Oceans of Love

God said:

All you want is love. That is a fact. That is across the board. All you want is love.

All the song lyrics are right. All you want is love. And you will accept all semblance of love as love, even when you know it isn't. You want love so much you will even accept imitations. You know better, and yet, you crave love so much, you will accept anything. You will do almost anything in order to grab the love your heart longs for.

You feel that there is a hole so deep in your heart that you will accept anything to fill it. How threadbare you feel your heart is. How longing your heart is for love that you will even accept crumbs.

The thing is that no one can fill your heart for you. You can kid yourself about this, yet the kidding lasts only so long. Eventually, when you tip your heart, you find it is still empty.

It is incumbent upon you to fill your heart with love. It is your love to fill your heart with. It is My love to fill your heart with. And then you will give away all that love. And when you tip your heart, you will find that it is still full. It is brimming with love. It is overflowing. Only that which you give do you keep. That's how it is.

Love in your heart wants to get going. It doesn't want to feel stuck in one place. Unless your heart is flowing love, your heart is like a car going down a one-way street the wrong way. There is only one way for love to surface, and that is flowing from your heart. How important is the preposition - from. From, not to. If you think love has to come to you, you have it wrong. The love you have is yours to give. Love flows out. This is the ebbing of the tide of love. It washes through you. Yes, you fill your heart by emptying it. The well of love to drink from is your own.

I say that with the understanding that all love is Mine. It is from Me. That is how My heart is filled with love. I give it away. I do not count. I do not measure. I give. I give constantly. I give without reservation. I give to all. I give to all all the love in My heart. My love has a good time. I never cut it off. I give an ocean-stream of love. One bucket cannot fill My heart of love. Ocean after ocean fills My heart so that I can pour Mine into yours. My love flows through your heart. There is no love but Mine. And that is your love to give.

You who are waiting for love to come to you have been given it. You have to notice. I have pumped love into your heart without cease. Start emptying your heart of love, and you will begin to see how full of love your heart is. You cannot dam your heart up. You have to open the dikes and let all that love through.

Love people. Love what you do. Love, love, love. Get that love flowing.

You are not to be a hoarder of love. The more you hoard love, the less you have. It evaporates. There is no silo for love. There are only hearts. Hearts are passed from one to another, from one generation to another. If your heart is a deck of cards, you must deal. You don't wait for someone else to deal. You are the dealer of love, and you must deal love out.

Let love emanate from you. Spoken or unspoken, emanate love.

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Dearest Heavenly Lord,

Dearest Heavenly Lord, Gloria, Brothers and Sisters,

Let love emanate from you. Spoken or unspoken, emanate love.

What else can we do but love. No matter what emotions or feelings we are experiencing, it does not mean there is no room for love. In fact, these emotions and feelings are experienced within the room of love. The idea of hoarding love is almost unthinkable. Love needs to be emanated and radiated through us. Love is not sarcastic, it is nurturing, supportive and comforting. Love does not ridicule. It encourages, empowers and is the base of self-esteem. Love does not judge. it exercises and prompts compassion. Love is not smart, it is wise. Love is not money. Love is the touch of God. No amount of money could ever reflect the pricelessness of your Love. There is a bank of Love within out heart and this bank is more like a free flowing account where all our love is shared and none is kept under key and lock.

Yours in love and service,

Oceans of love

Thank you for this wonderful inspiring message. I believe that what you give to another will come back to you again. Give love and you will receive love, so true.

One bucket cannot fill My heart of love.

Love people. Love what you do. Love, love, love. Get that love flowing. Start emptying your heart of love, and you will begin to see how full of love your heart is. My love flows through your heart. There is no love but Mine. And that is your love to give. no doubt, it is already flowing, not just now but also it is there absolutely at any place.

Nirmala tells the whole Story of Love.

Nirmala, your elegant words say such love!!!!!.. You are love.


That is how My heart is

That is how My heart is filled with love.
I give it away.
I do not count.
I do not measure.
I give.
I give constantly.
I give without reservation.
I give to all.
I give to all all the love in My heart.
I give an ocean-stream of love.
Ocean after ocean fills My heart so that I can pour Mine into yours.
My love flows through your heart.
There is no love but Mine.
And that is your love to give.

Who cares if someone or many come and take a cup or two or more.... when we are the infinite Ocean of Love ?

I think this is the Heavenletter of my life, which is God's :-)
much love

Precious Berit gave us Love and more love by her words.

Berit, you just did this Heaven Letter. Thanks sweet one.


God tells us: " There is no love but Mine."

God tells us so clearly in this beautiful Heaven Letter where that love is stored. It's placed by the Father in our hearts. This kind of love flows when we give it without conditions or restrictions. Take this Heaven Letter with you in your heart. Learn it and grow it.



I was some days absent from my country for 16 days to Israel the Holy Land and I am back home enjoying what God says.

Yesterday, I was just talking to a group of young people about love. Love is not a feeling. The feelings change from the so called love to just the opposite of love.

The real love does not change. God is love.Love is not God.The nature of God in us can love. We love with God´s love when He really abides in us and we abide in Him.

Human nature is contrary to love. What we feel is not love.Love never becomes hatred or envy, calumny, backbiting, jealousy, competition or comparisons to minimize others or something.

Love is not a feeling. Feelings are fleetings waves, uncontrollable and instable waves of emotions that become feelings. Let there be light. Let there be love.Let there be peace, that is, God´s peace that cannot be understood by human reasonings. Timoteo

So glad to have you back,

So glad to have you back, Timoteo! Missed you!

