Phoenix Area Godwriting Workshop all set!
The Phoenix Godwriting workshop will be held at the Sun City Unity Church on Saturday, March 7 and Sunday, March 8, from 1-5 p.m. both days. The address is 10101 W. Coggins Drive, Sun City, AZ. The two-part workshop is being offered for $75. Two afternoon sessions is the format that allows participants to gain confidence in our ability to hear from God and willingness to share with others in the group. The second afternoon includes a lot of sharing of our individual Godwritings, each as precious and unique as the individual to whom it has been given.
Godwriting has been my primary spiritual practice since the first Godwriting workshop Gloria held in Montana, which I attended in April, 2005. This will be my third Godwriting workshop. My late husband and I sponsored one in September of 2006.
It is of incalculable value to me to have learned from Gloria to let God speak to me in such a personal way. What a wonderful thing to be able to go back through my Godwriting journals and re-experience the comfort and hope that have carried me through recent major changes in my life, particularly the loss of my husband in an accident a year and a half ago.
I am grateful to be able to pass the blessing on by helping put this workshop together. I wish to especially thank the Sun City Unity Church for use of their facilities, Sue Gima for extending hospitality to Gloria, and Allegiant Airlines, which had agreeable flight arrangements for her.
Phoenix isn't far from Las Vegas and is just a few hours from San Diego. It is possible folks may come that far. Heaven News might bring people from a few hour radius. We're looking forward to a Heavenly workshop.
To register in advance, payment can be made through PayPal at Contributions [at] Heavenletters [dot] org, (be sure to note it's for the Phoenix workshop) or call Carol Adler at 480-897-4452 You can email me carol9844 [at] gmail [dot] or email, for this workshop only, godwriting [at] heavenletters [dot] org.
Carol Maurer
Carol, what a testimonial
Carol, what a testimonial you are to Godwriting(tm) and the grace of God. You initiated this workshop, and you are making it happen. You are taking care of everything.
May people come to it from all over and be blessed with this gift of Godwriting.
Let me just add that you didn't learn how to do this from me, dear Carol. The only explanation I have is that God somehow does teach us. It must be that He attends. It seems to me that He just comes in and swoops us up, and we can only Godwrite.
I Godwrite every day as you know, and yet to Godwrite with a group of Godwriters is an extra gift God has given.
Thank you, Carol.
God bless you.
With love,
Thank you Carol! This is
Thank you Carol! This is going to be a big one. Here is the info again that's been posted on the blog and on Eventful.

Place: Unity Church, Sun City, Phoenix, Arizona
Dates: Saturday and Sunday, March 7 and 8
Times: 1 - 5 P.M. Host: Carol Maurer
Phone: Carol Adler 480-897-4452
email: carol9844 [at] gmail [dot] com
Suggested Donation $75.
Poster downloads:
A3 - Print quality version - 6.7MB PDF
A4 - Print quality version - 6.7MB PDF
Here is the listing on Eventful:
Please tell your friends in Phoenix! Hope to see you there.
Here is the Google Map link
Here is the Google Map link for easy directions.,+Sun+City,+Arizon...