Pledge Your Troth to God

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Ruth to Heavenletters:

Dear Gloria, you mentioned in an email to me that you do not have all the faith that you want to have and will have. It seems to me you have lots of faith to even be doing Heavenletters, but that is for God to talk to you about!

Gloria to God:

Dear God, what Ruth said has been going through my mind. Is she a messenger from You?

Is it possible that I have more faith in You than I know? Could it be I have greater faith in You than I am aware of?


Absolutely. Everyone has more faith in Me than they are aware of. What would you strive for if you had conscious awareness and acknowledgement of total faith in Me? What would be left of you — you, as that little twist of ego that won't let go. You would lose yourself. My children find it hard to let go of that false identity they have so long carried.

Doubts are manufactured things, dear Gloria. You doubt your faith in Me more than you doubt Me! You doubt yourself.

What would happen if you let go of that doubt?

The wars would be over. All minor skirmishes gone. You would have total Me. You would have lost false image and immersed yourself in Me. You would have lost yourself to find yourself.

Are you really so in love with emotional upheavals that you won't leave them behind? Is it so wonderful to go up and down, up and down? Is it so thrilling to be on a Merry-Go-Round or roller coaster? Is it so important to hold on to old ways of thinking?

You think you would be abandoning yourself. You would abandon turmoil. You would abandon loss and pain. You would invest wholeheartedly in Me and withdraw your investment from the material. You would still live in the world, but you would not be its captive. You would abandon your captivity. That is all.

The sun will shine in the sky just the same. Clouds and rain will come, but you will know the Everglow of the Sun and not be diminished. You can go up one step and accept your share in My kingdom. Your share is your absolution from strife, your acceptance of My full love, and the commitment to Truth that goes along with Me.

My full love you already have. I don't yet have your full acceptance. Isn't it strange that I, God, would offer My children everything, and that they would hesitate to accept for fear that they might lose their afternoon tea or have to reassemble their lists or sit in another chair? — perhaps a throne along with Me? Do you really think that I would offer too much to you? Would you really settle for less than I offer?

That is what you have been doing. I offer you gold, and you say, "No, God, I'm only worthy of tin." So in increments, I offer you brass and silver, and you work your way up.

But you can accept the gold in the first place.

Refuse Me no longer.

It is your turn at bat. Step up. I would not call you unless you were worthy. I call all because all are worthy. Some have better hearing than others.

But once you hear Me, can you continue to deny Me My Will?

You know you Godwrite for Me. You know the messages are Mine for you to give. In terms of Godwriting, you are like a water-wheel. You have perpetual motion, free-flowing, gears beautifully synchronized, no oil needed. You can have that in all areas of life by one simple choice. Choose Me. It is not a vow you have to make. It is an awareness and an acceptance of what is. I am your Creator, and I am your Preceptor, and I always have been and always will be. Everything is done except your acceptance.

It is not emptying your heart to fill it with Me.

Fill your heart with My love, and then it is full.

What can displace it?

Kiss your ego goodbye.

It never was.

It was a cartoon character you believed in.

Now believe in Me and My capability to lift My children to the top of the mountain where they can see a vast expanse, where nothing is changed but everything is changed. The embellishments are gone from your sight, and you see further and deeper, and you see Our pure light shining every-which-way.

Pledge your troth to Me. Say, "Dear God, I will see Truth from now on. I will not distract myself from Truth. I will accept the Magnificence of Your creation and the Magnificence of Your children of which I am One. God, thank You for willing Me Your heart and Your eyes and giving Me the grace to accept them."

Is that so hard?

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Carol J. to Heavenletters:

Dear Gloria, here we are again, connected in another completely different way. Sometimes I think God must chuckle when He sees the threads of our lives winding around each other…

I am receiving the letters perfectly, and am happy to be on the trial subscription.