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Problem with scheduling options...

Hello all,

Letters used to to be published at a specific hour quite early in the morning.

It's not the case right now, and the automatic sending is still operating at the same hour. The problem is that it is sending the letter published the day before...

It needs to be fixed rather urgently!

With love,


Hi Jean-Christophe,Thank

Hi Jean-Christophe,

Thank you for alerting us. I'm reviewing all the Heavenletters in the publishing queue and correcting the publish times. I'm not sure how, but all the Heavenletters which I set to publish at 00:00:00 are now set to publish at 16:xx:00, 4pm instead of midnight. It could have been my mistake!

I added a the time data to the Heavenletter listing so we can see the date and time of when a Heavenletter will be published.

Many thanks.

One Love,


p.s I moved this post to the web & tech support forum.