Oneness Embraced by Oneness

God said:

What a to-do the world is! What a fuss it makes! It treats the important and the unimportant equally. Everything becomes big. The world cuts itself in pieces and fits the pieces in somewhere. Whether the pieces fit or not, the world squeezes them in. The world does not know what it is doing. It breaks its own bones, calling "Foul!" and adds another law, forgetting about the law of love. Words become words and their meanings are bent. The world squawks.

Were the world struck dumb, it would speak more Truth. In silence, Truth would be seen. In silence, Truth would express itself. In silence, Truth would be heard. You would hear yourself speak Truth. You wouldn't hear anything else.

The world would expand in gentle tenderness. Everyone would be treated like the Golden Light he is. There would be no need for comfort, for discomfort would not exist. Love would be exercised. There would be no judging of people because love would reign. All exchange would be love. Beloveds, do you not yearn for this state of affairs?

There would be no need to mandate action because all action would come from love. Love would expand. The present-seeming world would be blown away by the power of love, and a new world would arise before your very words. The present-seeming world would be like a dream you had which you cannot quite remember.

And why would you remember it? You would do well to forget it. You would be immersed in the reality of love. All muscles would relax. There would be nothing to tense for.

Love would be like a ping pong ball you paddle back and forth. No one would miss anything. You would play catch with love itself, and no one would fumble. There would be no rules to the game. There would be need of none. The one rule would be understood by all, that love is given to you to give in an ever-widening circle. Love would not be a hot potato, but you couldn't give it fast enough. You would speed up, however, because the faster you would give, the faster it would come back. With only two hands and one heart, yet you would keep up.

Pretty soon you would only walk in love. There would be nothing to catch and nothing to throw. Surrounded by love, there would be no delineation between you and anyone else. There would be nothing to compare love to. There would be no counting it, for love would already be counted. It would be counted One.

Error would be unknown. With love, error cannot exist. Love would be fool-proof. It would be welcomed everywhere. The only passport anyone would ever need is love. Love would be your signature, and your signature would be enough. What borders could exist in the midst of love? Who could be kept in, and who could be kept out? Why would anyone want to? No one would.

All would be embrace. All would be Oneness embraced by Oneness.

There would be a worldwide web of love. Love would reach everywhere. Love would determine more love. There would be no breaks anywhere, for love cannot be broken. Reality would be recognized. Everyone would receive a lei, and everyone would give more than one. Everyone would be charmed by love, and all would be charming. Only what is desired would exist. No one would know what undesirable is. They would not believe in such a phenomenon. There would be no imagined need to hold the unwanted. There would be nothing left to imagine, because all would be realized. My Will will have been done, and you will have done it.

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1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello friends,

God said imagine
Oneness embraced by Oneness
Worldwide Web of love

Love, Light, and Aloha!