Somewhere there is a Heavenletter™ where God says a lot of what you say about love, the love that goes beyond understanding, the love that doesn't change into something else. I believe God said that love is not an emotion at all. Bigger than that. Not dependent upon the conditions we, as human beings, so often find necessary -- that proof of love that we so often desire and believe we need. Such a difference between love and attachment.

Is it really that human nature is contrary to love? Our egos interfere with love, certainly.

If we are God's children, are we not as much divine as we are human, whether we know it or not. God in Heavenletters™ says we are beautiful. I think He also says that if we truly knew how beautiful we are, if we knew how loved we are, we wouldn't get caught up in the attachments we do. We would just love regardless of appearances and even conduct. Therefore, our love would just emanate from our hearts, and, like God, we wouldn't be able to stop it.

The same way as God sees himself in us, we would see Him in everyone.

Our love would become more universal than personal. That must make all the difference in the world.

God in Heavenletters™ says so much about love.

Welcome back, Timoteo.

your terminology

In your letters you write " God said" well, God does not have a mouth because God is not human and God can not talk in words. God is consiousnness - not a human entity.
I do not hink it is wise to mis inform people

Dear Madelyn, I totally

Dear Madelyn, I totally understand what you are saying. And, of course, from a literal point of view, you are absolutely right.

Of course, It is a convention altogether when we speak of God and the rest of us as separate from God!

At the beginning, I used to say, not God said, but just God: Changed it to God said when I started reading Heavenletters™ out loud before groups. Saying just God didn't work!

Of course, there are alternatives, such as HIgher Consciousness or Spirit etc., yet, you know, I can't quite relate to them the way I do to God. I mean, I love God. I feel close to Him. This is interesting because I did not grow up with the word God or even know I was a spiritual human being until I was in my 40's nor was I always comfortable with the word God.

I suppose I could say: Gloria heard or To the best of my ability, it came to me that God said: but, you know, none of those feel right to me either. And, you know, Madelyn, God seems to be okay with God said: :)

David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., author of Power vs. Force, wrote to me personally and said that it is really the Voice for God that I "hear." He noted that it is the same Voice for God as in A Course in Miracles. Could be.

I heard God say in a Heavenletter™ or in personal Godwriting™, something like: "Never mind who said it. Does what is said ring true to your heart?"

You will find more under FAQ and The Story of Heavenletters. Look on the right margin.

Of course, no one here wants to misinform anyone. Just wanting to share the messages here that are meaningful to many.

God bless you, Madelyn, and thank you for writing.

With love,



One Sound
Heavenletter #3178 Published on: August 7, 2009

God said:
The same way as your thoughts reach the world, so do Mine. Heard or unheard, My words still reach. My words speak for Me, as it were.

We can say that I made one sound at the beginning of Creation, and that sound continues. It certainly hasn't stopped. You are hearing the hum of My voice now.

I do not speak in any one language, and yet I am heard in all languages. Of course, I AM, for I AM beyond language.

I do not speak in tongues. You hear Me in the language you are familiar with. It is like you hear a familiar tune, and at first you can't place it, and then in a thrice, the words of the song come to you. I am the song not quite submerged within you. I am the song forgotten but yet hinted at. And then you have a breakthrough. Beloveds, We speak the same language, even as We are far beyond language.

Language is a tool to dig up the meaning, yet meaning is not dependent upon language.

There is a lot about Me that comes from your memory, beloveds. I am stirred from the depths of you. You can consider Me the lion's roar. You may not hear, and yet you can know that a lion is roaring. I use the word roar as an example, for, of course, I do not roar. I sing, but I do not roar.

I am the hum of the Universe, and I reverberate through you. You are never without Me, and I am never without you. Break the word without in two. I am not out of you. I am not with out you. I am not outside you any more than you are on the outside of Me. We are One yet with what you might say are interchangeable parts, and yet We are not in parts whatsoever, for We are One. We have never parted company.

Hear Me. Hear the magnificence of yourself. Hear your lion's roar. The lion's roar I speak of is friendly. It is the sound of Our One Heart beating.

As to the question of whether one hand can clap, well, of course, it can. Clapping wells up. Delight doesn't even need one hand! It doesn't need hands at all. Delight rises from deeper than any hand. Clapping is inevitable because a great appreciation of the Universe is your natural expression. Less than appreciation is unnatural.

Beloveds, a blind man does see. Seeing is beyond the eyes. In the ancient literature, it was indeed the blind who could see. They were not so distracted. They more than saw. They knew. Because of their blindness, they paused to see, for all the knowledge is within every reflection of the One Heart that pulses throughout the Universe. All seeing is seeing within. The light that goes on is not outside you. There is no outside you.

Yes, yes, you can touch that which is seemingly outside you, and you can draw pictures of it, even diagram it, make specifications for it, and yet that is perception. Your perception. Perception comes from within you. Perception does not exist outside you. You perceive hot and cold, yet hot and cold are relative. What you perceive is the relative world which exists only as you see it. If you did not perceive it, where would it be? You are the beholder, and yet your eyes are lidded.

As you grow toward your greater awareness of Our Oneness, the less of your attention that goes to the particulars. Your attention goes more to the Wholeness that exists. And where does Wholeness exist? Why, it exists within you. And yet, even so, there is no with out you. There is one Song, and it is I, and I keep singing it.

Beloved Jochen, you must

Beloved Jochen, you must have a special power for finding the right Heavenletter! Muchas gracias.


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