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Quotes from Heavenletters Book One
Posted March 30th, 2009 by Jim Keller
"I am tired of being this petulant particular person. Let me be a lover of life. While I am at it, why not love? I've had enough of everything else, and now I will try love. I shall stand tall with love" pg. 224
You are precious...
"Concede that you are worthy, despite everything, despite all your faults, despite all your ignorance, despite yur physicalness, despite your moods, despite your fears, despite your perceived inadequacies. Despite anything, concede that you are precious to Me." HL Book One p 251.
I just have o say about this quote: Yes, yes and yes! Let nothing your mind may conjure up interfere with the Truth of who you are (Love) and what you are to do here on Earth (Love) Jim.
Jim, sweetest divine
sweetest divine blessing that you are !!
Much love