in trouble does not gain more of your love than someone who is not. You are not giving approval or disapproval. Pure love just is. It is where you are and is not dependent upon the other person or his circumstances. In fact, in pure love, your eyes meet and recognize the one Self within you reflected by the other, for you know there is no other, and that love only meets love.

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Joyce M. to Heavenletters:

In regard to yesterday's revelation, is that all?

Nancy L. to Heavenletters:

Dear Gloria, I am so glad you are willing to ask the questions that you ask. To me one of the things that makes Heavenletters so great is that you are willing to expose your own weaknesses. If you were perfect, it just would not be the same. I do wish you perfect health, Gloria. God's answers are so encouraging.

Love you.